Channelled By DL ZETA
When we align ourselves with our highest visions, we begin manifesting these potentials. This opens the door to a new and powerful source of guidance and assistance: our future self.When we are taking steps to create the causes of a future empowered with intuitive knowing, spiritual awareness and a finely-tuned sense of perception, we are linking ourselves with a self that can reach back and entrain our present moment to new vibrational frequencies. These frequencies transform our life here on earth and transport us to timelines where our highest visions manifest quickly and with ease.
Creating The Causes Of A Highly Intuitive And Aware Future Self
Our intuitive knowing comes directly from our soul and is a direct reflection of the wisdom our soul has acquired throughout lifetimes. When we take actions in our present moment with the intention to access soul knowledge we have accessed throughout time, we create the causes, so to speak, of a future self empowered with this wisdom and insight. This self knows how to step free of limiting beliefs and enter inner spaces beyond time and place. This self knows how to time travel in consciousness to assist past selves, including your present-moment focus self.
This is one way you’re able to enter a quantum phase of spiritual growth and awareness expansion. The further you move along the path of quantum growth, the more your consciousness becomes entrained to higher frequencies.
Indecision Keeps Future Timelines From Crystalizing
Receiving guidance and assistance from future timelines is related to our clarity of perception and our willingness to believe in the future potentials we perceive. When we're experiencing doubt or indecision about our intentions and about the course we're moving on, we're putting energy toward several different timelines without fully activating one. This keeps future timelines from crystalizing. When we're undecided about what we want to create, it's difficult for a future self to become solid enough to reach back and help us.
It is only when your focus and feeling states are strongly aligned with a future timeline that you activate a new timeline and begin to experience it. This enables you to "tune into" the self that exists along that timeline. This future self lives along the timelines you are now activating with your thoughts, beliefs, actions, emotions and choices. Once you tune into the frequency of that self, you can ask for guidance and assistance. This future self can help you to heal both past and present. The assistance this self can provide helps clear anything that stands in the way of experiencing this timeline more fully.
Becoming Telepathic To Your Future Self
Once you wholeheartedly choose a future timeline with all aspects of your being in agreement, the connection between your present moment and the self that exists along this future timeline becomes more solid. In time you will become telepathic to this self which will enable you to simultaneously ask for guidance and receive it. It's this kind of conscious communication with your future self that allows you to merge seamlessly with a new timeline.
Becoming telepathic with your future self means you are able to perceive and connect with the thoughts, feeling states, beliefs and spiritual understandings of an empowered and vibrationally evolved future self. As you connect with this self in consciousness, you're able to download the "memory chip" that reveals the steps between your present moment and the self that exists along this future timeline. These steps often appear to you as images or feeling states as you enter the time-frame when a particular step is needed.
Downloading The Feeling States Of Your Future Self
Just as you can download a soundtrack from the Internet that contains the frequencies of certain brain wave states, you can download frequencies into consciousness that contain emotional feeling states that help you to align with a future time. These frequencies are tied to locations in consciousness where the issues you are working with are healed and resolved. Integrating these frequencies allows you to heal emotional and psychological wounds. These wounds may also have to do with times when you are existing in the transition state of the void. These frequencies hold the power to pull you out of stuck emotional states and can help you gain traction in new and empowering directions.
Accessing Healing Frequencies During Times Of Transition And Loss
Being able to access healing frequencies is especially helpful during times of transition and loss. Receiving healing and guidance from your future self allows you to let go of old ways of being. This frees you to move in the direction of a new timeline. In all likelihood, this is a timeline you've been seeing for yourself and have acknowledged as the new direction for your life but may be having difficulty moving toward this new timeline because you can't yet allow yourself to believe in it. You can begin merging with this new timeline by allowing yourself to exist there in consciousness. Enter a meditative state and allow images of your life along this timeline to flow into your mind. These images play on the movie screen of your mind, offering an experience of the sensory and feeling states your self of that timeline is experiencing.
Allow yourself to believe in this timeline and choose it regardless of whether you know any of the steps you would follow to get there. It's enough to perceive the new timeline and choose it wholeheartedly with every aspect of your being without reservation. Once you do this, you can set your intentions to move in this direction. Ask your future self that already exists along that timeline to assist and guide you. With this synergistic connection in place, you can begin working from both directions, so to speak; communicating, sharing, assisting, and uniting past, present and future.
You Can Move Toward But Never Away From A Timeline
It's important to keep in mind quantum growth is not a tool for moving away from an existing timeline, changing an existing timeline, or putting distance between your past and present. This constitutes running from the past which prevents you from embracing and benefiting from the lessons you learned there. Trying to escape an unwanted timeline also makes it difficult to feel genuine gratitude for the past. This can keep you from activating a truly new and empowered future self.
Conscious creating is always about moving toward the timeline that holds the power to carry you toward your highest potentials. Regardless of the past or the situation where you currently find yourself, you are able to move toward a future that excites you at every level and offers the strongest potential for passion and joy. Choosing the path of your highest potentials allows you to connect telepathically with your wise and empowered self that exists along that timeline. Once you begin moving in the direction of quantum growth, the emotional wounds and problems of the past are healed and transformed into the fuel that powers the rocket ship of your dreams and visions.
For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation
For more on accessing the fifth dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta
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