Transmitted Through Sheldan Nidle
9 Kan, 7 Zac, 10 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! We return!

A number of events are secretly happening.
The cabal’s intent is to ignore us and force some kind of retribution.
This led to such an action a few days ago. These devious scalawags
absolutely refuse to alter the structure of corruption and immorality.
It is a policy that reflects how governments work and how those in
control get richer and richer. As to the masses, a general contempt can
be observed. The habits and beliefs of the cabal are ingrained in them
by the time they assume any important position in this hierarchy of
power. There is now a counter-action that is literally squeezing them
and forcing a much different result. The full extent of their corruption
and arrogance cannot be fully explained, and they will be hoisted on
their petards. A process will be set in motion to make it possible for a
great prosperity to be redistributed to you. Our liaisons are working
diligently to explore a most needed set of protocols that will swiftly
lead to a global currency reset.
The currency reset is a natural process to set up a certain level of
agreed-upon value between the world’s nations. This is a basis for
global trade, and in the end, the start of an operation that is
scheduled to lead to a precious metal-backed monetary system. Included
in this reset is the use of new banking regulations such as “Basel III.”
This revised structure will expand the distribution of various
prosperity packages. The intent is to reform the current system of
“haves” and "have-nots” and replace it with a worldwide spread of
prosperity. The old system of income taxation needs to be revamped. A
debt jubilee will be declared and the old corrupt system put to rest.
This new system will redo the globe’s infrastructures and establish a
new foundation that takes advantage of now suppressed technologies. This
will later be added to by our off-world devices. Then your world can
move out of its present technological dilemma and prepare for a new

Our arrival is to be a watershed for you, and we will introduce you to a whole host of beliefs and technologies. Right now, you possess the
ability to solve your energy and water crises and to set up a method
that can allow each individual to actually “legislate” for their
respective country. Education thus becomes the vital key to your
immediate future. A good teacher becomes a most valuable resource. This
resource, currently limited, can be vastly expanded by use of the
Internet and the spread of advanced digital technologies. These
technologies can provide for the quick spread of literacy and the
introduction of an immense library of information. This will be the
foundation for consciousness-based neural networks that will swiftly
replace the computer-based Internet. This introduction of previously
unknown technologies will lead you to discover your extra-terrestrial
origins and you will begin to grasp why you were sent here in the first
place. This can make our introductions much easier for you to accept.
This process is a means for you to easily return to full
consciousness. You represent a series of intertwined generations of
humanity that were chosen by Heaven for this first contact. We came
knowing this and initially understood that this contact was to occur
under the direction of Heaven and her earthly emissaries. This procedure
took nearly 25 years to commence formally. We are all starting to learn
about one another and are just beginning to see how we are to
intermesh. Disclosure, which is ready to start, is simply another
significant node in this process. You are literally waking up just
before a grand disaster made your extinction inevitable. We come to
alter this grave possibility and return you to the Light. What is now
happening is the formal start of Heaven’s retort to the dark and the
fulfilling of a sacred prophecy first pronounced by Archangel Michael
nearly an eon ago. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Hallelujah! We are your Ascended Masters!

We arrive with good
news! Events are now ongoing that will release elements to assure your
prosperity and manifest new governance. Those who desire to retain the
present creaky system have lost, as their associates side with the new
monetary and financial system. The new currencies, the gold backing and
new international banking rules will forge the foundation for the
release of the two-step prosperity funds. These operations will enforce
now sequestered legislation to bring out the various provisions of
“N.E.S.A.R.A.” These rules will cause a domino-like effect to alter
governance and return it to the people. In this milieu, governance will
aid the Light and allow formal disclosure to occur. This new environment
will also permit us to begin a series of worldwide lessons about your
most dearly kept perceptions.
Life in your reality is based mostly upon a dark logic that has been
somewhat successful in blocking out the ways of the heart. Spirit is so
important and vital to whom you are. Our guidance is first to restore
the true ways of Spirit and to teach you what lies ahead when you
physically reunite with Heaven. This new society is based upon personal
sovereignty, freedom and prosperity. It is filled with responsibilities
that will become quite real to you as you start to live in this new
realm. This new life requires that we give you a gentle yet truthful
exposure to what you will encounter. Our primary task is to guide you
and to supervise what Heaven expects of you. This new realm is to be
founded upon you successfully carrying out your joint responsibilities.
Hence, this initially leaves much to teach you about the inner workings
of this new reality.

You are beginning to realize the immensity of what is expected for
you. All of the preliminary physical changes are accompanied with
alterations to your consciousness. Thus, what you believe or feel about
this current reality is changing. Added to these feelings is the
apparent slowness with which this reality is transforming. This has
caused some frustration. Bear in mind that Heaven does indeed possess a
plan. Be ready to act when appropriate and understand that this too is
quickly coming to a rightful conclusion. Events, as we stated previously
are underway. These events will alter how the wealth and power in this
realm are distributed. The dark’s influence is lessening and the means
to thrust them into the dustbin are working according to plan. You do
not have much longer before all of the dark’s madness is gone! Huzzah!
Huzzah! Huzzah!
Today, we continued with our weekly messages. Much is now ready to
happen. Be prepared to expect great things to occur. The world that you
have long known is starting to fall apart. New currencies and new
regulations are ready to begin manifesting, and this will quickly lead
to new governance! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and
never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat
Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization
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