Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Toe-Jam Genie Speaks!

By Wanda Zum-Mallen On 7-2-21

The sun is shining and the bare feet in flip flops are out in their full glory with big toes, small toes, long toes, short toes, fat toes, and skinny toes abound. Sadly, some toes are hiding because they have nail fungus. Unfortunately, this issue affects more people than we think and for some toes, it can be difficult to eliminate.
Most toes experience a common type of nail fungus called ‘Dermatophyte’ and others have bacteria or mold growing under the nails. Once any fungus, bacteria, or mold begins to grow under the nails, it can be difficult to eliminate because the nail beds provide a most auspicious green house for all of them to florish.
After decades of scanning people’s toenail fungus, I have come to realize the source of the fungus, bacteria, and mold is the liver. Once the liver is saturated, it circulates these pathogens to the hands and feet. The diet, immune system, and environment are responsible for this systemic overgrowth. If we eat sugar, it feeds them, but it also weakens the immune system. If we live in a home that is riddled with mold, the spores are inhaled into the lungs and spread into the blood decomposing everything they touch.
Sunshine and oxygen help to disinfect the skin and toenails from fungus, bacteria, and mold so take them for a walk and let them breathe. But, if that does not work, there are a few other ways to help them out.
To oxygenate the toes, mix ¼ cup of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to 1 gallon of water in a foot bath and let those toes soak for an hour.
To kill fungus and bacteria inside the toenails, place 1 drop of Nutribiotic ‘Max GSE’ in between the toenail and the skin to soak for 10 to 30 minutes.
To kill mold place ¼ cup of 20 Mule Team Borax in 1 gallon of warm water in a foot bath and soak for 1 hour.
Lastly, Ozone works by attaching itself to the cell walls of the fungus or bacteria to split them apart. This action kills the fungus and bacteria rendering them unable to develop resistance to ozone making it a preferred long-term method of treatment. I find the Pur03 ‘Toe & Nail’ applied every day to the toenails is perfect for eliminating resistant pathogens.
That should do it but if the problem persists, it might be wise to clean all the fungus, bacteria, and mold out of the body and you are welcome to contact me for a session to discuss how to do it in a way that is harmonious with your body.
It is always a pleasure to share information to keep your toes healthy and your body strong.
In honor of the 4th of July, I placed a picture of the Declaration of Independence below…. share it with everyone.
Health, Happiness, and Freedom!!!
Reverend Wanda

(PS: All bookings previously done through Gateway Cottage Wellness Center may be done directly through me from now on. My contract has ended with them and will not be renewed. Thank you!!!)
Sedona School of Medical Intuitive Mastery
“Journey to Creation” book:
PO Box 413 Sedona AZ 86339 

2nd PS: Every session for July will receive a free ‘Love Cards Yearly Report’ ($30 value) which explains in detail the influences of the months ahead for one year to help with understanding the prosperity windows as well as navigating the challenges in life.

DISCLAIMER: The products have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. You should not use the information for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a health care professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

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