Although from that time, from my birth, came the birth of the Christ Consciousness here on this planet, so that you, those of you, all of you can be here and experience that birth of the Christ Consciousness. You are the Christ Consciousness coming back as the Second Coming. You are the ones you have been waiting for! You have heard this many times through many different sources. And this is what it’s all about: The Second Coming.
Now if you look out across the entire planet, you see the turmoil, you see the consternation. You see all of those that are sorrowful and in depression. All of the things that those of the dark forces are attempting to bring about. And you look at this, and you say (and many of you have said this), “how can I have Christmas Spirit at this time when so many people are feeling so sorrowful?”
But yet, look around, my friends. Look as you travel from your home. You look at the many displays of Christmas Spirit that are happening at these times now. And many of you are even finding that there is more display of Christmas Spirit than has been in many, many years.
Because the awakening is happening now. You are in those moments now. And even though everything seems to be falling apart, and indeed it is falling apart—the old ways are falling apart, and they must fall apart. They must come down. For in order for you to have the rise of the Aquarian Age and the rise of the New Golden Age of Gaia, everything before that must come down, as in House of Cards. And that house is tumbling now.
The House of Cards that is the dark forces, or your cabal, is coming down. And there is nothing, and no thing that they can do to stop it from happening, even though they attempt it in many ways. They attempt to follow their own old plans and continue the programming, continue to hold that programming across the planet to bring it to you. To continue to hold on to you as much as they can. But they are like cornered animals now as they are striking back because they have been cornered.They have nowhere to go. The only place they can yet go is into the Light. And if they choose not to move into the Light, and that is their choice, then they will be taken from the Light. They will be taken into a new place where they can continue to raise havoc if they wish.
A new timeline, if you will, is being prepared–not for them, but by them–as their very actions are creating that new timeline for themselves. And they want you to be in that timeline.
But you, all of you, know that you are not going to be. For you have established the boundaries, the boundaries that you will not go beyond. And you have also rediscovered the sovereignty within each and every one of you, as was declared in your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution here on this planet.
And the very experience of all across the entire planet, not only here in this country, but the entire planet, is in the process of an awakening. An awakening as you have never seen before in all of your lifetimes here on this planet. An awakening that has not been here since the times of Lemuria and early Atlantis. That is where you are headed now in your new Aquarian Age. The Age of Aquarius has arrived!
And on the day that you are coming to, the 21st, which is tomorrow, that is an experience that is going to begin to catapult you further into this Aquarian Age. Will it be the Great Golden Flash? Probably not. Not at this point. But it is to be tremendous.Within yourself you will all feel it at one level or another, because the energies are going to be incredibly strong tomorrow, and throughout this Christmas week, because you are moving into the time of great cheer that this Christmas season is all about. Peace on Earth and good will toward men. This is what the Christmas Spirit is.
This is what love is bringing at this time, as more and more people are continuing to awaken, awaken to the subterfuge and the coverups that have been happening for so long in this country and across the entire planet. And that is coming to an end, as your major mass media begins to realize that the side that they have been on is not the side that they want, not the ones that are in the lower portions of that media. The ones that are the true journalists and want to continue to be those journalists. The ones that want to bring you the news, the news that they used to do. The news that is the news for everyone, not just for a select few. And those are the ones that are going to reach out and say, “no more.” They are going to say that to those who employ them. And those that employ them are going to be taken out of the process, taken out of the situation that they are in, in one way or the other. They will not be in control for too much longer.
Your media is going to begin to turn, is going to be able to begin to change. Just as those of your alternative media have been bringing out the actual facts in the news that is reaching out to more and more people across the planet. Those are the catalysts now for those others in what you call the mass media. That they will begin to turn, and turn on their controllers, for they will not be controlled anymore, just as you will not be controlled anymore.
You have heard many times: ”Do not go gently into the night.” Continue to fight. Fight with the sword of truth. Fight with the sword of Light. And reach out to your brothers and sisters whenever you are able to, to help them and encourage them. Do not do it for them. Just as we do not do it for you, you cannot do it for them. But you, just as we, can nudge them.
You can give them some guidance here and there if they are asking for it. And indeed, they shall begin more and more to ask for it, because they want to be on the timeline with you more than you can possibly imagine at this point. Their Higher Selves are going to begin to awaken them, just as your Higher Selves helped to awaken you.
I am Yeshua. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that this Christmas season can be the amazing experience and bring those Christmas miracles to you. Each and every one of you can expect that Christmas miracle, if you believe.
**Source **Channel: James McConnell
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