Channelled By Sandra Walter On 3-29-1
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

The Sun is our local Gateway to Pure Source Light Intelligence. A review for newbies, here is the simple Gateway chain for HUmans on the Ascension Path: Your Heart Center > Sun > Central Suns > Galactic Center > Great Central Sun > Source. The Gateway chain for Planets: Gaia > Sun > Central Suns > Galactic Center > Great Central Sun > Source. This is how information is accessed; this is why we have spent the last few years receiving intel directly from the Solar beings and connecting with the Divine Team through the Sun. It is a source of purity, and as evidenced by the synchronized Solar and Galactic activity during the Gateways of the past, a quite reliable portal of information.
As you reunify the fractals of yourself reflected in the planetary consciousness (your journeys here; Solaris sees them as reflections, like holographic mirrors or a kaleidescope effect) with your higher aspects through the Ascension process, you experience reunification with Source. We begin to reflect the level of Christed service which the Sun provides. Consistent, unwavering service to Divine Will.
Many of you have had these visions or experiences of Solar beingness already; becoming a pure conduit for the higher realms. The Solar, Galactic Center, Great Central Sun or Self-as-Universe sensation. This is a clear indication that your Heart center – your personal fractalized version of the Solar beingness – is reconnecting with Source in a pure way.
By becoming a pure conduit of the Solar Light (Christ/Unity consciousness) you are able to transmit codes, light frequencies, harmonics and vibrations of the higher realms into the denser reality – altering the light of this world. (I AM the Light of this World is a great command to utilize during Ascension; take full responsibility for your creation.) The Lower Self steps aside, the channel of the Ascension Column takes over, and your multilayered torus fields align to produce a walking model of the Solar system.
After all of the struggle and persistence of the Ascension process, the experience of Solar consciousness begins to take over. It brings a level of unprecedented peace, harmony, love and neutrality that shifts the collective consciousness, which is why so many are engaged in the embodiment process at this time.
Becoming a Sun God, a representation of the Solar aspect of Source upon Gaia, is one of the final steps of Mastery. The Resurrection process, or rising from the dead (asleep) collective and merging with the Higher Self took on a new level through the eclipse-Easter Gateway. It can be physically and psychologically challenging. Heart conditions, anxieties and ailments presented for many in the tribe – again. Those December visions of so many leaving the body this year continue to unfold.
Understand that we are experiencing evolution at an incredibly rapid pace; one incarnation is not a lot of time to completely transmute a body vehicle into a brand new form. We’re accomplishing the impossible, but we need to take care of the physical, and use our Ascension tools and practices, to stay calm, centered, and healthy. Take care. Remember the Light Tribe is responsible for holding the peace, the LoveLight, the stability as the polarities intensify with these waves.
Quantum Gravity
As the magnetics which held the old reality re-creation in place drop away at an accelerated rate, we will begin to experience changes occurring in gravity. Many of you feel this; the vertigo, the spinny sensations as the ancient Solar Gateways pop open all over the planet – and within the HUman heart grid. We’re using every willing Soul available, Beloveds. Apologies if you get flattened on a few days as the body adjusts. Coach your body through it, balance your circuits, keep those meridians and fields flowing.
Obviously the fifth/sixth dimensional Gaia is much less dense. You’ve probably visited that realm by now. The torus field which holds that reality in place has different magnetics than what we are accustomed to. This is why we work with our personal torus fields, so that the gravitational changes – Gaia’s new energy field and crystalline grid system – don’t wreak havoc on your body vehicle and lower consciousness during the transitional phase (right now).
Quantum gravity bridges the worlds. It is an element of the Divine Mother, the feminine Creator aspect or background energy holding space and penetrating all of creation. The masculine aspect of Source is the activity of creation, while the feminine aspect of Source births all new creations. It is ever-present, and in our reality it is deeply connected to gravity. It holds things in place – not in a fixed way (nothing is static) but through an energetic which is in direct connection to the Divine will or flow of Source. The Universal rewrite send the command for a new creation through this energy field – quantum gravity – to re-create or reorganize existing creations into a new form.
According to the Divine Team, this ripple or wave of quantum gravity affects the Sun’s gravitational fields, which in turn affects how the Sun interprets information, which in turn affects how our hearts and Gaia interpret reality. This message on quantum gravity arrived last October, with a reminder to watch the Sun for gravitational changes in 2016. It is already in progress.
As the Sun changes the parameters for our reality, so does Gaia. Apparently this is why polarization and (pointless) drama is so intensified at the moment. Simultaneously, the Light Tribe is experiencing embodiment in a vivid, lucid, and remarkable way. (We have exceeded expectations, Beloveds.) Our new Sunrise is breaking, lifting us out of a crumbling reality which no longer matches our vibration, into the resonance of a new field of creation.
This gravitational force of Source carries Divine Will and the loving embrace of Mother Creator. By honoring it, we re-embody our awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings and return to unity consciousness. Vibration = Vibration. Mastery is not about control; align with the Solar consciousness within and around you, and let it do the work.
The Trajectory is Accelerating

The Solar light pushing outward, becoming more intense, just as the Sun is becoming more intense. As above, so below. Notice the lucidity of your dreams, the stronger visions, the wisdom of the unified journey stepping forth. Step fully into your new service work as we emerge from the Resurrection phase in April. It is a strong month of personal and collective clarity during this year of Revelation. I Love You, I Bless You, I Thank You.
In Love, Light and Service, Sandra
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