The New Earth energies now continue to expand and to deepen, this blog is a follow on from the radio show (please click here
to listen) where I spoke about the role of the human logical mind in
relation to the heart. I have often used the analogy of the human
vehicle and a car and this is the analogy that I place in front of you. Many are confused as to the role of the human logical mind in the New
Earth and this confusion is LOVED by the human logical mind. As I stated
on the radio show the human logical mind LOVES puzzles, the old 3d
earth created reality placing a puzzle before you at every opportunity.
In TRUTH there is NO puzzle to solve, ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.
So let us use
the analogy of the human vehicle and a car. Within the old 3d earth
created reality you were TAUGHT to place your human logical mind in the
driving seat. It has sat in this seat DRIVING your human life
experience for eons, remember that you exist in multiple dimensional
timelines, all overlaid on and through each other in the NOW. So the
re-enforcing of the driver is constant within these timelines. As a
passenger in your human life experience you have relied on the human
logical mind to drive you through the various experiences, indeed you
have been TAUGHT by the old 3d earth never to challenge the human
logical mind, it has so much experience at driving that you “default” to
the paths that it chooses, believing that you have no say in the actual
movement or direction of your vehicle. Much like driving a car if you
do not drive very often then you get behind the wheel you may feel a
bit “rusty”, if it has been a very long time you may lack confidence in
your actual ability to drive. You may at this moment believe that you
have no idea where you are in relation to your human life so there is
little point in climbing into the drivers seat, for the human logical
mind has not only sat in the drivers seat it has also demanded a planned
out route prior to allowing the car to be driven down said route.
In the New
Earth NO sat nav’s are allowed, they are not TRUTH, pre-programmed
routes that take no account of changes and updates and offer limited
OPTIONS for your destination. Indeed so free is the New Earth, so much
choice and variety is there that there would not be enough maps,
remember there are 7 billion people on this planet, that would be 7
billion maps alone even if everyone had but one choice!! Anyone who has
ever relied on a sat nav to navigate them to their destination will
relate to the madness of some of the routes, indeed many people end up
more lost and confused using sat nav than they do navigating by road
signs or indeed their own inner guidance and directions.
I have spoken
with people who have used sat nav’s and when faced with listening to
the sat nav or adhering to the road sign in front of them have deferred
to the sat nav, I use this analogy deliberately for at this time upon
and within planet earth the road signs are the SIGNS and SYMBOLS from
your SOUL that are helping you navigate the new roads that are now
available to you in the New Earth.
The HEART in
relation to the human logical mind has sat in the back of your vehicle,
it may have had plenty information and have much to share but the human
logical mind has been so intent on the “rightness” of its path that is
has demanded that the heart stay silent “no back seat driving, thank
you!”. What the HEART can “see” is the fuller picture, again going
back to driving a car, when you are intent on driving your car and
getting to your “destination” you tend to filter out the scenery, if it
is a road that you have little experience driving you will keep ALL your
concentration on the road AHEAD, you will actively filter OUT any
information that seems irrelevant to your journey.
This negates the
pleasure of the journey, for the HEART is sitting in the back seat of
the car taking in the scenery and taking in the fuller picture. It may
well have noticed a sign that is a different way to the destination that
is less crowded, less stressful and is more pleasant, but the odds are
that with the human logical mind driving the heart will be asked to be
silent and indeed the human logical mind may pick up speed to show who
is “DRIVING” and in control of the vehicle.
I use this
analogy deliberately to help you at this time, the emotions that are
arising within your human vehicle are attempting to further blind, you
are not driving down a well lit road at this time, many of you are
driving in deep snow or in a hailstorm. The hailstorm and snow being the
analogy for the emotions that you have been taught to keep deep within
the heart space. Much as you use more fuel if your car is overloaded
with “baggage”, you have driven your human vehicle like this for eons.
The human logical mind persuading you that you may need the “experience”
so you place it in the trunk of your car. For many of you the trunk of
the car is now full, the “experience” (which is your emotionally
reactions to events in your life) may now need to fit in the glove box
or indeed sit at your feet, so little room is there in your vehicle.
In order to
work in the New Earth energies you are asked to pull over into a lay-by
in order to LIGHTen your “baggage”. This allows the car to travel
further and uses less fuel. This will of course trigger the human
logical mind, it may well be on a route which it states must be driven
within a certain time frame. So pulling over may trigger all sorts of
teachings that seek to KEEP YOU ON THE ROAD. But moving into the New
Earth is to drive down new roads, in order to have new experiences and
to ENJOY the journey. Many of you at this moment in this analogy are in
the lay-by.
Many of you are in a full blown argument with the human
logical mind that is anxiously pacing back and forward, challenging your
every movement at LIGHTening your vehicle. Indeed as soon as you got
out the car and went to open the trunk of your car the logical mind may
have gone “hold on, what do you think you are doing that, we may need
that, put it back”.
At this time
you are asked to fully align with the HEART space, to LISTEN to your
heart, for the heart has been sitting watching this journey from the
back seat. The heart KNOWS TRUTH and knows that thereare different
experiences open to you. As you unpack your car KNOW that if it is
something that is needed your HEART will let you know, it will gently
touch your arm and nod for you to keep hold of it. If it is not needed
the HEART will help you unpack it and throw it away.
Now in this
analogy the human logical mind is in great panic so you need to find a
way to get its attention without causing more panic and without
upsetting it further. A bit like a toddler it will at times throw itself
on the ground and start screaming that no one is listening. Much like
reacting to a toddler in full flow, know that if you interact with it
then you give it power, you would not interact with toddler throwing a
tantrum, you would ignore the behaviour and then when the toddler calmed
down explain to it what is happening. This is the same analogy with
the human logical mind, when it stops having a tantrum then indeed let
it know that you are grateful for its help in driving but it is now
tired and the HEART is going to take over driving.
The human logical
mind may show its relief. Get it working WITH YOU, get it to take some
pictures of your new route, give it something to do to keep it occupied.
The New Earth is not about getting back in your car and driving off
WITHOUT the human logical mind, the human logical mind comes with the
human vehicle, it is part of it. It has been TAUGHT to be in a certain
role that was never its actual role. It is there to help you reference
this human life experience, it is not here to drive. So place it in the
back seat and give it something to do that does not involve driving and
watch how the whole experience of driving down new roads and having new
experiences unfolds into a pleasant and joyful experience.
JOURNEY is not a quick “a” to “b” or you would not have incarnated into a
human vehicle. It is a UNIQUE and very PERSONAL experience, who drives
the experience is YOUr choice at all times. How fast you move through
your journey is YOUr choice at all times. KNOW that your HEART will
keep you safe for the HEART is created before any other organ in the
human vehicle for a reason, the HEART has always been your inner
guidance system. Let your HEART drive your human life experience and
have TRUST and have FAITH in the HEART space for it will connect with
you, through you and around you at all times, it will explain and guide
you and it will alter its course when needed and show you why. It will
not just take off in one direction and have you holding on to your seat
in fear.
KNOWS that any road journey is a more pleasant experience when you can
stop for some rest, to change direction or to take in the scenery.
Indeed the HEART may stop to view some amazing scenery and refuse to
move until you accept the beauty of the scenery. ALL scenery is a
reflection of SELF for the HEART works to mirror your LIGHT at all
times. The HEART space has an inbuilt map, this map was placed there by
YOUr SOUL prior to incarnation. It cannot get lost from this route, it
is the REASON that you incarnated into human form onto this planet. The
human logical mind is not privy to this map, this is a SOUL journey that
is taken in human form upon this planet.
So at this
moment, take a breath, look around and understand that you have merely
paused to LIGHTen your vehicle, to have some nourishment and to get your
bearings. The journey will then commence and at a pace that you have
never experienced in human form before for prior to this moment upon
planet earth the heart was relegated to the back seat. Let the journey
unfold, if you listen to your HEART it may share with you where you are
going, the words “home” will be used often. For your SOUL sits in the
HEAVENS and at this moment your heart is showing you how to recreate
this upon planet earth, HEAVEN CREATED on EARTH is YOUr SOUL mission at
this time upon and within planet earth in the UNIVERSE of 3.
If you appreciate Karen's channelling work and want to know more about how these messages were brought through here is a link to a very recent radio interview she did with Maartin Horst of ET First Contact Radio. It's a bit long but stick with it for the channelled gems...DT the ET
(This video is available on
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