Very appropriate discussion and disclosure in this program; many thanks to Steve, Linda and the crew at goldenageofgaia for sharing this material. Well done.
An Hour With An Angel, January 26, 2017
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Steve Beckow: Host, InLight Radio
Steve: Good evening, Linda
Linda Dillon: Good evening Steve, another exciting day as we move into these rapidly changing times.
SB: It’s hard to keep up. I’ll be moving at the end of the month. Everything’s in boxes and disarray.
LD: I think there are a lot of people both actually and metaphorically that have their life in boxes or in transit, and I think it’s indicative of the changes that we’re going through.
SB: Also, I think there’s a tremendous amount of people who have a crisis in their life, a health crisis, or relationship crisis.
LD: Yes. On the Council of Love’s Saturday conference call Archangel Michael had been talking to the folks because lots of people were expressing enormous exuberance, and others were expressing real crisis, despair, feelings of being adrift and disconnected. I think it’s the clearing of the individual and the collective as well. Don’t forget, the rules have changed and we’re all clearing for millions of people. The key is to use the energy of creative chaos, which is the sixth dimension. But, do not get caught in the chaos because it will just drag you down and eat you up. We are in rough seas.
SB: Yes. And we have Sanat Kumara today, keeper of the universal laws, and our planetary logos, soon to be, in cosmic time – solar logos. And, hopefully, he’ll be able to tell us a little bit more about how to navigate these times. I will let you make your transition.
SK: Greetings, I am Sanat Kumara.
SB: Greetings, Raj.

Because you know in the simplest of physics and chemistry and family dynamics that you do not get to change one element of a compound, of a system, of a reality, of a collective, without influencing and shifting the entirety thereof.
Now, each of you, my beloved friends – and might I say even say my beloved family – are dealing with this change, with this fundamental shift in energy and reality in what is available to you in a different way. Note what I say, my beloveds, I do not say “incorrectly” or “correctly,” “right” or “wrong.” I simply highlight and bring to your attention that each of you are dealing with this acting, reacting, observing, participating in these changes in different ways.
And, yes, it is dependent upon not only your experience to date, not only your experience in the immediacy of the situation, not only in the immediacy of this life and many, many lives, but also the elements, the energies that you are surrounded by – those that are apparent and those that are not.
It is a moment, and even an infinite moment, to truly take care of yourselves.
Yes, I am keeper, some would say master, of universal laws. I am planetary logos and that has been not only my duty, my responsibility, but my infinite joy. And, some of you I see you shaking your heads and saying, “Lord, how can that possibly be an infinite joy? There has been such a long history of darkness, of abuse, of cruelty, of mayhem, of chaos.”

Joy is not simply reactive happiness. Joy is not – although akin to bliss – joy does not always mean, my dearest hearts, that everything is going perfectly. So often that is the assumption or the inference that you give: “I’m in joy now. I have let go of my vasanas. My relationship is humming along, money in the bank and food in my belly, I am safe. I am in joy.”
Joy overrides everything. Joy is the ability, the choice, the capacity, the practice to stay in the love, to be the love, to experience and to express the love regardless of what is transpiring, both in what you assume – and I do mean assume – is actuality, or reality that is unseen.
Joy allows you to move into the knowing of love. And in that knowing there is in fact greater joy, greater bliss, greater peace, greater truth because they are stand-alones. Now, it is ironic because this is not exactly what I came to speak of today, but it is what arises in this infinite moment of now.
So, my friends, let us look together at what is going on upon your planet, upon this beloved Terra Gaia, Nova Earth, this tender archangel who has nurtured and shielded, protected and fed you for billions of years. Let us make it very straightforward and simple so that we are not talking about what political or financial person is doing this or that. Oh, that is interesting. But, might I suggest to you, while it is interesting, it is enormously distracting. So, let us look at this.
There are those upon the earth, yes, in the collective that we call, and you call, humanity, Gaians, who generally are of the opinion that the collective humanity, individuals and groups, are like out of control children, rambunctious children that need to be reined in, directed, and basically told what to do so that things will progress in harmony and in accordance with their beliefs and opinions. That group that previously we have also called, and you have referred to them as Team Dark, it is much bigger than that, dearest Steve. It is a worldview.
Previously we have called them reluctant or recalcitrant, or even disinterested. It has been a perspective that is ‘rein the children in, tell them what to do, direct them, keep them in school uniforms and everything will proceed – they believe – in accordance with divine plan. But, in fact, it is individual. That group has been diminishing significantly. But, that group has always been much larger than what you have thought of as Team Dark, Cabal, Illuminati, because it has included those people that have this vision or opinion of how things work, but were never really vocal or proactive or outwardly demonstrative of that worldview.
The good news is, that population has and is diminishing rapidly. Yes, the infusion of many of the energies, but particularly the rapidity of the Porlana C is deeply influencing everybody, including, and significantly, this group.
Now, there is what we will call the freedom group and you are seeing this all over your planet, those who are clearly declaring, claiming, demanding their freedom and those who are doing it on a much subtler level. If you were to take a world pulse, which I do continually, you will see that armed hostilities upon your planet are in fact decreasing.
Now, when I say armed hostilities, I do not just mean the out-and-out wars, declared and undeclared, but also the violence, the violence quotient amongst human beings one to another. And, in that I also include intent because if you are walking around and you are not necessarily beating, shooting, harassing, abusing another human being but you are carrying that desire and intent in your heart, we count that as active violence. That is decreasing rapidly, joyously, upon the planet.
Now, in the freedom group, there are those who are declaring their freedom and those that believe and feel and know – we do not want to diminish this – how they wish to proceed in practicality, in philosophy, in spirituality, in the creation of Nova Earth and their expression of freedom in their lives, in their communities.
Then, there are those who are claiming and declaring their freedom but don’t really have an organized sense, either internally or collegially or communally about how they wish to proceed.
Now, I am not suggesting to you that this is a problem. Left unattended to, it will present challenges because that energy has need to flow in a direction of creativity. So, to simply declare and claim one’s freedom and not do much with it can create simply further chaos akin to anarchy.
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The Bozone Layer |
Now, for a very long time, my beloveds, I have been talking to you, teaching you, guiding you, holding you, loving you, and bringing to you, I declare, a deeper understanding of universal law, from sacred purpose to completion, with elimination and change thrown into the middle. We have been teaching about universal law. In this declaration and assertion of freedom, in the assumption of the fullness of your creator self, there has need to be a clarity of direction and a purity of direction. And, that is why the Mother continues to send her amplification of grace and purity and clarity into you, so that the direction that humanity takes, yes, in concert with us, in partnership. But we are not doing the implementation. You are.
So, it is important in this that you truly begin – yes, it is still the beginning – to work with universal law as your creator self.
Now, I hear you, dearest Steve, because the first question and the last question is, “How do we do this?”
SB: Yes.
SK: I do not want to make this complicated. I do not want to and choose not to make this an advanced course in quantum physics. It is utilization of a very simple formula, but, bringing it into the practicality, the everyday actions, feelings, emotions, thoughts, behaviors of your life in any given moment.
My friends, my family, you are the fulfillment agents. What are you choosing to do? What are the choices that you are making that are in alignment with divinity, with your own divinity and with divine mind, heart, will? It is bringing this to ever-present, yes, ever-present consciousness, heart consciousness, so that your beingness, as you are creating the new, which is not simply a patching job of what you’ve had. That has not worked and that is over. So do not look to that. You are building the new.
But, if your daily life, if your in-breath and your out-breath are not in alignment with love, with the truth of who you are, bright angels, then the external construction will not be of the truth and the peace and the love that you are seeking. It will not be the genuine reflection of the universe that rests within thee.
Now, where do you wish to begin?
SB: I think there are several places, Raj. But, I think our listeners would like to know what is coming up in, say, the next three months. When is this chaos going to peak and start to recede? What can we be doing to facilitate it? And also, if the ‘what we should we be doing’ is, say, to take to the streets, then how do we keep it peaceful?
SK: We are not saying that the solution to what is transpiring is taking to the streets. Now, you have had a mighty demonstration of freedom seekers, freedom declarers, freedom claimers go to the streets to express what is. You see, let us be clear about this, when you go to the streets – and, let us use the women’s marches of the planet as an example – you are not seeking permission. You are declaring what in fact is universal law. You are declaring and claiming and utilizing the first law of sacred purpose to say: “I am in alignment and I choose not to be controlled by arbitrary, unloving, unkind, unfair – the list is long – legalities, structures, institutions.”
So, it is not that. You need to change the perspective. You are not protesting. You are claiming. You’re not seeking permission! You already have divine permission to proceed! That has been in place for some time.
So, are we suggesting that you take to the streets? No. That is not the way because that is why I have begun by saying, it is first and foremost an internal process. If you look to what you believe is the external environment, what you are going to see is chaos. And, do not attach negativity to chaos because in that energy is the creative chaos.
Think of it in this way: most of you, at one time or another, whether it has been in a formal situation or sitting around with friends, have done brainstorming, have done dreaming, have come up with brilliant new ideas. But, those ideas and the plans that have fallen out of those ideas have come from a place not of protest, yes, of clear analysis of the clarity that you gain within and from the Mother and from your sacred self, and from that, deciding what is possible.
But, if what you are thinking, feeling, proceeding with as possible is not based on the clarity of your love, then you are not truly creating Nova Earth. And, this is the time.
So, if you engage in what we would call the negative aspect of the chaos, then you are putting yourself in that melee and it will not serve you or anybody else. Take the energy of that creative chaos into the purity of your love and your heart and as you go about your day, bring forth in the very small ways and in the universal ways, that which you wish to experience.
You are in a pattern, a time, when the patterns, think of it, that the patterns of the old are being completely broken down. They don’t serve. They haven’t served. They no longer serve. They are being smashed to smithereens. But, underneath that pattern, or underneath that mask – that you have phrased it – oh, I’m always eavesdropping – and you know that there is a crystal clear pure pattern of what is divine, personally divine action and creation.
And, whether it is a pleasant exchange as you buy a coffee, smiling and looking into the person’s eyes and engaging them and saying, “I really do thank you for this cup of coffee and I really do hope you have a day as good as mine.” Or whether it is addressing Parliament or the Senate or the entire nation, it starts with the purity and clarity and love of your heart. If it is not coming from there, if it is not in alignment with your intent, with your purpose, with the balance – that we keep harping on – then you are not creating what we know and what we are supporting you in bringing forth.
You asked me, in a very practical way, what does the next three months hold and how long can we anticipate this chaos. You are not going to like the answer because much of this is dependent upon you. And, that is why I have asked to come and address all of you all over the planet and far beyond.
And, particularly I am reaching out to this group, this very large group of billions that is the freedom declarers, claimers, seekers who do not have or who have not anchored as yet the clarity of pathway.
What lies ahead in these few months is the bringing into substance, into physicality, the tangibility, the physicality of what does that freedom look like. And, it does not look like the old because that opportunity – I need to say this very clearly – the opportunity to course correct, to tweak, to adjust what has been in place and to move forward has basically disappeared.
You are at a point of divergence. We have said this subtly, actually. Mi-ki-el has said it, the Mother has said it: you are at the point of creating a different pathway, and you have already seen it start, that is essentially looks, feels, tastes different than what has been in place. And, it begins with how you are feeling about yourself, how you are behaving. And, you know there are many new patterns of behavior – not radically new but in a practical sense and in a repetitive sense, by the way, are new – so that you are laying down the paradigm of love that we have conjointly been working on for eons.
But, what is being done – yes, in tandem with us, we certainly have never abandoned you, and we have never been more close and more busy with you – because it is in form. Think of it in this way: you’ve had the plans for the highway. You’ve had the plans for the arterial roads. Everything has been passed and studied and approved. It is all green, it is all animal friendly. Now you are beginning the literal construction. It is not about ordering the bulldozers or the ground breakers or the concrete. It’s all ordered. What you are doing is literally laying it down.

Because time, as you construe it, is also shifting. But this is rapid change. It is utilizing the creative energies of the chaos to build the new.
So, what lies ahead in the next few months? Feel this as exhaustion because you are holding, literally, more energy than you ever have before and such a high time of creative energy that you think that you don’t want to put your head on the pillow because you have so many ideas and so many projects coming to fruition all at once.
Now, it is necessary that the rest does take place because that is when your body is accommodating and adjusting to the increased frequencies that you are being fed and implementing. So it is not an either/or. The Golden Age is long. This period of what you are thinking of reconstruction and beginning of the literal, physical construction process is about three to four months.
Now, does that answer your question?
SB: Well, let me just revisit what you said right there. The literal reconstruction phase is about three or four months. What do you mean by that, Lord? Because part of the literal reconstruction phase, I would have thought, would be the galactics helping us to clean the oceans and the radiation and what have you. And that’s not even in the offing, as far as I’m aware. So, could you just expand on that a bit, please?
SK: You do not have the same lens, and that is not a criticism, and I mean all of you by the way, that we have. In fact, the galactics are helping you. There is new technology being seeded upon your planet every day. The explosion, shall we put it that way, of new inventions, new technology is not coincidental. So do not feel that your brothers and sisters of the various forces are not in active assistance. They are. So, what you are really referring to is when will the clear acceptance of this come forward. And it is already underway.
Political announcements? Yes. But the key component of this is the massive collective acceptance that of course your star brothers are present and of course people are seeing ships and of course people are having interactions – and we do not simply mean with your star family. We mean with all kinds of previously unseen, or perhaps we should better say, unnoticed masters and enlightened beings, Angelics and Archangelics. So, this is underway and it will be, if we were talking at this time next year, we would be laughing and saying, “Remember when people thought that they couldn’t see these beings or that it was all fantasy?” And, we would in a delightful way, simply chuckle. So, yes, that help is very close, in physical form because it is time for such radical change.
SB: How far away is NESARA, Raj?
SK: Do not look for your governmental people to declare freedom from debt. That is not how it comes forth. It comes from the people.
SB: Right. But, NESARA will bring a wholesale change; all the governments will step down etc. So, it’s much more than just a…something financial. Is that a long way off?
SK: The shift in how government is structured and perceived in terms of structure is about a year to two away.
When you reach, now we are talking collective consciousness, when you reach a realization as a race called Gaians that you are not alone in the multi-verse, it changes the perceptual mind set of how things such as governments, which is really stewardship, is managed and organized. So, with love, and I am not talking as some would say pie in the sky, I am talking the practicality of living the Mother’s love. With that comes the elimination, yes, not decentralization, not the softening, comes the elimination of structures that want to control.
Now, we are not saying – as you well know through the intergalactic council – that there are agreements for what consists of harmonious co-existence that promotes creativity and harmony and all the things that you all desire and that we desire.
But, it is not based on brute force. So that element of brute force of nations, either subtly or actually, will disappear over the next couple of years. Some will be more recalcitrant than others, yes. But, this is a way that cannot be stopped.

SK: No. It is not. It is much closer than that.
SB: All right. Now, earlier, were you talking about the time of separation, when you were saying that there is going to be a definite difference now, a definite choice for us to make? I realize that you were talking about light workers. But, was it also a reference to the time of separation?
SK: Yes. And, when we use this term, we mean the time of separation of people choosing different pathways. It is not punitive. It is not destructive. But, it is the separation of those who choose to go in a different way.
SB: Could you describe what happens, for instance, to the people who are either lagging behind, recalcitrant, not planning on going forward? I know it’s said they will go to a place where their energetic signature is more in alignment. Are we going to be seeing people getting sick and dying?
SK: Let us begin this by saying that although we have talked this day, and we are constantly talking about this, about these basically three groups, two being in the freedom category – that never has the plan been, and particularly since the very evolved decision of humanity, of Gaians, to proceed in ascension as one – the plan has not been to simply dump or cut out or punish or eliminate those who have been recalcitrant, reluctant, disinterested or just plain stubborn.
So, when we talk about the evolution – and when we talk about the awakening to freedom, because that is really what this love is about – it is about your freedom as an angelic, divine, human, earth keeper, pillar, you name it, to be free, to be who you really are.
So, the divine hope, yes, you know we have talked about hope a great deal of late, is that those who have chosen that pathway, what we would call as a self-interested, egoic pathway, that the energies that are being sent to them are very specifically to awaken them to the higher frequency which is in the love and in accordance, in alignment with who they truly are.
So, it is not that we are saying to you, the divine plan: “We’re getting rid of the evil ones.” Because there is not one being, however recalcitrant they appear, however strange they appear, that did not come with the knowing that they were coming to play a part in the Mother’s unfoldment and restoration of love on this planet. And I know, because I know each and every one of you.
Now, are there those who will ultimately, in accordance with divine love, choose not to proceed in love? Unfortunately, yes. There are those that will choose, unfortunately, regardless of every opportunity, energetically, spiritually and physically that is offered them, who will say, “No thanks.” And that is the choice. That is the ultimate choice that the Mother and Father give you. It is that ability.
Now, it is rather ironic – and some may think a strange set up – because ultimately, when you make that choice and you return home, you discover, much to your surprise and somewhat and sometimes to your chagrin, that in fact all you wanted all along was the love and to be home in the love. So, there is an irony here, and it is an irony that has been repeated, especially on this planet, but on many planets, for a very long time.
You have seen through war, through dis-ease, through the choice to simply depart, many, many leave. And, that will spike. That will continue as those who choose not to be part of this undertaking return home. They are not being reassigned to outer Siberia or to a planet that is akin with their recalcitrance. Because their soul desire was to be part of the rebirth of love. So, it would be akin to punishment to send them somewhere where they simply continue on in their misguided soul purpose. So, many will return home and they will be welcomed with empathy, with compassion, with fanfare. And that is their choice.
Human beings, thus far, except for a rare few, have insisted on externals to leave their bodies when in fact the leaving of a body is very simple and it is an act of will and intent. But that capacity, by and large, has been lost by most human beings. It will be part of the restoration because the hiccup in consciousness is really not necessary. But, I digress.
So, the mechanisms that human beings have chosen have been accidents or dis-ease, and we see disease as an external event that is internalized grief, mourning, sadness, disenchantment, war. So, there are many vehicles that you have established, in the realm that these individuals are choosing to stay in, to escape. So, it will be taken care of. Is that clear?
SB: It’s very clear. We have about eight minutes remaining, so, the prognosis is chaos, opportunity for reclaiming freedom on all fronts?
SK: Yes.
SB: Unstoppable progress, but some recalcitrants yet?
SK: Yes. You have summed it up perfectly, my friend. It is the weather forecast for the foreseeable future.
SB: Rain in California and what have you. Yes, I get it.
SK: And the rain in California is a very clear indicator to you that a paradigm that was holding drought and lack has been broken.
SB: I’d like to get an idea on the effectiveness of light worker efforts. The rain meditation that Kathleen Willis organized, did that have an impact?
SK: The meditations for rain have been the cause. It is that simple. This is one of the wonderful ways in which you witness how your spiritual work takes tangible form, when it is approached with an open heart, with a sharing and a building of community, and what your individual and collective hearts’ desire. Not that your desire tramples on another’s desire or tells another that they can’t have it because you want it. That is what the blossoming is truly about. That is how the co-creation is coming forth. So, that is what the peace meditations do. That is what the drought meditations do. That is what you can assist your brothers and sisters of the stars doing in cleaning up the oceans.
The power of your thought, we’ll say heart-centered thoughts, are extraordinary. And, what you are beginning, and I mean beginning to glimpse in this construction phase, is just how powerful those intentions and those thoughts and those deeds and still point are. Because, when you combine them, the implosion/explosion that takes place, particularly in the new frequency, is unstoppable. You can think of it as a nuclear reaction. You do not stop it halfway through.
SB: Well, then what similar actions have the highest priority right now, Raj? We just talked about meditation for rain, meditation for peace. How can we extend our work in this area? What would you advise?
SK: Tender, gentle, loving relationships. We have talked about sacred union for eons. And, all of you, especially you who are light workers, turn to the Mother and to Gabrielle and Michael, and Magdalena and Jesus and you all say, “Please may I have sacred union?” And, then you do not treat yourself in kind and loving and nurturing and considerate ways.
If you wish to have an assignment, let me give it to you three ways. Choose a partner. It may be a family member. It may be a friend. This is over and above the millions that each of you are working with. It may be a stranger. Every day engage either mentally, esoterically or actually in a kind and loving exchange of relationship that is expressive and reflective and in alignment with how you love and treat yourself and, in reciprocity, how you love and wish to be treated every day.
Then formulate the same relationship with prayer, meditation, intent with your water and with your food. If you were to do these very simple and most difficult three things: individual, your water, and your food. Kind, loving, nurturing and gentle, for one month, and we, I offer you a date my friend.

That is why I am suggesting to each of you, to engage with a friend, a family member or a stranger and watch it blossom. Watch it blossom. Watch the old pattern smash away and the new that is underneath truly shine like the brilliant pattern of the Mother and the Father that it is.
I would be glad to help you! I invite all of you to call on me. It is time to truly see and experience, in form, in this lifetime, in this time, the beauty of what it means to be on Gaia at this time.
SB: Indeed. We have run out of time, Raj, unfortunately. Thank you very much. Do you have any final words in closing?
SK: Yes. Choose freedom. Choose to be free and live free because that is who you are. Go with my love. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon, at -
[Thanks to Jo Anne for the transcript]
[Thanks to Jo Anne for the transcript]
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