Channelled By Suzanne Lie On 1-29-15
We come to you this day to remind you that WE are ONE.
“We” encompass all our volunteers who logged in to the third/fourth holographic game of “Third Dimensional Earth.” You may have some movies on your television in which the “Greek Gods” are seeing the mere humans below them. They have the power to influence these mortals with their mere thought.
As you know, the above scenario is correct, but it is NOT correct that you are “mere humans.” YOU are actually the “Gods” that are over-lighting your way through the confusing maze of transmutational Earth. Yes, Lady Gaia is transmuting more every day. However, please remember that transformation and transmutation are very different terms.
Transformation means that something is added or taken away to create change. However, the frequency of that which is transformed remains the same. On the other hand, transmutation does NOT involve taking away or adding to, but transmutation does raise the frequency of the person, place, situation or thing.
Many of those who are logged into the 3D Game are trapped because they want to add, take away, or alter something or someone. However, that manner of thinking actually traps them in the Game because their third-dimensional thinking can only create a third dimensional solution.
Your return to Lightbody begins with returning to the thoughts and emotions that resonate to the fifth dimensional NOW of the ONE. Once you choose to release thoughts that are time based and emotions about what someone “else” did or did not do to or for you, you find that YOU are the creator of your life.
For example, when you are focused on the NOW of YOUR decision to think, do, feel and/or respond, you are within the NOW of that choice. Then when you are tired, overworked and/or just not able to attend to your choices of perception and reactions, you realize that fact and give yourself Unconditional Love.
Ascension is not about being perfect, but about being loving and forgiving. Perfect, is a third dimension term, which is the opposing concept to being flawed. Both perfect and flawed are based on judgment as well as on polarized opposites.
How will it be to live in a reality in which there are no extremes such as perfect or flawed? How will it feel to live in a world in which there is no judgment or a concept of these concepts?
At first, you may not notice that the NOW of the ONE surrounds you, as even though your consciousness may be greatly expanded, the force of your 3D habit is difficult to break. Even now many of you are actually resonating beyond the 3D matrix, but are only aware of that fact while engaged in meditation or some spiritual and/or creative endeavor. Why does that occur?
How could you be within a higher state of consciousness and not be aware of it? Simple – you are not tuning into your SELF. You are looking “outside” of you and into the matrix. You are doing that because you forgot that the portal “out” of matrix is “inside” of YOU. You, which is your Lightbody, is in the core of your body inside your Kundalini, inside of your spinal cord.
Since your Kundalini is usually latent within your core, you do not realize your own force of transmutation. Hence, you are looking UP into the “heavens” and OUT into another person, place or thing. You have been trained by the 3D Game to believe that YOU are “not good enough.” You have been told that you must improve and/or heal yourself.
We say to our dear Away Team, you do NOT need to improve or heal yourself. You need to remember your Multidimensional SELF. Just as a huge tree has leaves that die and fall from the tree, just as a rose bush has some buds that do not bloom, there are parts of your life that do not reach their potential.
It is not bad or embarrassing that you do not “reach your 3D potential,” as that potential was likely given to you by another person or by society. It is for this reason that so many of you totally change your life when you awaken to your higher consciousness.
Once your sense of Self expands from the Earth vessel you are wearing to the YOU who resides within that vessel, all the 3D indoctrinations of “good enough” begin to diminish. When you are the life force within the body you are wearing, your consciousness expands far beyond your physical limitation and into the NOW of the ONE.
That voice that you have always heard with your heart is YOU. That higher Being that you have dreamed about is YOU. That goal that was unachievable in your physical version of Self now resonates to the heart and mind of your higher dimensional SELF.
Once you come to that realization, you are no longer concerned about what “they” think. Instead you are concerned about what YOU think, do, have or believe. You begin to perceive others as Lights of consciousness within in the 3D matrix of their human form.
Furthermore, your human form is not better than the form of an animal or plant. Once you realize that YOU are not your body, that YOU are merely wearing your body so that you could login to the 3D Game, other people in the Game are also seen as consciousness wearing a form.
Do you remember when you only knew about your 3D form and had no idea abut the consciousness who was wearing it? Your old perspective was almost like the old belief that the Earth was the center of the Universe and the Sun rotated around it. Now you look back and think, “How could they ever believe that the Sun rotated around the Earth?”
You will not need to answer that question, as there is no reason to complicate your life by trying to educate or change those who are not ready to know. However, more and more DO want to know. Your SELF will recognize their true SELF because of your joint expanded perceptions. Because of your shared awareness, you will KNOW that they are “wearing” their Earth vessel. Then you can share with each other about how you first expanded your perceptions into your fourth dimensional astral body.
You can also share how you began to perceive your Self as your fifth dimensional Lightbody Self. These conscious perceptions of your fifth dimensional Lightbody are initially experienced via your gamma wave consciousness. Your greatest challenge will be to remember that experience in your daily life. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you immediately document this experience.
Also, if you begin these meditations with a companion who can ask you questions about your experience, it will assist you to speak about what is occurring. In order to speak about your experience so that you can bring it into your 3D conscious brain to formulate the words.
In this manner, you will begin to learn – remember – how to allow the gamma wave consciousness to interface with your physical form in a manner in which you can document, remember and share your adventures in the higher frequencies of the ONE. Each time you have a gamma wave experience, you will become more and more comfortable with the concepts that YOU are your Lightbody, and your physical form is your outer shell.
Hence, you have progressed from believing that YOU are your physical form:
- Into believing that YOU are the fourth dimensional consciousness that enlivens that form
- Into knowing that YOU are the Multidimensional consciousness that enlivens that form
- Into knowing that YOU are the fifth dimensional, and beyond, Lightbody that waits activation within the core of your spine
- Into experiencing the FEEL of being your Lightbody
Remember, with your first adventures in Lightbody, your challenge will be to stay within that experience. Doubt or fear will pull your consciousness down into the lower brainwaves. On the other hand, Unconditional Love and compassion for all life will assist you to remain in a gamma state of consciousness.
Again, we highly suggest that you ask someone to be your grounding force. This person can also ask you questions about your experience so that you have a reminder of how it felt and what you experienced while traveling in the higher realities.
Yes, just as theta wave consciousness allows you to travel into the realms of the higher fourth dimension and delta wave consciousness places your perception of Self “outside” of your physical form, gamma wave consciousness activates your Lightbody, also known as your Merkaba. Your Merkaba is your “chariot of the Gods.”
Within your NOW, “Gods” are not far away in “Heaven” or some “other” realm. You are ALL what has been titled “Gods” within your own gamma wave consciousness. Now this information has been higher suppressed by the forces of power-over-others.
If the “minions” of humanity where to know their true power within, the forces of power-of-others would be “put out of business.” In fact, this “power-over-others group”, also known as the Cabal, the Illuminati and many other names that we will not disclose at this NOW, have lost the final battle to gain complete power over Gaia.
As you are likely aware, they have had a very long run through all of the years of the Kali Yuga, which is the final cycle of the “darkest night before the dawn.” That dawn has NOW awakened. Many still slumber in the illusions of polarity and domination of an outside force.
Therefore, our Dear Ones who volunteered to enter your current incarnation to assist in awakening humanity and healing Gaia, we ask you to please: “Come out, come out wherever you are!” You no longer need to play “hide and seek” with your own higher SELF. It is the NOW to BE your SELF in your daily lives.
There will be days in which you may feel as though you are flying through life and other days in which you will feel as though you are trudging through mud. Obviously, you will be able to maintain higher states of consciousness when you are flying and will likely fall into beta wave consciousness when you are trudging.
The up-down roller coaster of life in the third dimension is slowly coming to the end of its ride. You were joyful when the ride carried you UP and frightened when the ride sent you DOWN. But, the roller coaster ride is being retired, as is the entire 3D amusement park.
This “park” was invaded by darkness way back in the later days of Atlantis, and that darkness has grown by creating myriad wars in which both sides were backed by the same dark Ones for the sole purpose of filling their own pockets. As this behavior escalated over the last 2000 years, Gaia began to take the greatest “hit” to Her health and welfare.
When the planet became so deeply wounded by the people who occupied her, in fact by a relatively small group of those people, your Galactic Family was given permission by the higher forces to assist the planet and the humans who would accept our Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Light.
Because humanity is choosing to accept your Light and Love, we did not “break the Law of Gaia’s free will plane.” At first, only a few humans could hear that we were calling them. Therefore, many of us decided to implant the essence of our higher expression of SELF into the human form of those who accepted the assignment of assisting Gaia.
It was extremely challenging for our volunteers, who begin this process after the close of WWII. These first volunteers had to remain secret about their true Self. Many of those who did not keep the secret were harmed or killed. However, over 3D time, those who survived were able to assist others to awaken and commune with their own higher expressions of SELF.
You are NOW beginning to open and enter your own Arcturian Corridor’s of Ascension. These Corridors are entered and explored via your own gamma wave consciousness. Please remember that it is the force of Unconditional Love and compassion for all life that allows you to regain and retain your gamma consciousness.
We offer now a recording of our channels experience gamma wave consciousness. Please remember that perception IS creation. Therefore, as you each travel into the fifth dimension and beyond, you will experience what your own consciousness can best recognize and attend to.
Therefore, each of your may have very different experiences because each of you will choose different perceptions. In this manner, you will create myriad different versions of fifth dimensional New Earth. We remind you again that:
When you begin your conscious travel into and through the higher dimensions, each of you will gather your own “puzzle piece” of life in the fifth dimension and beyond. When you return to your physical reality, you will contribute your “puzzle pieces” that you have collected on your inter-dimensional journey to the planetary puzzle of “Ascending Gaia.”
Most important, ALWAYS remember that YOU are already ascended in the higher dimensional expressions of your own Multidimensional SELF. You did not take a body to advance your own spiritual growth. The days of “individual” spiritual leaders and saints ceased with the closing of the Piscean Age.
We thank you for remembering. It is this remembering that is vital so that you can remain clear of the jaws of your 3D ego. Love your ego unconditionally, and place your Multidimensional SELF in the driver’s seat of your Mission to Earth.
We now post Suzille’s fifth dimensional journey. Please remember that each of you will perceive that which is in alignment with your own “reason for incarnation.” Then you can add that “individual puzzle piece” to the ONE puzzle of Planetary Ascension.
We send you ALL Unconditional Love and Unconditional Gratitude.
The Arcturians, Pleiadians and other members of the Galactic Federation of Light
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