Thursday, September 17, 2020

Dsclosure Digest 9-17-20

Happy Birthday America!!!

Stephanie Austin's EcoAstrology: Virgo New Moon Report just landed; time to Enlighten-Up:

St. Germain on our Constitutional legacy; 9-17-20 is the birthday of our US Constitution, Big Booms:

C-A = Jesuit command&control - HQ in CH - enemies of all people Everywhere: Say it Loud:

NFL owners are goin’ full-on CCP by tagging their gladiatorial properties for maximum Control:

POTUS doesn't misspeak, all misspellings and strange word usage are coded messages to Sheeple:

Shop early for your Halloween trick-or-treat adventure and don't forget to stock up on Bee Stings:

Peggy Black channels the Hathor 'team' because she is One; their incarnate earthly Scribe:

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