Via Marilyn Raffaele On 8-1-21
AUGUST 1, 2021
Dear readers, know that our messages flow to you on streams of light and
love with the intention of assisting you to reach the levels of
spiritual awareness you seek and are spiritually prepared for.
We on this side see you as strong and courageous having chosen to
incarnate in order to participate in earth’s ascension process. Holding
fast to your highest awareness of truth at all times will help you avoid
getting pulled inadvertently into the whirlpools of chaos and fear
being presented to you on all levels and from all directions at this
You may have found that shopping trips or excursions that include crowds
leave you feeling drained. This is because you have become increasingly
more sensitive to energy and so if or when you forget to keep yourself
centered, your personal energy simply falls into alignment with the
people and places around you some of which may not be of a high
resonating nature.
All that is false, dense, old, and still hidden must rise to the surface
in order to be seen and recognized by the majority rather than only by
those who have awakened and easily comprehend the error of many commonly
accepted practices. You have attained a level of spiritual awareness
that allows you to stand back and objectively observe because you no
longer align with the beliefs and concepts that formed most of the
world’s laws, societal rules, traditions, etc.
Humans through the ignorance of a false belief system have come to
erroneously believe that they are the pinnacle of intelligence with
power to use and abuse anything or anyone that does not fit with their
narrow concepts of correct, useful, or financially advantageous. They
have forgotten that earth herself and all life upon her are living
expressions of God to be recognized, loved, and supported as facets of
the ONE. The third dimension is the lowest rung of a very high ladder.
The collective must and are waking up as they witness increasingly more
“natural disasters” take place. Many deeply suffer from these events but
before there can be more light and awareness in the world, earth must
first become free of the heavy and dense energy that remains stored on
her in various places. These clearings are a necessary part of earth’s
spiritual evolution.
A huge and difficult step for seekers of truth is in understanding that
the material world consists of low resonating, false interpretations of
reality– spiritual creation. In the beginning it is very hard for the
human mind accept this and those hearing about it for the first time
usually resist, ridicule, and dismiss the idea until at some later date,
lifetime, or period of strife it begins to make sense allowing them to
open to more.
You who know the deeper truths will find yourselves increasingly helping
others to understand what is taking place at this time both personally
and globally Do not go looking for people to advise, teach, or save but
simply allow your energy to draw to you those in alignment with it
seeking to know more.
Enlightened individuals are no longer Light-workers in the sense that
Light-workers have always been thought of in the past but have graduated
into Light-holders. You will and many of you are already finding
yourselves in situations where without planning or personal effort you
are helping a newly awakening individual (often a person you least
expect) to understand what they are feeling, experiencing, and why.
Your inner work is to know, practice, trust, and allow each new truth
revealed to become your state of consciousness. You now know that you
are the fullness of God in expression and therefore no longer need to
continue seeking outwardly for health, abundance, harmony, peace,
intelligence etc. You are not a piece of God, you are the wholeness of
Because all embody the fullness of God, no person can have less than
another. Your honesty does not mean that someone else must therefore be
dishonest and your abundance does not mean less for others. There is
nothing else–every quality of Divine Consciousness/God/Source or
fiddlesticks for it matters not a whit what you call IT, IT is already,
always has been, and always will be the very essence of your being.
Whether or not a person chooses to believe this is their free will
choice. Spiritual evolution is nothing more than every individual’s
journey toward attaining a consciousness of ONENESS. Many lifetimes of
learning experiences and many different paths are involved but all lead
to the same place for there is no other place.
This is why every spiritual pilgrim eventually reaches a place at which
they must cease believing in the need to seek, search, perform
ceremonies, beg and plead some far off God, or do anything even
meditate, in order to become what they already are. These tools are
important steps along most spiritual paths but once you resonate with
ONEness, you have graduated beyond the need for anything that is meant
to draw God to you.
When you attain the conscious realization that you are harmony,
completeness, and wholeness–not one with it, but actually ARE it, it can
begin to manifest in your life as things falling into place without
effort, the right person at the right time, etc. A consciousness of
Divine intelligence, will manifest as increasingly deeper understandings
and knowledge. A consciousness of all life being the ONE LIFE expresses
as health.
Mind interprets individual consciousness outwardly on levels the person
can comprehend which makes mind the substance of the outer. Truth must
shift from being intellectual knowledge to being an actual state of
consciousness before mind can draw it out into recognizable form.
Consciousness is the substance of all that exists.
Ask yourself; “What am it believing that is making me feel this way?
What do I hold as real in my thinking most of the time?” Be alert to and
honest about your thoughts because the mind is always busy doing what
it was meant to do, being an avenue of awareness–but of what??
All serious spiritual seekers must take truth seriously–NOW. As God
Beings you are creators and can no longer see truth as simply
interesting conversation for discussion or dismissal based in three
dimensional concepts.
What are you choosing to create for yourself and for the world? It is
extremely easy to become hypnotized by media, friends and family,
groups, organized religion, etc. They all want you to believe as they do
because they believe that they have the truth. Most believe that it is
for your own good that you believe as they do but this is where you must
stand firm in your knowing.
This does not mean being rude or angry at someone trying to convert you
to their beliefs, but rather that you honor them because they may well
be fulfilling an important facet of their own spiritual contract.
However, it does mean that you can politely say “Thank you for your
opinion, but I am choosing to do this.” Or actually say nothing as you
stay centered in your highest awareness.
Your calmness will be noticed by those with eyes to see and ears to
hear and some will seek to join you. By making no outer effort to save
the world, you are in reality actually doing this very thing by BEing
the Light–Reality. One with God is a majority.
Do not give up dear ones. the energy is very intense right now. You may
have days when you feel exhausted, nauseous, and in pain for no
particular reason. It is the intensity of the high frequency energy you
are integrating that in turn is forcing old energies to release and
clear causing intense but temporary symptoms in the physical body. The
human mind does not fully understand what is happening and often
interprets this process as a problem.
Do what you need to do. Rest as you feel you must even if there are days
when you need to sleep and do nothing. Allow painful emotions that may
arise to flow through and out without resistance or giving them power.
Love and take care of your physical body rather than being angry at it
for seeming to fail you.
You have all been practicing loving others in your realization of
Oneness, but often exclude yourselves. It is difficult to ignore three
dimensional concepts about what constitutes worthiness, beauty, and
lovableness because they have become subliminal, flowing from many
directions. Be alert to never accepting or allowing them to influence
loving and honoring yourself as SELF.
Spiritual evolution does not allow you to turn back into being the
person you were in a previous state of consciousness when the going gets
tough. Once the door of consciousness opens and higher truths begin to
enter they automatically dissolve the previous lower resonating
We thank you for your work toward bringing earth into a new light, a new consciousness, and a new and higher dimension.
We see you, we love you, we are with you, because we are you, dear brave souls.
We are the Arcturian Group 8/1/21
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