Sunday, April 27, 2014

EcoAstrology: New Moon/Solar Eclipse: 4-28-14

Courtesy Of Stephanie Austin, 4-26-14

Dear Friends,
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Photo by Stephanie Kendra Austin
We are in the wake of the April 15 lunar eclipse, the 5th Uranus-Pluto square on April 21, and the intense cardinal grand cross which peaked April 20-23.* This huge wave of transformative energy has peaked, but continues to support our evolution, as we move from fear to love, head to heart, duality to unity. Whatever we have released has made space for something better to come. Our bodies as well as our psyches may still be struggling to adjust to these shifts, so keep being gentle and patient with yourself and others. Hold beginner’s mind; right now, it’s more important to allow, than understand what’s happening. Stay in the present moment. Drink in the Light; it knows what it's doing, even when we don’t.
New moons are optimal times to set new intentions, and the next new moon, which forms on Monday, April 28 at 11:14 PM PDT at 9º Taurus is especially potent, as it is also a solar eclipse following the grand cross wave. Take time to reflect on what you want to manifest in your life now.

What is your ideal vision for yourself and the world? Write it down and put it where you'll see it often. Do a Medicine Walk if at all possible, where you spend a day (or whatever time you can) in nature, in solitude, holding the big questions of your life and listening, watching, and feeling for the answers. "The medicine walk is not only a means of connecting to nature, but also a means of connecting to your own sources of guidance and support during life transitions. It helps provide answers to the basic questions of a life-transition: Where am I going? What must I leave behind?

What do I need to learn now? and What will I have to offer from the next phase of my life? It may also be used as part of a healing or renewal, offering answers to questions such as What do I need to see about my life now? What parts of my inner self do I need to reclaim? What will help me move toward greater wholeness?, and What can I offer to my People and my Place? Medicine, here, refers to your unique expression of presence, power, and human potential, what you need in order to be whole, and what you have to offer others." (John Davis; read his full article for more background and guidelines here.
This eclipse will be annular, where a narrow ring of sunlight appears around the Moon, and will be visible over Australia, the southwestern Pacific and southern Indian oceans. Whether we are able to see them or not, eclipses affect us. Light encodes information; every second, our Earth receives about three billion megawatts of sunlight in the form of radio, X-ray, ultraviolet, and other kinds of electromagnetic waves. Twice a year, the Sun, Moon, and Earth align precisely enough to block the constant stream of solar radiation; during those moments, the energetic grids supporting creation are taken offline, recoded, and rebooted. Old programs are erased and new possibilities become available. Solar eclipses thus function as extra-powerful New Moons, signaling a time of major endings and beginnings, completions and initiations. They occur close to the same degree every 19 years. On April 29, 1995, there was a solar eclipse at 8°56’ Taurus, within five arc minutes of this eclipse. What was happening in your life then? Where do you need to go to the next level now?
A solar eclipse in Taurus signifies the readiness for a collective shift in how we interact with the physical world. Taurus is the first earth sign, concerned with the development of a healthy relationship to matter — to be neither too attached to nor disconnected from our bodies, resources, and the Earth itself. Mercury conjoins this New Moon, urging us to develop new understandings and ways of working with nature. 

What we don’t understand, we tend to fear, and what we fear, we try to dominate and control. For many years, a deep fear of nature (and the feminine) has been fostered by patriarchal religious doctrines, leading to a profound disconnection from and denigration of the environment. 

 Ecopsychology, the study of humankind’s relationship with nature, reminds us that we are nature, that nature is not something separate from us. Deep ecologist Joanna Macy, in her book Coming Back to Life, and on her Web site (, offers information and tools for a new way of seeing the world. The Bioneers, a nonprofit organization dedicated to nature-inspired approaches to environmental issues, also links people doing innovative restorative and sustainability work through their annual conference and web site (
A new bottom line is being formed, a new relationship between man and matter, a new attitude toward nature, toward money, and toward all life. Something profound is germinating in collective consciousness: valuing ourselves, valuing love and beauty, valuing the Earth. Venus, the traditional ruler of Taurus, is in Pisces, pointing that the way out of our current crises lies in remembering that we are an inseparable part of the web of life. Pisces is the sign most aware of our inherent unity and divinity — realities beyond time and space, which are most readily accessed through meditation, art, dreams, imagination, and time in nature.  

The Secret Life of Plants: A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, published in 1973, details experiments showing that there is a profound conscious awareness that bonds all things together; watch the documentary by the same name here. Marko Pogacnik has been a pioneer in exploring and working with the subtle energies of nature. His work with lithopuncture (placing stones on the Earth’s meridian or energy lines and communicating with nature spirits), along with the connection between the present Earth changes and human transformation, is described in his many books and on his Web site:
On April 24, at 7:32 PM PDT, there was a class X solar flare (the strongest kind), intense enough to disrupt high frequency communications used by aviation and militaries. From The Group, via Steve Rothers: "anytime you see a solar flare, it will be felt in your own magnetic, emotional structure on planet Earth roughly 76 hours later... let this energy come in and go through you, leaving you cleansed instead of upset or in drama…" We are receiving another evolutionary rewire. Spend extra time in meditation, creativity, and rest if you are feeling unusually tired, out of sorts, and/or stressed.

Aisha North sums up the current energies beautifully: “The time has come to let the mind take a well deserved rest from the old duties of keeping you going, for the mind is no longer needed as the master and commander now that the heart stands poised to take over the helm… you can thank your mind for the love it has had for you, but you can also tell it to step back, let go and let be. For now, you are the master of your domain, in every sense of the word, and your heart is the new command center for any action that needs to be taken in the time ahead, and so, the sooner you managed to truly take this in, the faster this process of turning over the reins will be completed. For this is not something that comes from the outside, this is something that can only come from within. For the doors to your heart cannot be forced, they can only be opened from the inside…” (full message at
*See my March 30 and April 15 updates for more information on the April 15th lunar eclipse, Uranus-Pluto square, and cardinal grand cross.
Stephanie Austin
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Photo by Stephanie Kendra Austin
Stephanie Austin M.A. is a full time astrologer specializing in life purpose, career, and relationship readings since 1986. She also teaches astrology and writes the New and Full Moon column for the Mountain Astrologer magazine. Her background includes a bachelor's degree in Psychology, a master's in Consciousness Studies, and a lifelong involvement with meditation, Nature, and healing. For more information on her astrology readings, eBooks, tutorials, and forecasts, visit

These new and full moon updates are sent as a service to my astrology clients, students, and friends. To subscribe for 25 updates/one year via PayPal, click on, or send a check for $12 (or more) to Stephanie Austin, Box 1745, Port Townsend, WA 98368, along with your email address. Your support is greatly appreciated!


April 26 - May 4: 2014 Food Revolution Summit hosted by John and Ocean Robbins here.
Time To Love: beautiful short video by Simone Saul with wise words from Leslie Temple Thurston available at this link.
Praying to Oneself by Eckhart Tolle on Could there be another way of seeing this? at this link.
A simple but powerful World Healing Technique from Owen Waters at this link.
The Other Side: Karen Bishop’s latest message on the current energies here.

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