Part One
Billy Meier meets Semjase the Pleiadian |
Disclosure is said to be linked to the Reval. Apparently, it’ll be a “group disclosure.”
I’d like to repost this series from 2012, introducing our star family to whet our appetites.
I didn’t find any passages that I’d change.
Apparently, the higher-dimensional galactic beings around the planet at the present time are not strangers to us. InLight Radio recently produced a video introducing them as “our galactic family.” (1)
They’re enlightened beings from distant star systems who originally seeded the Earth and are here now to reunite with their progeny. It is they who disarmed the military-industrial complex which controlled our planet and created advanced weapons systems with an eye to ensuring their dominance.
In this the galactics worked with Earth’s own spiritual hierarchy, as the Arcturians explain:
“The beloved members of the Pleiades,
Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda and Antares, as well as the Brotherhood and
Sisterhood of Light, the Angelic Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, and the
awakened members of Earth have all joined together to assist Gaia in the
fulfillment of Her transformation.” (2)
These advanced ancestors of the human race are human like us, appear like us, although others who are also here do not look like us. All are ascended spiritual beings who are only here to assist us with our Ascension, which is in progress.
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Semjase from the Pleiades |
“Believe us Dear Ones, there is life
everywhere you look, and not just in the dimensions that are open to
your physical eyes. There are dimensions beyond your reckoning, and
still life is present in abundance. It would be difficult to explain
such vastness as an accidental occurrence, when it is clear that a
mighty intelligence must exist that embraces all that exists.” (3)
The galactics bend the knee to this “mighty intelligence,” just as we
do, and follow its laws and commandments much more closely than we.Apparently, the human form, called the Adam/Eve Kadmon template, is common in the universe, as we’ll discuss later in our story.
The present human race or species, the one that succeeded Cro-Magnon man, is extraterrestrial in origin and angelic in nature. But we descended into form as an experiment and don’t remember our divine origins. I’ll let SaLuSa and Archangel Michael explain.
SaLuSa tells us that we’re as much extraterrestrial as any of them are.
“Bear in mind that every soul has come to
Earth from another civilization, and you are as much extraterrestrials
as any others. Indeed, for that reason you feel very much at home with
the idea of meeting us. You will be introduced to your true family in
course of time, and they have followed your progress and will be
overjoyed to meet you once again. (4)
“Each of you, my beloved brothers and
sisters, … have begun your journey, not only as a spark of light, not
only as an emanation from the heart of One, but as an angel—some of you,
a few of you, even as archangels, or one of the keepers of the
dominions or the principalities or the virtues. …
“And then, yes, you have incarnated, you
have been the adventurous ones, you have been the explorers, and you
believed in yourself strongly enough to say to the Mother/Father/One, ‘I
am going to go. I will assume form. I will know the joy of being in
form and physicality, and then I will come home and resume my form.’
“Well, some of you have not resumed in
eons. But that matters not. Whether you are starseed or hybrid or
Earth-keeper, you still are angelic.” (5)
“You are special Beings of a highly
evolved state, except that very few of you are aware of it. You are
slowly but surely beginning to understand your spiritual history, even
although the idea that you are Angels is quite astonishing to you.” (6)
“We know that some of you feel uneasy at
that suggestion, and the reason is likely to be because you still feel
inadequate to be considered gods. Bear in mind that before you came into
duality all of you were gods, and as Beings of Light were amongst the
great creators in the Universe.
“You left a lot behind when you chose to
experience the lower vibrations, and you lost your identity but it is
once more beginning to return through your awakening consciousness.” (7)
(1) I Know Our Galactic Family is Here. Do You? at
(2) The Arcturians in Arcturian Ascension, Sept. 13, 2008, at
(3) SaLuSa, Sept. 23, 2009, at
(4) SaLuSa, Oct. 1, 2012.
(5) Archangel Michael, An Hour with an Angel, March 26, 2012, at Archangels, principalities, dominions, and virtues are all orders of angels.
(6) SaLuSa, March 22, 2010.
Depiction of Commander Hatonn |
SaLuSa explains that our physical form was introduced into Earth after Cro-Magnon man, as a special experiment.
“You do not exist by some freak of
nature, and are not the result of natural selection, but purposefully
and lovingly created to exist in your environment.
“You are a special species of Humans that
have taken over from Cro-Magnon Man, and have been genetically
engineered to allow for a speeding up in your evolution. That we would
say has been particularly successful, and the proof lies in how many of
you now stand in readiness for Ascension.” (8)
The experiment now over, we’re to rejoin our galactic families, as SaLuSa tells us here:
“When you attain our levels you will be
able to rejoin your Space families. You have been away from your true
homes for a long, long time, and with your awareness of us your yearning
to return is growing.” (9)
The Galactic Federation of Light is one of the many space coalitions
here to assist us at this time. It’s perhaps the largest space-faring
group in our galaxy. Its members who are here now are for the most part
human like us. They liaise and cooperate with other extraterrestrials in
peacekeeping and other aspects of service to the Light. Their work is
carried out in Love for all life and respect for the freewill of all
beings. (10)
One of their number, Commander Adamu, wrote this of it:
“We include many races and some of those
races are very closely related – sort of brothers and sisters of the
same original parent race. Some you might recognize are us Pleiadians,
the Sirians, the Arcturans, the Antarians, the Andromedans and those
from Procyon, Aldebaran and Deneb.
“These are names I can place in my young
friend’s mind at this time. There are others [I cannot]. Also others
from outside of this galaxy are here. And ones who are far above such
consideration as `galactic neighborhood’ or even which universe you are
from.” (11)
The most advanced of the galactic civilizations are far above such
considerations because they inhabit light bodies and are not attached to
locales as we are.
SaLuSa tells us that terrestrial humans most resemble Sirians,
Pleiadians, and Venusians, with whom we’re genetically linked. (12)
According to him, “as members of the Galactic Federation (GF) we are
enlightened Beings, and our relationship to you is based upon our love
for you.” (13)
Says SaLuSa: “We of the Galactic Federation are charged with looking
after Mankind and [ensuring] your upliftment and safe journey through to
Ascension.” (14)
Membership in the GF is granted only to civilizations that have
achieved ascended or unitive consciousness. (15) They ascended aeons ago
after passing through a period of evolution similar to that which we’re
navigating at the present time. (16)
Because many of them are cloaked in an aura of light, more primitive humans regarded them as gods. Sheldan Nidle’s sources say:
“Many of us are surrounded by a glowing
aura. Because of this, and our ability to transform easily into our
Light Body, many of your ancestors viewed us with awe.
“Greet us now not in this belief, but
merely as your Space Family. Know by what you see that you gaze upon
simply what you really are. Like us, you are Physical Angels. Soon, you
once again will take on your true form.” (17)
The fact that our link with the GF goes back far into our history is
apparently known to scientists and historians but kept from the general
public. In recent times, contact was re-established through such
pioneers as George Adamski and Billy Meier, who often encountered stiff
resistance from
organizations dedicated to keeping the extraterrestrial
presence secret, principally the CIA. (18)
The Galactics have assisted us in ways that were not obvious, but
otherwise have allowed us to find our own way. In this, they obey the
universal law of free will and their own sense of the desirability of
letting us develop our own discernment as a civilization. (19)
According to Ker-On of Venus, the dark forces in control of this
planet represented the idea of contact with “aliens” as opening the door
to a hostile takeover.
In movie after movie, extraterrestrials have been portrayed as
non-human, merciless predators. “In reality,” Ker-on says, “the ones
projecting that image hid behind it while they did exactly what they
accused the GF of wishing to do.” (20)
Their present mission could be said to have started during World War
II, when terrestrials exploded nuclear bombs which wreaked havoc with
Gaia and inter-dimensional space. That mission increased after the
Harmonic Convergence. That event was the world’s first
globally-synchronized meditation and occurred on August 16–17, 1987.
The Galactics won’t violate our freewill unless it conflicts with a
higher-dimensional being’s, like Gaia’s. There are actually several
reasons why they’re here. Besides curtailing our use of nuclear weapons,
another reason was respond to Gaia’s cries for assistance. They saved
her from planetary death from the effects of world wars, radiation,
pollution, and depletion.
Until recently, the GF observed us closely but intervened only when
necessary. Without the help of the GF, according to ascended master
Matthew Ward, Mother Earth’s body would have succumbed and none of us
would be here today. (21)
Says Atmos of Sirius: “We of the Galactic Federation are … fully
aware of our role in the end times. We await our orders to proceed with
the final open contact with you…. We work with your Mother Earth, and
the Inner Earth Beings [of Agartha], and together we represent your
release from the last gasps of the dark forces.” (22)
Agartha is the
Inner or Hollow Earth, where the survivors of Lemuria went and
Of their role, Mira of the Pleiades says: “[During] the next few
years, we will be with you. We will be standing face-to-face,
shoulder-to-shoulder. We will help shoulder the burdens of change. We
will work with the ground crew to lay the fertile field of the New
Earth.” (23)
So rather than Alien or Predator, this is who’s here. This is who’s coming to dinner and we’re not the catch of the day.
Who’s coming is family, our ancestors from the stars, come to our
graduation party. After that, it’s up to us. Some may return home with
them and some may continue here and build the new world.
(8) SaLuSa, Aug. 25, 2010, at
(9) SaLuSa, March 27, 2009.
(10) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, May 7, 2002, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at
(11) Adamu, “Adamu Speaks,” 7 Sept. 2008, at
(12) SaLuSa of Sirius, 27 Oct. 2008.
(13) SaLuSa, March 18, 2009.
(14) SaLuSa of Sirius, March 23, 2009.
(15) SaLuSa of Sirius, Dec. 15, 2008.
(16) Many sources make the statement that they are enlightened, ascended, or more evolved and advanced than us. For instance, see SaLuSa of Sirius, March 18, Apr. 3, and May 4, 2009; Ker-On of Venus, 3 July 2009, at; Tom Kenyon, “Who are the Hathors?” at; Adamu, 31 Aug. 2008, at
(17) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, Update, May 7, 2002, ibid, at
(18) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation (SHGF), Update, through Sheldan Nidle, Dec. 2, 2008, at and Ker-On, March 4, 2009, at
(19) SaLuSa of Sirius, Dec. 15, 2008.
(20) Ker-On of Venus, Oct. 22, 2008.
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