By Morag On 5-4-17

Root chakra excavation is ongoing. Releasing stuck dense childhood, ancestral and past life karma drains us. This can also affect our digestion and ability to process heavier foods. Raw food, salads and vegetables help to keep things moving, energetic flow.
A growing awareness of meat as animal is common, we may feel unable to consume meat the way we used to. Plastic wrapped meat has disconnected us from the animal, the living creature. Seek alternatives in your diet.
Solar plexus and sacral chakra upgrades can make us feel sea sick. Lightening our system, unplugging from matrix toxins, is a very physical element of this transition to crystalline beings. Many will be experiencing upset stomachs, digestion issues and loss of appetite.
Let go of old behavior patterns. Listen to your body. Aim for smaller, regular portions of healthy food. This offers our systems clean fuel every 2 to 3 hours to power us through this transition.
We are craving sugar and caffeine as our energy levels drop significantly during these intense periods of DNA upgrades.
The matrix conditions us to reach for stimulants when we feel tired. We are cogs in their wheel, programmed to work work work. Deprogramming requires we tune into our system, we respond to need not expectations or habit.
Aches and pains in our limbs, back, neck and shoulders can make us feel rundown. Stay hydrated. Many of us are drinking water all the time yet still experiencing dry skin, irritations and achiness.
The recalibration process requires massive amounts of water keeping our systems hydrated. We can’t really drink enough water. Aim to replace fizzy drinks, synthetic fruit juices and caffeine based drinks with water. Squeeze fresh fruit like lime or lemon into cold water to clean our tubes from the inside out. This will re-energize us.
Use deep moisturizers regularly on skin to avoid infection. Have moisture baths using essential oils to ease this deep and profound process of change.
Chakra activations to the throat, third eye and crown can really mess with our heads! Headaches, sudden tiredness, spaciness, struggling with linear living, forgetting appointments, feeling fuzzy and averse to commitments of our time can all be experienced.
If you find yourself needing to lie down, rest and even sleep in the day, this is not lazy or lax as the matrix tells us. This is an energetic response to the intense shifts in frequencies 2017 is bringing.
We use up lots of energy recalibrating our system. It’s important we allow ourselves to rest, give our systems the space to expand, strengthen and clear.
Heart and throat chakra expansion cause physical symptoms like heart palpitations, lower blood pressure, chest infections, coughs and flu symptoms. The stuck energy, the lower vibrations need to be loosened, shaken up and released. We expel mucus, a physical manifestation of energetic karma.
Dry stubborn coughs indicate trouble finding your voice. Feeling like something is caught in our throat or chest can signify blocks to heart led living or stepping into our true identity.
We can clear energetic discord and matrix interference enabling free flow through our energetic system. Seek rest, talk less, let your system realign itself with simpler living. Energy work like yoga, tai chi, reiki, and sound baths can all help this process.
Ear popping, buzzing sounds and earaches signify upper chakras coming online. We can hear the changes in frequency around us. This can make us feel sea sick as our systems adjust and try and stay balanced.

This is going to be quite a ride beautiful people. Take care of your physical self to enable full appreciation of the upgrades available. Be kind to yourself. Slow down.
Seek soul nourishment with good people, good food and practising mindfulness. Staying in the present, sleeping when you need to, feeling the flow of gratitude for all that is good in our lives help steady our boats in these cosmic seas of transition.
I ask for appropriate upgrades under the protection of my guides.
I send my body love. I open my mind to possibility and hope.
I am a sovereign being connected at all times to universal love light frequency. Namaste.
By Morag at awakening5dhealing on Facebook WordPress and YouTube.
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