Channelled By DL Zeta On 3-27-16
It’s time for souls to break free of denser energies and achieve liftoff by aligning with the vibration of unconditional love, the highest vibration in the universe. It’s through love that we chart a course in life that allows us to live more fully in the new time on planet Earth.
The new time is here. It’s a location alive and well in its own timeline. We’re free at any moment to step into the new time and begin living the visions we’ve experienced time and again.
Many of you have experienced periods of heightened perception, expanded consciousness and peak states. These moments keep you moving forward on your path as you seek to experience more high-vibrational frequencies.
Higher Frequencies are your Natural State
These higher frequencies are your natural state. These are the frequencies where your higher self exists. It’s not that your higher self resides in a remote, lofty location in consciousness, but that you exist in isolation and separation - a condition derived from physical-based programming, mind control and parasitical influences.
The moment we adopt physical-based perceptions (what we see is all there is) we are weakened, our frequency is lowered and we are easier prey for parasitical thought viruses that convince us we are small, separate, weak, victimized, poor, and disempowered - all variations on the same theme included in the programming of free-floating thought viruses.
These keep us enslaved in a world of seeming endless pitfalls where we are shut off from our intuitive knowing, our impeccable guidance, and the synchronistic flow that comes from constant telepathic communion with our higher self.
You are able to transcend anything that pulls you down, holds you back or limits your connection with your soul. History is full of those who have accomplished amazing feats. These come from communion with one’s soul.
When you move through life awake and aware, you naturally make choices that lead you to experience high-vibrational realities. It’s through awareness and conscious choices that you are able to exist along timelines of the New Earth.
You Came Here with a Blueprint for this Lifetime
You came here with a blueprint that reflected your lesson format, the karma you came here to heal and resolve, and visions for what you will do in this lifetime. You brought with you gifts, talents and abilities. You came here to share these and to continue to hone them.
You came here to once again face down limitations and programming and step beyond a purely physical-based perspective so you can move through your earthly existence here as spirit incarnated on earth.
It is through the growth of your consciousness that you help unite heaven and earth. You came here to join with others to anchor the higher frequencies of love to the earth plane in order to help shift all life and all consciousness to the next level.
Love is the Highest Frequency
The New Earth is being anchored into collective consciousness by a record number of souls incarnating who hold the blueprint to transcend the limiting beliefs of physical-based realities while in physical form. These souls shine a bright light on the Earth plane. They bring awareness to old, outdated beliefs and ways of being. Human rights, animal rights, and care of the environment are at the top of their agenda for this timeframe.
Understanding of these issues will undergo quantum leaps as higher frequencies of love are anchored to the Earth plane. This has been taking place in recent decades and is now accelerating. You might point to the brutality and violence that is still prevalent on planet Earth. It seems that as the vibration of love expands and casts a wider influence so does the frequency of hatred and abuse.
This is the hastening of the shadow, the resistance, the obstacle field that naturally arises in response to higher frequencies. Love is the strongest and most powerful force on the planet. As you remain in the frequency of love, you help anchor higher and more powerful frequencies to the Earth plane. These frequencies trump all lower vibrations.
Love, Kindness and Compassion are Soul Qualities
Love for ourselves, love for all humans, all animals, and all life forms is a reflection of our connection to our soul and higher self. The person who radiates love, kindness and compassion is expressing the nature and the qualities of their soul.
Those who harm others, those who harm animals, the environment or any form of life, are acting from an impulse that disconnects them from the radiant life force connection with their soul.
Ascension is the Movement Back to your Soul
The person who awakens to the harm they have inflicted on others is blessed with the opportunity to heal themselves and others. The state of healing and forgiveness is the turning point for all souls as they begin their movement back toward spirit. Awakening is the movement toward ascension.
Achieving Liftoff!
Love is stronger than hate. Those who follow the path of hate weaken themselves and lower their frequency, cutting themselves off from the guidance, wisdom and assistance from their higher self. Love brings us in communion with the most powerful part of our being. Love empowers and strengthens and sustains us.
Love raises our vibration and helps us break free of limitation and all that keeps us from existing more fully along timelines of the New Earth. With love and only love can we break free of density and achieve the liftoff that transports us into the new time.
©2010-2016 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You
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