Psychic messages from angels, guides and many other light beings
arrive to us in different mannerisms. Few understand that the majority
of the imagination is dedicated to psychic input. Our subconscious
planes rely on subtle out-of-body moments to promote whims and notions
about our future path. We, however, often have too much interference in
our emotional and mental subconscious planes to receive these notions
and whims.
Our imagination is the bridge that allows us to transcend the
illusions of this life. Illusions we thought were real come to us as a
whim where our mind goes away from this reality. Then the notions come
to us to change our perception of what is really true. Place yourself
in your living room and look around. That sofa is not real, that end
table is not real. The television is not real, nor the rug nor the lamp
nor the coffee table. Outside there is a real tree, a real sky, a real
sun and soon a real moon and heaven.
If we view life as a simple learning plane where we create numerous
events to understand our ego then we understand how to connect to our
spirit. If our imagination creates suitable learning events, then the
ego departs and our psychic nature takes center stage. Events created
by the imagination include music, art, poetry, journaling, dance,
exercise and meditation. These can result in more whims and notions
populating your life. The more whims and notions we create during our
day, the more we understand who we really are. Whims are normally the
tools of angels and notions the tools of guides. Both sets of tools are
created by archangels and ascended masters responsible for greater
What we are trying to establish is a steady flow of whims and notions
so our lives are completely designed by spirit. All of our choices
during the day are in a surrender position to our higher self. When we
get to the point where the ego no longer rules our opinions, we have
achieved the first stage of ascension. We now have a superego which has
no prejudices or judgments but rather, is an open template. Brand new
ego consciousness with a majority of thought patterns derived from our
subconscious planes now creates bliss. If you want to end conflict in
your life, remember one of the oldest slogans that exists: let go and
let God. In this instance, however, you are God and not surrendering
your energy to a higher power but engaging and embracing a part of you
that never separated from God.
The oldest light being I connected to gave me these words: you are
not supposed to suffer. The concept of happiness is very simple in
spite of being theorized extensively throughout the world. The only
conflict that exists in what I’m giving you is that you will have too
many choices of joy in your everyday life. The real key is the release
of the inner child who will find great memories from your childhood when
your emotions were similar. Instead of being taken care of by your
parents, you are making a self-autonomous move which ends all essences
of co-dependence and where every aspect of your being while incarnated
on Earth comes into play.
Your character must have some qualifying elements to develop this
freedom. That is, you must function in complete humility and unending
patience. The master consciousness coming to you is very peaceful, very
content, and though you are not disconnected from this world, you will
feel like you do not belong. This is because you will be existing on an
island where no one else around you is like you. The guides and
angels, however, will make every effort to teach you how to connect to
other islands. Hold in awareness that the energy level in your
lightbody will elevate and other souls will attempt to gather some of
your energy so we must be vigilant.
Finally, there will be moments of release, especially during new
moons and full moons. These will be anonymous releases by virtue of
either discussions or watching debates in the media. It is not about
the issues presented; remember these are just points that guides and
angels find necessary to release fragments of emotional and mental
energy that do not belong to you. You will exist in universal
synchronicity and without need to question what comes to your intuition.
You will surrender to all the places where you end up and all the new
souls that come into your life. But you will always understand why and
will be pleased about the movement by spirit.
Namaste Peter
©2010-2013 Peter Phalam, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and
distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please
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