Our Solstice Gateway (December 21 – 25) is upon us. This is an amazing year of Mastery that will end with a deep inner shift for many. Allow this, make time for it, bless this planet and all of creation as we (gently, slowly) migrate an entire reality to the Christed grid systems. Note the emerging peace, the 5/6D lucidity emerging as this unfolds.
Photonic, Christed energies always have a purging effect. It is what it is. We had dramatic shifts during the Gateway last week which surprised many in the Light Tribe. Refresh your methods if you were one of them; this is a passage for comprehension, wisdom, and spiritual maturity. This is our three-year Mastery marker, Beloveds; the predicted passage of transformation for the Wayshowers through mid-January. We are at the place in the higher Ascension timeline when full embodiment begins to occur, let us unite in its Divine purpose with ease and grace.
Focus on the New Light, and keep your multidimensional torus fields aligned with your Ascension column for physical, emotional and mental balance. Gridwork with crystals truly assists; Gatekeepers work with every crystal placed upon this planet by a Lightworker.
The magenta Gateways of 5/6D Unity consciousness, and the Golden-crystalline Christ Gateways are delivering a very high frequency Light right now. Some of you can hear the piercing tones, which just amplified yet again. (You hear them because your vagus nerve, which receives these frequencies, wraps behind your ears.)
The level of Light is tremendous; try not to obsess about the physical implications on the SUN, the planet, or yourself. Focus on expansion of consciousness, the return of your Christed Self. Feel what the incoming energies are doing; this leads you to being a good Gatekeeper – it is the inner knowing of what to do when these waves arrive which allows for acceleration for all.
All of this has been discussed, as well as the 3D drop-off and its side-effects, so let us unite on the higher planes and use these cosmic rays to call forth peace. Gaia is expanding into these new grids; both she and HUmanity will need our stability. Now is the time for the deep inner work, the transformation as we integrate the Divine return of our Christed Self. Words cannot capture this phase properly. Those of you participating in the Resurrection phase understand the symbolic and energetic passage of the Winter Solstice. This can be powerful if you use it properly.
Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, and those in service may step away to do the deep work for a while. Surrender to it, let the transformation happen, and simplify as much as possible. Online-related programs may feel disruptive – and they are. Get outside to receive the maximum light and assist in Christed Gridwork.
Previous articles which support this phase:

Evolution of the Wayshowers: Transformation as we merge with the Feminine,
Healing Conversation: A video of the current phase and how our roles will change.
I wish all of you a blessed Solstice, and a peaceful, brilliant Holiday season. I Love You, I Bless You, I Thank You for your service to the Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,
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