Channelled By Peter Phalam On 4-12-14

Finding 25 Degrees Libra in Your Astrology Chart
In order to find the area of your life most influenced by the April 15 lunar eclipse, get a copy of your astrology chart and find what house and planet 25 degrees Libra falls in. Once you find 25 degrees Libra in your chart, check and see if you have any planets "in orb" with that location. Anything within 9° in either direction is considered within orb. Some will feel the influence more intensively. For example, if you have a natal planet within a degree or so of any eclipse, that area of your life will undergo awakening and transformation in the near future.
Even if you don't have anything directly in orb with 25 degrees Libra, the planet and house where Libra falls in your chart is an area of heightened influence. The house of your natal chart that contains 25 degrees Libra depicts an area of your life that will become a primary focus over the next six months.

Eclipse Energies and House Influences
In general, the house that an eclipse falls on in your astrology chart sets the tone for your future. The first house governs the physical body, personal identity and personality. The second house governs money, what we value, value we assign to ourselves, personal assets and possessions. The third house governs school, siblings, the mind, writing, teaching and style of thinking. The fourth house governs home, beginnings and endings, early childhood, and one's personal foundation for security. The fifth house governs children, creative projects, romance, sports, fun and recreation. The sixth house governs jobs, work, service, pets, health, and the desire for order. The seventh house governs relationships, marriage, agreements and cooperation.

These are just simple guidelines to help you understand your own chart. For more complex questions and issues, it is good to consult a professional astrologer to help you. The way in which each person experiences eclipse energies has to do with their own personal perspective and where they are with their purpose for this lifetime.
Regardless of your birth chart, the April 15 lunar eclipse in Libra paves the way for self- empowerment, creativity and amplifying your highest visions by joining together with others to anchor the new time.
©2010-2014 Peter Phalam, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
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