Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Disclosure Digest 6-13-18

Friday The Thirteenth Falls

On A Wednesday This Month

Cheerful New Moon to all; Master Astrologer Stephanie Austin kindly fills in the energetic details:

This New Moon energy is conducive to clearing and cleansing all that no longer serves so let's look at the Satanic Dark Web that has controlled humanity for the last 13,000 years, shall we?:

 While we're at it let's look at the current status of the Khazarian/Talmudic Mafia (these are not practising Jews) as their Babylonian Money Magik system continues to crumble:

 The power of Big Pharma, backed by bad science and a rigged legal system, is also in free-fall:

The major merchants of death at Monsanto/Bayer are also getting their overdue share of disclosure:

Slick Willy is looking like Dorian Gray on a bad day; this Cabal Don is going down for the count:

We close with the latest Update by Shekdan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic federation. Shel and Colleen are revered 'old dogs' in our ascension community; Kudos:

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