Channeled by Suzanne Lie
Friday, November 28, 2014
Dear Readers,
This information was received some time in the mid 1990’s. I could not even begin to understand what it meant back then. I was acting as the scribe and just wrote down what I was receiving. Now, I can understand it, but I also want to present it as the process I went through for those who are newly awakened.
While re-writing this channel, I used some terms that were not within my consciousness then and explained other terms that I could not begin to understand back then. I have found it quite useful to go back into my past to find that which I knew but did not understand. I recommend that you all do the same. If you are not a writer, look at old photos or drawings.
We are often the last ones to be aware of how much we have changed, so we don’t give ourselves enough credit. We are living in an amazing time for which we have prepared for in myriad physical incarnations. This truly is the NOW of the ONE. We are so fortunate to be incarnated on Gaia’s beautify body to assist Her, as well as humanity. )
Our dear friends in human vessels, we find you now in the final act of “The Grand Illusion.”
Therefore, you may feel your selves on the verge of the unknown. All that you have perceived, as your self, has become extinct or “out of date.” What you once feared is now only a shadow, yet there is newness in life that threatens to ignite your old “fear of the unknown.”
You may not experience fear in the same manner that you once did. YET, there is a persistent feeling of awaiting a discovery which can cause a sense of anxiety. This fear/anxiety acts as a shell to protect the new, vulnerable embryo as it grows deep inside of your essence.
Your true expression of SELF is not quite ready for birth, but it is “time” NOW to prepare in earnest for the NEW that is actually the ANCIENT. As Earth reaches her ascension, we Arcturians are to be Gaia’s guardian. We have been chosen from the many who volunteered for this role because it is our Galactic Mission to surround ascending worlds with our Arcturian Corridor of Unconditional Love.
In this manner, we are assisting Gaia in the manifestation of Her Divine Plan, which is to be a planet of pure, Unconditional Love.
The Pleiadians have long been active in communication with the receptive grounded ones of Earth, and the Sirians are assisting humanity to peacefully move into the unity of unconditional love.
Unconditional love will erase all political, ethnic, religious and personal boarders to herald in the Age of Planetary Consciousness.
Remember, the key to your transformation into Lightbody is unconditional love, specifically love of your physical body. Your earth vessel allows you to have your earthly thoughts and to feel your earthly emotions. The most treasured of these earthly emotions are happiness and joy.
Happiness is actually the result of your ability to combine your thoughts and feeling in a manner that calibrates your brainwaves to their highest possible frequency. When you are “unhappy,” you may think that it is an outside, or inside, reaction to something that has happened.
However, what has actually occurred is that you have fallen “out of calibration” with your higher brainwaves. If you could face the same experience that made you unhappy, but keep yourself calibrated to the highest brainwaves, you would perceive the experience in a completely different manner.
Within your higher state of consciousness, you know that you can productively face that challenge because NOW you are calibrated to the brainwaves that keep you in constant communication with your fifth dimensional Soul. An experience that would devastate your third dimensional ego would be a mere challenge to your fifth dimensional Soul.
Consequently, we encourage you to find your highest carrier frequency at the beginning of each day and merge with your Soul, so that the pathway of communication between you and your Soul can remain open throughout your day. In this manner, you can keep your mental channel attuned to the fifth dimensional frequency.
This fifth dimensional frequency, which is beyond the speed of light but not beyond the speed of thought, cannot be clearly accessed unless your brain has been calibrated to your fifth dimensional thinking.
Once calibrated, your brain is able to track your Soul’s vibration as it moves down from the higher frequencies of Spirit and into the lower frequencies of matter. In this manner, you can consciously integrate “Spirit into Matter” in your daily life.
This integration is the greatest service that anyone can offer, as it is the most effective process to raise the vibration of your self and of the planet. Also, in this manner, your physical earth-ship can be updated with the necessary “downloads” from the fifth dimensional worlds.
These “up-dates” are much like that come into your computer. However, if the computer is not “turned on” you will not know that a new up-date is ready for transmission. If you will dedicate your self to a daily connection with your Higher Self, your bodily sensations, emotions and thoughts, will keep you informed regarding any messages your super-conscious SELF.
We are very pleased with your/our progress. We say your/our progress because we are ONE. We are a component of your greater SELF that has chosen to inhabit your clay earth-ship. We are your command-station; hence, we are invaluable to you. Know that any feeling of “Homesickness” is actually a homing-beam that you can track to return to the state of consciousness that you call “Home.”
Follow your “Divine Discontent” up into the fifth dimension to remember that you are never alone. Your feelings of loneliness for Home are not your enemy. We ask that you remember to perceive these feelings as friends that will guide you Home. Remember, dear ones, you are all part of our ONE SELF.
We surround you with our light so that you can release any experience that threatens to “let you down” and lower your consciousness. We support you in Gaia’s Web of Life and promise you that we will NOT “let you down.” Know that your/our mission shall be completed.
Each of you within Gaia’s Web of Life represents the masculine energy of a Spiritual Warrior and the feminine energy of the Goddess. Your male and female energies are blending now. This process shall continue until no separation is possible, as your body has been transformed into LIGHT.
The “Web of Life” is the light matrix to which your consciousness is attached. Once your Soul attaches its consciousness to this Web, it calls in a female to give you birth. Whether or not she is aware of it, you “mother” has agreed to create a form for you and carry you within her body until you are ready to be born.
At first you are attached to your mother’s Web of Light, but as you mature you slowly create your own attachment to the Web. As you expand the conscious awareness of your corporeal body you can consciously embrace the feelings of being connected to the light matrix of the Web of Life.
Keep this matrix conscious throughout your day. See it now. See how it glimmers with many colored lights and embraces you with our love. With a conscious awareness of the Web of Life, you can begin to perceive that there are higher frequencies to which you can attach your consciousness.
For example, you can attach your consciousness to the fourth dimension when you are being creative and/or sleeping. With practice you will be able to attach your consciousness to the fifth dimensional frequency of the Web. From this frequency you will be able to create a portal through which you can perceive the third and fourth dimensional realities, as well as the higher dimensional realities of the fifth dimension and beyond.
While your consciousness is attached to the fifth dimensional Web of Life, you can leave time to travel into the NOW of the higher worlds. We are pleased to explain more about how this transition was accomplished. However, there is the timeline to be considered. Hence, there are certain facts we cannot share with you within your “time.”
We can tell you that “time travel” is far more common than the general public is allowed to know. Because of this dangerous activity, which can greatly disrupt Gaia’s future, there are many dispensations that have been released to allow for the Lightworkers to beginning to merge with their future fifth-dimensional selves.
We say future fifth dimensional self because you all have many fifth dimensional selves. But, there is only one future self with whom you will merge. We will now explain how your past/3D self and your future/5D SELF can merge. You may find that your inner child is the first one to take your hand.
We will now tell you how your future, fifth dimensional SELF will merge with your inner child. Your future SELF lives on future Earth, which is quite different than you what you may imagine. The manner in which it is different is one of the things that I cannot share with you yet.
However, I do have permission to tell you a story. I will tell it in first person and from the perspective of my inner child, as well as yours. In response to your unasked question, yes, we always have an inner child. It is our inner child that holds our vulnerability and innocence.
My/our story:
One morning I awoke very early before the suns were up. We lived to be much older than in your timeline so age didn’t mean much, but I would say that I was still a child. My body was changing and so was my consciousness. I had been having a reoccurring dream in which I was playing with another girl about my age.
I felt very close to her and her to me. She had shared with me that, although I could remember my dreams of us, she could not. She told me that in her world people did not believe that we had other parts of ourselves. The force of the collective consciousness was too much for her to battle. She already felt she was too different from everyone else, so she was unable believe that our joint dreams could be real.
On the other hand, in my world it was a common event to mind travel to other realities, times, and to visit with other portions of our total self. I had done so since I was quite young. This young girl, however, felt very different. It seemed that she was closer to me than anyone I had ever met in my mind journeys.
She said her name was Em and I told her that I was known as Illia. I also had a masculine side of myself that I could present, but that frightened Em. She could only be close to me when I displayed myself as feminine; so that is what I did.
For many years, we met in the fourth dimension that was between my world and her world. Em lived in the third dimension and I lived in the fifth. Our favorite place to meet was in fourth dimensional Faerie. In fact, it took a very long time for Em to learn to raise her vibration above that plane. When we first met she was in the Lower Astral Plane.
The first time that I met Em I was mind traveling in Faerie and heard a distant cry. It was a cry so filled with terror that it caught my attention. Usually, I would not have had any awareness of the Lower Astral Plane. I was told never to go there. However, this cry was so familiar that I could not resist investigating it.
I surrounded myself with the Violet Light so that I would be protected from the low vibrations of that dimension and left a trail of Light connecting me to my Faerie self, so that I would not become lost. Down, down I went into the dark lands of the lower Astral.
I could not see too much through my violet cocoon, but I could hear cries of agony all around me. On and on I traveled, following the cries of the distant familiar voice. At last I came to what appeared to be a jail. We no longer had jails in my home, but I had seen pictures of them at our learning post.
On the other side of the jail was a frightened child who was screaming and crying because a big monster was trying to get to her. I entered the jail cell with her and filled it with Violet Light. It took a while for the girl to realize that the Violet Light was around her because she was curled up in a ball with her eyes closed.
Finally she stopped crying to saw that she was enclosed in a violet cocoon and that someone was in the cocoon with her. She looked at me as if she recognized me and said, “Who are you? You don’t feel like a monster. In fact, you feel familiar.”
“Yes, I answered your call because it felt familiar to me as well. Do we know each other?”
“I don’t remember,” answered the child as she stood up and faced me. “Hey, where is the monster?
That is a need trick with the purple light. Is that what made the monster go away? Can you teach me how to do that?”
“Hey wait,” I stopped her. “You are asking too many questions. How can I answer them all? No, I can answer them all, but not with words. Would you like to go with me? I have a wonderful reality that I visit all the time.”
“Are you asleep too?’
“No, and neither are you. They just tell you that you are asleep when you are mind traveling so that you won’t forget that you are human now.”
“Yes,” she frowned. “They tell me a lot of things so that I won’t forget that I am human, but I still don’t feel like it. I mean I know that I am a person, but I am not like them. I don’t believe in their world and they don’t believe in mine.”
“Well, I believe in your world and I believe in you. My name is Illia. What is yours?”
“I don’t remember. I know that I have a name down there, but I forget it when I come up here. Worse yet, I often forget who I am up here when I am down there.”
“In my timeline, the adults teach us how to mind travel so that we don’t get so confused.”
“In your timeline?”
“Well, I am not really sure who you are. I will have to ask my teacher. However, I think that you may be a part of me from an earlier time period. I am from 3004 AD. When are you from?’
The child looked confused. “I don’t know. I don’t know what my name is down there, or what time date it is. I only know that I am a kid, and I don’t like being a kid. I also know that I have a lot of scary feelings down there that I can’t talk about. Then when I come up here the feelings turn to monsters, and I can’t get to Faerie.”
“Faerie! That is where I want to take you. Here hold my hand,” I say as I reach out towards her. “I will show you a way there that NO monsters know about. Maybe someone in Faerie knows your name.”
The child happily reached out to take my hand. All of her questions were gone as soon as she knew she was going to Faerie.
“Can you feel me inside you?” I ask the child. I am still in my world because I am a fifth dimensional being and can easily bi-locate. In fact to say that correctly, we are a fifth dimensional being and we can bi-locate. We are two in one and one in two.”
The child looks very confused, but is so happy to leave her cage in the Lower Astral plane that she can barely hear me.
“Can you feel me inside you?” I repeat. “We are two in ONE now.”
“Wow, it is so beautiful here.” Em ignores my as she exclaims, “I NEVER want to leave here.”
“As I show you more and more of my reality, will you share some of your reality with me?”
My question remains unanswered, as I race off after the small child who is excited to be Home once again.
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