Sunday, February 22, 2015

A.C.E.A. Part 3 -Your Life Is In YOUR Hands

Channelled By Suzanne Lie On 1-22-99

Posted on 2-21-15

Dear Ascending Ones,
We are ACEA, returned to speak with you again. In our last meeting we talked about managing fear. We wish to continue with that important message. You have been doing well at managing your fears. Remember that you can slow down your process of transmutation into Lightbody whenever it becomes too difficult.

Rather than putting yourself into crisis it is best to set a slow, steady pace that you can maintain. If you move too fast, you will bring up more fear than you can manage and you may even chose to terminate your process of ascension. Do not forget that “time” is an illusion. Hence, there is no hurry.

Relax and set a pace that is comfortable yet challenging. Then you will remain strong enough to allow your deep, primal fears to come into your conscious mind. Since these fears are being revealed so that they can be released, there may appear to be no “reason” for their expression.

You must feel self-confident in order to allow your primal fears to rise to the surface with no apparent reason. Do not fall into the third dimensional trap of feeling as though you are “going crazy.” It is important that you remember that you made an agreement with your SELF to allow the process of releasing your ancient, accumulated fears to continue without any external catalyst. Otherwise, your ego self would not need to create a situation in which your fears could be released.

Please remember that you are a multidimensional being, and all these experiences, emotions, thoughts, and feelings that are entering your consciousness from other dimensions of yourself. For example, you are all currently releasing fears from your fourth dimensional selves. If you can maintain an understanding of this process, you can allow your old fears to come the surface of your knowing.

Observe these fears as they surface and do not become attached to them. Listen to the voices of fear as calmly as you listen to us, your fellow members of the fifth dimension. You may wonder how you can stay functional on the third dimension with all of these voices going on in your head? Yes, that is the challenge.

The messages that are most important and need to be quickly acted on will be at the front of your awareness. Whereas, the messages that are least important and can be confronted later will be placed further back in your consciousness. However, do not leave these “less important” issues un-addressed or they will interfere with your daily life.

You unconsciously made the agreement with your self to make sure that you do not allow these portions of your awareness to become “unconscious.” Also, by acknowledging the many voices of your unconscious self you begin to hear the voices of your superconscious self. In this manner, you begin to understand the workings of your multidimensional consciousness.

The secret of multidimensional consciousness is to know which message comes from which dimension. If you are in a room filled with people and cannot tell which person is speaking, you will become very confused. With everyone talking at once, you can only hear the “noise” of all these mixed voices.

You may even stop the communications because it is too frustrating. Then you can focus on one particular person to understand what their voice was saying. The key to multidimensional consciousness is that you must learn to recognize where each communication is coming from. Then you can primarily focus your attention on that voice to better understand that message.

Some of your messages will be in words, others in feelings, and others in pictures. Eventually, you will be able to focus and understand your communication with more than one expression of your SELF at a time. You will learn to split your focus into more than one communication without diminishing your ability to understand each message.

Remember that this multidimensional process begins by learning to identify the source of each communication so that you can decide if you wish to focus your attention on that message or “save” it for later processing. Take a moment in your NOW to listen to multiple messages. Try this exercise again and again until your mind is trained to listen to more than one voice at a time, just as you will do on the fifth dimension.

Learning to be fifth dimensional is not escaping the third dimension. It is learning to be completely conscious and responsible at all times for what you hold in you awareness. If there are any emotions or thoughts that threaten to lower your vibration, you need to be instantly aware of them so that you can balance them with unconditional love.

Third dimensional, conditional love is not powerful enough because conditional love is laced with fear. Only unconditional love is free of all fear. Therefore, unconditional love can be totally accepting and forgiving. You can use your unconditional love to neutralize the fear of any voices that threaten to lower your vibration.

We know that sending unconditional love to whatever disturbs you feels like a huge task. However, with practice this process becomes an unconscious act, like driving. When you drive the car, you are not thinking about the constant vigil that you keep until there is a danger. Then, if there is danger, you instinctively react by turning, braking, etc. Eventually, your mental monitoring system will be as natural as driving a car.

It may take practice for you to consciously register when something or someone, external or internal, is lowering your consciousness. But, gradually, it will take less and less effort to monitor the negative influences. It is then that you will be able to expand you resonant consciousness to encompass higher and higher dimensions.

That is all for today. We will return upon your request.
ACEA  (All Consciousness of Earth's Ascension)

Blessings for ACEA, We call to you because we see that you are losing faith—both in yourself and in your process. Therefore we remind you that the only way to face your fear is to have it. Try to remember that you are a multidimensional being who is in the process of awakening to your true mission.

It may feel as though there are powerful forces that do not want you to succeed. However, these forces only have power over you when you are lost in your forgetfulness. When you are fully connected to your fifth dimensional reality, these forces will have little influence on you because you will have access to the greater power of unconditional love.

The term unconditional in your 3D language means, “love beyond condition.” Unconditional love means that no matter what—the love circuit is fully connected. That would mean that you love your life, even when you are frightened by it. In order for you to become a fifth dimensional being, anything with a vibration lower than unconditional love must leave your life.

Is it more important to live a comfortable life, or is it more important to purge your fear? By releasing your fear and following the path of unconditional love to flow through you, you create a vibrational avenue from the third dimension and into the fifth dimension.

A third dimensional reality that is based on unconditional love will have enough power and integrity to move through the huge transmutation process from a third dimensional reality, into a fourth dimensional reality and, finally, into a fifth dimensional reality and remain intact.

Please remember that unconditional love must first be for your self before you can have unconditional love of others. How can you give away something that you do not possess?

Allow us to explain this concept more. There are many possible realities that you may live according to your beliefs and according to where you place your love force.

Your challenge is to create a life that resonates, as much as possible, to the fifth dimension. As you continue to release the fears that you consciousness collected in your third and fourth dimensional realities, it will become easier and easier to create such a reality.

As you create a reality based on this higher resonance, you will learn to protect your life like a mother lion. If a situation and/or person threaten to lower your vibration because they cannot accept the shifts of your personal consciousness, go inside your self and say, “NOTHING WILL DESTROY MY HARMONY.”

Then, from a stance of calm, peace and determination you will be able to accept the responsibility for creating that reality and learn the lesson that it brings to you.

We shall return,
ACEA (All Consciousness of Earth's Ascension)

Greetings, we of ACEA have returned,
We are here to tell you more about the forces that oppose you. These forces are the ones who strive to make you feel as though you are “bad” if you are unable to keep your commitment to them and/or to the old structures of mundane, physical life.

Do not forget that there is another commitment that you have sworn to keep. That commitment was made to your higher expressions of SELF before you entered your physical form. You made the pledge that you would not forget whom you truly are. You promised that you would remember your true multidimensional self while in your third dimensional body.

This was indeed a large commitment because many of the responsibilities created by your third dimensional life can, and often will, stand in the way of fulfilling your prior promise. In order to keep your pre-birth promise to remember your true SELF, you will likely have to re-organize and change many areas of your 3D life.

It may feel as though there are forces beyond your control stopping you from maintaining the clarity to move forward with your pre-birth promise. Fortunately, once you keep your commitment to remember that you are a multidimensional being who has come to the third dimension to learn and serve, you will automatically take a greater responsibility for the life you are creating.

From your third dimensional consciousness, it is difficult to take responsibility for ALL of the life that you have created because there is little validation in your external world that you really are multidimensional. It is much easier to believe that you are “just third dimensional.” Therefore, you must learn to totally trust your own inner guidance when it reminds you that you ARE multidimensional.

This inner trust can be a difficult task in a world where the inhabitants are trained to follow others. Fortunately, when you begin your process by believing that you ARE a multidimensional being, and that you ARE creating your life, it makes it easier to release your fear as you feel like YOU are in the “driver seat” of your life.

If you believe that someone or something else has created your life, you will feel as if you are a VICTIM. If you fall into the belief that you are a victim to others and are not in control of your own life, you will likely feel helpless and frightened. Then you will NOT feel important to your self or to others.

The secret is to release judgment. Release judgment of others and release judgment of yourself. If you think that the problem is your “fault,” you will feel guilty and ashamed. However, if instead you take responsibility for allowing and/or creating that situation, you will feel empowered.

If you no longer judge yourself, you will no longer need to judge others. Once you believe that you are creating your life, you ARE creating your own life! Then you will understand that you, and your higher expressions, are choosing your problems to create situations that will allow your hidden fears to be brought to the surface and be released.

When you remember that you are a multidimensional being who is visiting the third dimension to complete your destiny, you can face each situation without falling into the grip of fear. You will then feel strong enough to release each “problem” and move on to the next phase of your process of ascension. Yes, there are many phases, and each phase has its own challenges, but you will learn to face each step within your own ever-present NOW.

You constitute the initial groups who have introduced the concept of multidimensional awareness. This concept will free the masses greatly from the shackles of their forgetfulness. You have established a conscious connection with your higher dimensional selves and with other beings that inhabit the higher dimensions.

Once the majority of humanity can do that, humans will rule/create their live via the connection with their own higher dimensional SELF. Then the forces that are now in power will have NO influence over the masses, as the masses will have remembered to rule their self from your SELF.

Unconditional Love
ACEA (All Consciousness of Earth's Ascension)

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