An excellent companion piece to this study is Matthew’s latest Message.
Ilopango Airport, El Salvador |
The Illuminati manipulate it for their own enrichment, says Matthew Ward.
“The economy as reported is more myth
than actuality. Only a comparative handful of people know how tenuous
and corrupt the global economy is or that international trade and the
stock markets are manipulated by the Illuminati, a group of
darkly-inclined people who have passed their tight global reins from
generation to generation.
“They have amassed vast fortunes through
that control as well as by charging usurious bank loan rates and
accruing mammoth amounts from their illegal drugs industry, and they use
that money to buy governments; bankrupt countries and exploit their
natural resources; keep billions of souls at barely subsistence level;
and fund both sides in wars that they precipitate and perpetuate because
from wars they derive handsome profits.” (1)
“The illuminati’s … exploitation of natural resources worldwide will end. Since that power base is what enabled them to set government and banking policies and own multinational corporations, those corrupt controls also will end. The huge debts of the poorest nations were incurred by their state of desperation, often caused by Illuminati actions and influence; but the loans went to the despots ruling the countries and did not benefit the citizens, so those debts will be annulled and assistance given directly to the people.
“Many national borders have been set by
the victors in war who wanted the natural resources, and that created
‘have-nots’ who formerly were ‘haves.’ When the LOVE in souls ends all
conflicts, borders no longer will be cause for dispute because all
peoples will be ‘haves.'” (2)
“A large group within the CIA, which only
superficially is an intelligence gathering agency to serve the security
of the United States, is composed of Illuminati leaders and operators
with diverse nationalities, political persuasions and belief systems,
but with one aim: world domination.” (3)
Of CIA control of the drug trade, Alex Collier once wrote:
“We have known since the Sixties that the
CIA has been trafficking narcotics. We know this. We have known that
the CIA has been assassinating and overthrowing governments.” (5)
“The enormously profitable illegal drug
industry funds both factions’ ‘black ops,’ including terrorist
activities blamed on innocents and vast underground areas where their
scientists conduct unconscionable experiments on humankind and develop
spacecraft, weaponry, surveillance and weather-control systems using
technology introduced by the ‘Little greys.'” (6)
“On a larger scale your money is siphoned
off to fund black operations that have not been authorized by your
government, and are often directed at you the people they should be
serving. These situations have been going on unchecked for far too long,
and with our allies who have our help we have made it clear we are
going to put a stop to them. So you see, Dear Ones, we are working
towards bringing about the changes needed.” (7)
“Except at the higher levels, there is a
perpetual cycle of investment and loss, rising prices and reduced or
lost incomes. Property is being purchased with minimum down payments and
low interest rates, and increasingly owners are losing their jobs and
thence their homes.
“Unemployment figures are much higher
than reported; corporate mergers that wipe out smaller businesses and
theft by top management continue; and retirement funds have been stolen
by the billions, creating financial hardship for people who depend upon
those to sustain them after their working years.
“Whether out of necessity or frivolous
spending, credit card use with its usurious interest rates adds to the
worsening situation. Diverting your attention from these situations is
the media’s emphasis on trivial matters and entertainment and the
meaningless promises of the two leading presidential candidates.
“Further, income tax laws allow great
loopholes for the wealthiest while additionally burdening those who
still have small incomes.” (9)
And of course we see them deteriorating around us. Is this the crash of the world economy? No. Matthew describes the process that’s actually happening right now:
“The foundation of the new system has
been slid under the old so that when its collapse comes, the new
foundation will be well established. That will enable the transition
from the old system to the new to come about without the dam breaking,
so to say.” (11)
Is that the only reason I’m writing this? To describe the Illuminati structure that is collapsing? No. I’m writing this to say: This is your government. This is the Illuminati economy. This structure contaminated and influenced every branch of economic analysis and financial activity.
The world of the past has nothing to offer this generation as it turns its attention to financial wayshowing.
The divine qualities are the only guide you’ll need and the only guide that has never before in human history been followed.
If you want to step out on the bridge that was not there a few minutes ago, saturate your financial wayshowing in the divine qualities.
(1) Matthew Ward, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007, at
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Matthew’s Message, July 15, 2005, at at
(4) Howard Kohn and Vicki Monks, “The Dirty Secrets of George Bush,” Rolling Stone, November 3, 1988, at; “C. Castillo’s Allegation Concerning Ilopango Airport” at; “The Pegasus File” at Greg Szymanski, “Former DEA Agent Wants George H. Bush, Negroponte And Other Higher-Ups Held Accountable For Illegal Drug Smuggling,”, 3-5-6, at; also “Kingpin Indictment of George H. W. Bush,” at On being born in Germany, see “This President Was Not Born in America (Repost),” at
(5) Alex Collier at the Awake and Aware Conference, Oct. 2, 2009, at
(6) Matthew’s Message, July 27, 2008.
(7) SaLuSa, Sept, 12, 2012, at
(8) Matthew’s Message, June 5, 2004.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 21, 2012.
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