Monday, September 7, 2020

Disclosure Digest 9-7-20

When's A ‘Sprite’ Really A Lightship?

For want of a better term I'll call them Spriteships; just incoming Lightships 30-50 miles High:

Now the public take-down of the Silicon Valley satanic command and control mega-clown Corps:

Team Dark owners may control all the ‘Circuses’ - G'bye! Thank God that Trump controls the Bread:

Here's another fine example of frustrated Fifth Columnists panicking in public; Learn the comms. Q

Ascension is just Terra Gaia sobering up from her ancient 3/4D black-out; Congrats to Larry on 25:

Biden Forces Unleash “Rampage Revolution” In Last-Gasp Bid To Overthrow Trump; Saucy:
Masshole cops arrested for pedo activities on, and off the ‘job’; scrubbing the dark heart of MA:

Sanity and Sovereignty be bustin' out all over and even Agribusiness giants seem to be Waking Up:

This latest message from Blossom is appropriate for the current Cuisinart Energetics; Grok Sum:

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