It's High Time To Really Light This Planet Up!
Linda Dillon channels Archangel Michael as he discusses our much misunderstood Lightbodies:
Buddhism isn’t about depriving yourself of worldly pleasures; it all began with a good meal:
Personally, I strive for a minimum of 10 hours of 'battle' each and every night; I give at the office:
While we're discussing Light Warriors, an update from the Nidles seems quite in order; enjoy:
Oy Vey! The GOOGLE/CIA minions are now banning the advertising of nutritional supplements:
This chilling NCMEC report shows 88% of missing sex trafficked kids come from US Foster Care:
This chilling NCMEC report shows 88% of missing sex trafficked kids come from US Foster Care:
We finish today with some very good news for anyone suffering with an auto-immune affliction:
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