Today, as you prepare to enter into a new terrestrial year, I would
like to remind you that there is only and can only be L O V E! Love is
Reality, is Mother/Father/God, is The Source from which All That Is
flows constantly out embracing and re-embracing Itself in every moment,
creating infinite Joy for All.
Separation is an illusion, and time is a major aspect of the
illusion, because there is only NOW. There is no last year, this year,
or next year, there is NOW. All experiences occur NOW, even memories
you revisit occur NOW. That is why memories can be so intense, because
when you bring them to mind you re-experience them NOW!
memories need to be released and discarded because they spoil the now
moment for you. However, they do not actually do any spoiling, it is
just that when you bring them to mind you are departing from NOW! Now
is always joy-filled, so joyful memories can intensify Now, whereas
painful and sorrowful ones hide Now from your awareness, and replace it
with dreams or nightmares that are totally lacking in Joy.
Joy is real and is available to you in every moment regardless of
what may be happening in the now moment for you as humans. Joy sees the
beauty in every moment and intensifies it, and in every moment there is
always beauty. As humans you experience duality – good/bad,
right/wrong, beauty/ugliness – and you then choose the aspect on which you wish to focus your attention. That is why earthly events and situations bring joy to some and misery to others.
For instance you might support a football team; when they win a match
you are in joy, and the supporters of the other team are in misery; and
when your team lose you are in misery and the supporters of the other
team are in joy. But to allow yourselves to make yourselves miserable
because the team you support does not win is a choice you make, no one else makes it for you. That is a simple example to demonstrate quite clearly that you do
make the choice to be either joyful or miserable, because if you decide
to support a different team then your perception of what makes you
joyful or miserable alters. But, as you live your lives, most of the
time the choices available to you do not seem to be nearly as clear and
simple as that.
In Reality choices are unnecessary because Love, Joy, and Creativity
flow smoothly and constantly in every moment further revealing the
amazing wonder that is Reality. The choice to experience
separation from Source was a little like a human teenager choosing to do
something that was different from the life experiences that had so far
occurred, a teenage expression of independence. It lasted but an
instant, BUT, because God had given you Himself when He created you, you
had the same infinite power, the same divine power to create something
on your own that appeared to be quite different from Source.
BUT there is nothing apart from Source, and so you became lost
in a dream state, an illusory state that to you, as humans, seems
totally real. It is not! However you chose to believe that it was real and therefore that is how it appears to you, and how it will continue to appear to you until you change your mind!
To awaken is to change your collective mind, and, because you
experience yourselves as separated from one another, you each have to
change every one of your individual minds. That changing of minds is
happening right now, and you can see evidence of it everywhere as Love
replaces conflict and confusion in the minds of many people, so that
they then change their attitudes and their behaviors. This leads to a
collective change of perception, allowing more and more loving ideas and
activities to manifest in the seemingly most unlikely of places on the
planet. These ideas and activities are alive with hope, alive with
enthusiasm, alive with excitement as it becomes very clear to those
involved that life can and will be joyful.
There are very few now who are completely unaware that enormous
changes are occurring planet-wide, and therefore many are seeking
information as to what it is that is happening and why. And what they
are discovering is that humanity is waking up, and they keep
meeting and making new acquaintances who are also waking up. This is
truly a most inspiring and uplifting time in which to be incarnate as a
human on Planet Earth.
Your task, each of you reading this message, is to focus your
attention on the positive and uplifting events that are taking place all
over the planet as opposed to focusing narrowly and very intently, as
many do, on the chaos, confusion, and conflict that is also occurring on
the planet. These latter have been occurring for eons and are now in
their final stages of dissolution as the Tsunami of Love washes ever
more intensely across the planet and in doing so embraces all of
It does seem weird to have so much that is good and loving and so
much that is causing conflict, resentment, and bitterness occurring
seemingly simultaneously. This is the moment of change, and for change
to be brought forth chaos and confusion must be present. In situations
of chaos and confusion change will occur, because chaos and
confusion inevitably lead to change. Mostly in the past things only
appeared to get better – wars ending and peace being established –
before the cycle started again with wars of greater intensity causing
greater damage and suffering than before.
This not what is happening now. Humanity is awakening to the realization that conflict and the resultant wars are both insane and totally
unnecessary. Wars arise from a powerful egotistical need to be right
and make the other wrong, and the facts of the situation are never the
issues over which wars are fought. Wars are fought over the issue of pride! The pride of the authority figure(s) who choose conflict in order to demonstrate how powerful they are. But conflict always leads to further conflict as the defeated ones recover and choose to reengage to heal their injured pride.
That kind of pride, which has been present for eons, has finally been
recognized for what it is – a child-like refusal to admit that it has
made a mistake by totally denying it, and blaming the resultant damage
on someone else. With recognition, with awareness of this, the
possibility for change arises and is wisely and enthusiastically
embraced by all involved.
This global awareness or recognition is the direct result of so many
choosing to be loving whatever arises, and it has now become so
all-encompassing that it is empowering the peoples of the world to absolutely demand
change from those who were elected to serve them, but who have misused
their positions for personal gain. The tipping point has passed, doubts
are dissolving, and humanity is awakening.
Prepare yourselves for the joy to come by continuing to hold your
Light on high and treating absolutely everyone with love and respect.
Doing just that is what brings into effect the changes for which you
have all been hoping and praying.
With so very much love to you all at this dawning of the terrestrial year of 2020,
Saul Audio Blog for New Yea’s Eve 2019/20
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