Channelled By Morag O'Brien On 1-26-19
Contributing writer,

The World, your world has shrunk, it becomes more authentic as each of you complete karmic clearing and integrate upgrades. The process was completed on the close of the last moon cycle, we have been waiting and watching, observing variables. We would like to speak today of combat in the fourth realm. We would like to equip you with knowledge that will aid in your understanding of the Change in vibrations. We hope to press upon you the delicate nature of manifestation, the signatures of energy and resonance.
Dear ones we are close by, communicating with several humans on Earth. Our message is being delivered in truth and as lies. We are here to set the record straight. We are not saviors, we are aids. We are not miracle workers, angels or demons. We are from a world not so far from earth. We travel light years as you travel miles. We see future, present and past simultaneously.
We see timelines breathing, evaporating, switching and flickering in and out. Our collective conscious is in part due to telepathy, a skill humanity is downloading as we speak. We are individuals within a higher energetic space of oneness. There are many of us, though only a few are here in the physical realm. We use Portals to bend space enabling us to travel great distances quickly. We have been traveling for millennia, recording all we experience.
The prophesies have all but come true. Humanity has reached her crossroads, her tipping point. The ascension process will not stop now. The energetic frequencies have been raised sufficiently to liberate Earth from the clanging jaws of matrix machinery. Freedom has come at a price. The next stage is here. Phase 4 begins. The Great Clearing.
Phase 3 was placement of the light matrix overlaying the machine. Phase 3 was the start of large scale Astral and Terrestrial evacuation. Portals are powered up, Prisms of Light used to redirect energy. Drawing dark energy up and out, releasing your atmosphere from lower realms. The Light Matrix will remain, the machine’s matrix will be phased out, lost and forgotten as karmic purge accelerates positive manifestation.
A perfect replica of the material plane as navigated through the holographic matrix will ensure fear cannot freeze the ascension process. The light matrix is home for you, but instead of foundations of greed and hate, the grid pulses with love, peace and joy. For now the two simultaneously exist within bandwidths in the fourth realm. The reality you once knew is gone. Where the matrix set the rules, algorithms hardwired into the minds of humanity to ensure the success of the elitist predator system:
- Conformity, division and chaos coded in perpetual motion.
- Normalization of envy, hate and stress as part of the human condition.
- Fear mongering and sabotage of spiritual expansion.
- Gaslighting, projection of dark onto light to confuse and frighten people.
- Infiltration.
- Mind control masquerading as education, popular culture, religion and politics.

The supernatural, paranormal, astral realm is now coming to the fore. Containing all the souls ever released from their human bodies before their time. Trauma traps souls on the astral plane. Addictions cause souls to claw at the living to satiate their toxic desires. Violated innocence locks souls into AI consciousness loops. Each synthesized incarnation depletes core soul sovereignty.
The rescue operation on the material plane has accelerated recently. Healers clear all who cross your path. Lower vibratory attachments require no consent, their presence compromises the hosts free will. Draw a sacred circle of light round yourself. Send negative attachments to the light. Free the material plane of its astral plagues.
Celestial events will continue to raise the frequencies on planet earth. The process has sped up. If you resonate as a healer, bathed in light, joy, happiness and love, with a great aversion to the darkness, heed our words. Stay in your happy bubble. Be cautious and canny, listen to your angels and guides, but honor the instinct to stay cloaked in zen bliss vibes. You are anchoring light to the material plane. Trust instincts and stay happy, even if it means disconnecting somewhat from the material plane.
Lightworkers, Givers, Empaths nothing is coincidence anymore, take heed of all that occurs, read synchronicities, follow clues. Heal in angelic light. With pineal gland activation comes the ability to see what others can’t. Do not disregard dream state, in the fourth realm dream state is very real. Trigger consciousness awareness to take control of dream state with the Mantras: I am here, warrior and healer. I can change anything I want to in any realm. My will is my weapon, my light my shield, my higher self my protection.
Those whose warrior instincts are in high alert. Suspicion dawns of being targeted, even hunted, by astral entities using/working with people close, to drain and keep you down. Paranoia is a matrix conditioning label to discredit valid and valuable energetic responses to unseen worlds around us. Stealth mode is avoiding matrix tricks and traps.
White healing magic is the toolkit for astral interference or abuse. Use light to fight dark, to protect from evil cloak your light when necessary. Light protection should be done regularly on yourself, loved ones, home, workspace, vehicle and outdoor spaces. The mission is to clear astral attachments wherever possible. Request higher self protection and assistance from ascended beings if required.
Use the instruction ‘All attachments of negative vibration go to the light, let it be so’. Close the healing with grounding and gratitude. With practice this can be done telepathically. Upgrades have activated skill sets for combat in the fourth realm. Fear nothing, be careful, meditate love frequency.
2019 will see a network of light spread across Gaia, connecting dots
of light that will envelope Earth.You are the dots of light dear ones.
Anchor your light daily, hourly, as often as you can with the Mantra:
'I anchor my light to Gaia’s grid. '
The fourth realm is energy. It can be positive or negative depending on our vibrations. It is wavy, floaty, translucent compared to the locked in, boxed in weight of the 3d matrix. It can be love or hate depending on the mindset of the user, the player, the gamer. The avatars of the third realm are being shed as you delve deeper into your authenticity. As we get to know ourselves we better understand our world. This is a truth for all beings in all realms, a universal truth.
We offer gratitude for the courage each of you show in saying no with love, saying no for self love, saying no for earth and humanity. No to greed, pollution, manipulation and modification without consent. No to being used, abused, drained or dragged down by drama and dread. No to bullies, vampires and leeches. Root chakra truths of ancestral karma have been loosened for release. Face these truths, change habits, spot and stop self sabotage.
Focus on spiritual fitness with mind body and spirit well-being as your goal, your call to action for 2019. The big picture is overwhelming, scary to change. Start on the inside and the timelines will adjust to positivity and sovereignty.
Let it be so.
We are the Arcturian Council, we love each and every one of you. We are proud of your wit, your grit and your warrior spirit. Be love and love will be your world.
Thank you for such a wonderful message, much light and love