This translation from German is grammar corrected in self-defense...DT
Channeled by Anna Merkaba On 12-1-15
Greetings everyone,
Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. I know that the last few weeks have been quite turbulent for many of you. A lot is changing and taking place in our magnetic fields and that is partially the reason that so many of you are having issues with vertigo, dizzy spells, headaches and heart palpitations.
Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. I know that the last few weeks have been quite turbulent for many of you. A lot is changing and taking place in our magnetic fields and that is partially the reason that so many of you are having issues with vertigo, dizzy spells, headaches and heart palpitations.
Since we are all energy beings and are constantly vibrating, the change in the magnetic field of our planet, affects us in various ways, for some the incoming frequencies can destabilize our internal vibrations and cause various discomforts. Know that we are nearly out of this phase and in a few weeks’ time should be stabilizing and continuing to ride smoothly through the ascension process.
As we were foretold in previous channelings, these types of ups and downs are natural as the changes are happening in waves, and so just like professional surfers who learn to ride the wave, eventually those of us who have been riding for a while will be able to do so with ease and assist others in doing the same.
So once again please understand that these fluctuations are a natural part of ascension. However, there is no need to suffer as there is help available via various healing modalities that I talk about frequently on my blog and for those of you who are looking for personal assistance, I would be honored to assist you in your ascension journey, to learn more about these healing modalities please visit my blog at
Now having said this here is a channeling that I have received from AA Metatron and the 33rd Dimension.

And so, the efforts that each one of you is putting toward the co-creation of a new initiative is well noted and supported by your galactic families enlarge.
Now we would like to draw your attention to the concurrent events that are formulating to take place on your planet. The concurrent events that are nearing and already are aligning for preparation for the grand gesture by The Source of all that is, for through the alignment of various celestial bodies in your sky, through the Taconic movements, through the atmospheric changes in your ethers, the energy exchange is taking place. The energy exchange and purification of old belief systems is taking place and akin to a domino effect is shaping a new cognition in your daily reality.
Albeit the difficulties that some of you are experiencing in your present daily activities, through the tremendous support network that you all have access to, through the endeavors of your benevolent selves and through your own initiatives the galactic adherence principle can take effect in the months to come.
The benevolent encounters of the fifth dimensional
kind are readily available for all of you to behold. The benevolent
encounters with the 5th dimensional kind shall bring new points of
awareness, knowledge and abilities to all who consent to participate in
such experiences.
Each of you holds the key to the universe which is encoded into the heart principles of your earthly vehicles of choice, through the heart codices and upon activation of said codices, much can begin to change and much can be achieved, inside and outside of your current incarnations.
Let it be known that the experiment is coming to an end, and the karmic wheel of life, shall disappear from this planet once and for all in the years to come. Nevertheless it is of utmost importance for you to note that in order to release oneself from the karma it is necessary to abide by the universal karmic laws, which state “onto thy self you bring reprise, unto thyself you bring remorse, choosing the direction for your soul to grow, experience and be”.
It is through your own initiative that you uphold the karmic wheel of life, it is through your own understanding of reality of being, that you shall break the bonds, contracts and malevolent encounters with those from the reign of malevolence.” For through your own initiative, shall you set yourself free and shall you create the life that you wish to experience., living in your divinity and understanding the cosmic powers that you are here to uphold.
Understanding the true nature of that which you
are, shall propel you towards that timeline and those encounters that
you wish to experience. Through the wholehearted connectedness to the
source and all that is, you shall glean the energies necessary to uphold
your own initiative on this planet.
Thus, the alignments of heavenly celestial bodies, the procession of the heavenly celestial bodies within your stratosphere of understanding is proceeding diligently on the course to a new reality structure and a new path. So doing you shall spring into another dimension, into another state of BEing, into a new benevolent universe to which you were meant to transition in due time.
Understand that the last bits of debris are being cleared away by your very own selves in order for you to step onto a new route and walk across the bridge to the reality of your choosing. Understand that the seeming setbacks in your present reality are nothing more than a benevolently inclined experiences orchestrated by none other than your very own higher selves. Understand that no matter the circumstances that you find yourselves in, through the power of positivity, through the power of positive thinking you shall yield positive results, results that shall change not only your own reality and present incarnation, but all that is around you.
Let us remind you that no matter the undulations and roughness of the road ahead, you shall persevere and you shall be able to reach the destination of your choice, but only through the positive energies which are generated by your very own hearts. Remember dearly beloved children of the universe that it is through your own high heart codices that you are capable of influencing all that lays within and without.
Stay in the cognitive understanding that you are being supported by all that is. Know that we are walking with you hand in hand and that you can call upon us whenever you need to. Know that it is so, for it is!
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
Each of you holds the key to the universe which is encoded into the heart principles of your earthly vehicles of choice, through the heart codices and upon activation of said codices, much can begin to change and much can be achieved, inside and outside of your current incarnations.
Let it be known that the experiment is coming to an end, and the karmic wheel of life, shall disappear from this planet once and for all in the years to come. Nevertheless it is of utmost importance for you to note that in order to release oneself from the karma it is necessary to abide by the universal karmic laws, which state “onto thy self you bring reprise, unto thyself you bring remorse, choosing the direction for your soul to grow, experience and be”.
It is through your own initiative that you uphold the karmic wheel of life, it is through your own understanding of reality of being, that you shall break the bonds, contracts and malevolent encounters with those from the reign of malevolence.” For through your own initiative, shall you set yourself free and shall you create the life that you wish to experience., living in your divinity and understanding the cosmic powers that you are here to uphold.

Thus, the alignments of heavenly celestial bodies, the procession of the heavenly celestial bodies within your stratosphere of understanding is proceeding diligently on the course to a new reality structure and a new path. So doing you shall spring into another dimension, into another state of BEing, into a new benevolent universe to which you were meant to transition in due time.
Understand that the last bits of debris are being cleared away by your very own selves in order for you to step onto a new route and walk across the bridge to the reality of your choosing. Understand that the seeming setbacks in your present reality are nothing more than a benevolently inclined experiences orchestrated by none other than your very own higher selves. Understand that no matter the circumstances that you find yourselves in, through the power of positivity, through the power of positive thinking you shall yield positive results, results that shall change not only your own reality and present incarnation, but all that is around you.
Let us remind you that no matter the undulations and roughness of the road ahead, you shall persevere and you shall be able to reach the destination of your choice, but only through the positive energies which are generated by your very own hearts. Remember dearly beloved children of the universe that it is through your own high heart codices that you are capable of influencing all that lays within and without.
Stay in the cognitive understanding that you are being supported by all that is. Know that we are walking with you hand in hand and that you can call upon us whenever you need to. Know that it is so, for it is!
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
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