Monday, September 23, 2019

Disclosure Digest 9-23-19

Riddle Me This...

Doughy appendages to the rescue; humor is alive and well in Homer, AK; Sheesh:

From Jon Rappoport's Blog >>My memories from the fake news business << Ponderfest ahoy:

They got sum rock-star energy in NRG Stadium; a very happy, very brown audience; Namaste baby:

Google is just trying to get ahead of the Alliance busting them with the Quantum Financial System; 

Our history of WWII was largely written by Cabal controlled academics and C_A clowns:

Lots of sauce in this latest from Sorcha; “and the children will lead you over the cliff”; Who's first:

Going crystalline, are you? I never even heard of this symptom when I was nursing:

Some good update videos from Uncle Dave, the oh so pleasant X22 Report dude (must be Canadian):

My alternate title for this piece is 'My Life As An Omelette'; please  enjoy this soulful video:

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