By James Gilliland On 12-13-20
We were a bit disheartened about the Supreme court ruling where the evidence of extreme election fraud could be brought out into the open for all to see. They made it very clear all is well in a few days something big will break that will swing everything in the right direction. It is hard to comprehend how people so corrupt, compromised by hostile foreign governments, guilty of despicable acts, monumental fraud could be the leaders of the Republic. Has America become so corrupted it is not redeemable? Is the swamp so deep it can’t be drained? We will see in the next few weeks.
The real power lies in the people, the people have to take a stand and they will. 80% of the people do not want Biden or his compromised and corrupt staff. Mandatory vaccines proven to be deadly, endless lock-downs, the total collapse of the economy, the end of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, sounds to me to be exactly what a foreign hostile government would want. A socialist or communist dictators dream. The CCP, communist china party has just announced they have control of the highest levels of government in America. Let that sink in.
They did not have to fire a shot just drop a few million here and there. To do away with the military they will just vaccinate all of them and watch them drop like flies due to orders from the top down of corrupt and compromised brass. The Gates vaccine has a 100 percent fail rate, 100 people signed NDA's took the vaccine in 7 days they were all dead. In Australia those who got the vaccine ended up with HIV and the inoculations have stopped.According to the makers of the vaccines it says will not protect from Covid so what is the real agenda? Where is the mainstream news or social media on this? Everyone in the military needs to know this. Luciferase, aborted male fetus RNA, a host of other deadly concoctions some causing sterility are in the vaccine. Nanobots, “trackers” are also in the vaccine. This ties you into the cloud. What happens when a country can no longer reproduce? Anyone who would participate in this is committing genocide, treason, and war crimes. They should be dealt with accordingly.
People all over the world are waking up to this which is why the demonstrations are escalating and will continue to do so until those responsible for these hideous crimes are held accountable. The reason none of this makes sense and is often dismissed as a conspiracy theory is because you do not know who has been controlling the planet, the global elite and their plans. Everything being done fits into their plans. Population control, collapsing the economy, ushering in socialism and the end to freedom, especially those guaranteed in the Constitution.
The leaders carrying out these plans are the ones bought and paid for by hostile governments as well as the global elite. Forced lock-downs, forced vaccinations, forced masks which create secondary bacterial pneumonia which is what killed most of the people during the Spanish flu, these leaders are all playing their part in the take-down-America plan. The plan of foreign hostile governments and the global elite. Antifa, BLM and a host of other groups are also being used as dispensable ponds in the take down America agenda. Divide and conquer.Social media has become deep state media, the main stream media owned by the global elite are on board with the take down America plan as well as corrupt politicians owning their allegiance to the global elite and hostile foreign countries. Politicians are getting caught in honey traps set by the CCP and other hostile governments accepting bribes in the millions. This corruption, sedition and treason is coming to the light. Due to citizen journalists and a few up and coming uncompromised news agencies. People are figuring this out. The truth is surfacing and the people are standing up, demanding the preservation of their freedom. It does not matter what color you are, what religion, which country freedom is an unalienable right.
The world is watching America imperfect as it may be, one of the last vestiges of freedom, a country founded on individual freedom where freedom is in our DNA to see if it will stand or fall. It is their last hope and they pray we are successful in rooting out what can only be described as pure evil when all is said and done. This process may take down 70% of our leadership many of which have already stepped down. Incomprehensible decadence, the performance of acts that would drop seasoned police to their knees have been recorded and sit as evidence in several lap tops, Hunter Biden and Anthony Weiner to name two.
There is enough evidence gathered by the NSA which has everything to end the careers of many in high level leadership which is the problem. Who is going to make it public and who is going to prosecute? Who is not compromised or in fear of retribution and there has been a lot of that? The dilemma the dark hearts have is nothing stays hidden in the days to come and the people are waking up, gathering together, becoming empowered which is their biggest nightmare. In other words, the people are the enemy.Now you know the reason behind the manufactured virus, the lockdowns, the deadly vaccines, and the total censorship of the main stream news and social media concerning any of these topics. It is so obvious even the socially engineered critical thinking and research impaired can see it. It is and has been unfolding right before your eyes the elephant in the room which is now defecating on everything.
Almost all options to remedy the extreme corruption and election fraud, interference by hostile foreign governments thus far have only brought everything into light. The system is so corrupt the possibilities of holding those accountable is far and few between.
The last stop to preserve America will be the Department of Defense, Homeland security and the cyber warfare department. They have everything, they know everything, they have the means to preserve America and set things straight. It is the duty of the highest levels of government, the military and all enforcement agencies to protect the people and the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. Then then there is the 80% the silent majority that is no longer silent. Guess how this one turns out?
The latest breaking new is concerning Canada. Trudeau has allowed hundreds of thousands of CCP, Communist Chinese troops to train on the border. According to multiple sources prominent democrats have allowed massive underground bases to be built in Main, Michigan and other possible areas to house foreign troops. There was a military jet shot down investigating major Chinese troop movements across the Canadian border with a high energy weapon. Two of these bases have been removed with bunker busters with what sources are saying 3 more to go. Most likely they will be taken and used as evidence.This is the hail Mary by the Dem’s and the [deep state] as a last ditch effort to bring in hostile foreign governments mainly the CCP to maintain their corrupt and treasonous empire. There are skirmishes in Hong Kong and Japan both very active in defending their borders. We are waiting for more sources to confirm these reports until then heads up. Prepare on every level for some disruptions.
ECETI News: 12-15-20
meditating I asked several questions concerning what is unfolding on
Earth. I was told there are events coming natural, social and economic.
The sun is going to become very active eventually taking down the grid
and most satellites. It is also creating changes in
consciousness. Expect severe weather and an increase in earthquake and
volcanic activity, the Earth is expanding. Freedom is the foundation of America it is in the DNA of the people. So many people have come to America fleeing socialist dictators and communism, they will not be fooled, the people will rise and those doing the will of the people will be victorious. Freedom is contagious it will be global. I
know it looks bleak at time as if the dark hearts are winning but they
have some big surprises in the very near future. Very big surprises.
Truth is a powerful weapon and it is not on their side. Their empires
are built on lies, deceptions and hidden agendas contrary to Universal
Law. They believe they are untouchable, they are not their kingdoms will
be dismantled. It is written in the prophesies, the beast has its
reign. It wants to dominate and consume everything.
Criticizing and blaming others for one’s emotional or mental state of mind is avoidance of dealing with ones own unfinished business. Worry is a form of prayer, fear cripples, find the lion within and let your heart be your guide. The greatest of all challenges is not exterior it is interior. We can meet each situation with a calm clear mind with the focus on solutions. Ride the wave it will amplify and accelerate everything, it is here. Do not get caught up in reactionary mind, shift into creationary mind. Focus on and create the world you want. Do not participate in anything that goes against the heart and Universal Law. Find your center and help others who have lost theirs bring them back to balance by example. These are auspicious times, people and events will come and go, release the past and know this too shall pass. Yet in order for it to pass we need to let it go. Be well, James Gilliland ECETI Stargate the Official Channel YouTube **Source |
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