Posted By Steve Beckow 2-14-14

Here’s a short piece from the book Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh:
“You are more than you think! Look deep
within, and you will find that your ego is only a tiny wave atop the
vast ocean that is your real Self. Look within, and at the center of
your mind, in the depths of your soul, you will find your true Self,
that this Self is intimately linked to the sacred, and that you share in
the unbounded bliss of the sacred . . . . The great religions all exist
to help us discover our true Self and our true relationship to the
sacred. This discovery, they agree, is the supreme joy and the greatest
goal of human life.”
And a longer one from Ken Wilber’s One Taste:
“People make two common mistakes on the
way to One Taste. The first occurs in contacting the Witness, the second
occurs in moving from the Witness to One Taste itself.
“The first mistake: In trying to contact
the Witness (or I-I), people imagine that they will see something. But
you don’t see anything, you simply rest as the Witness of all that
arises – your are the pure and empty Seer, not anything that can be
seen. Attempting to see the Seer as a special light, a great bliss, a
sudden vision – those are all objects, they are not the Witness that you
are . . . . So the first mistake is that people sabotage the Witness by
trying to make it an object that can be grasped, whereas it is simply
the Seer of all objects that arise, and it is “felt” only as a great
background sense of Freedom and Release from all objects.
“Resting in that Freedom and Emptiness –
and impartially witnessing all that arises – you will notice that the
separate-self (or ego) simply arises in consciousness like everything
else. You can actually feel the self-contraction, just like you can feel
your legs, or feel a table, or feel a rock, or feel your feet. The
self-contraction is a feeling of interior tension, often localized
behind the eyes, and anchored in a slight muscle tension throughout the
bodymind. It is an effort and a sensation of contracting in the face of
the world. It is a subtle whole-body tension. Simply notice this
“Once people have become comfortable
resting as the empty Witness, and once they notice the tension that is
the self-contraction, they imagine that to finally move from the Witness
to One Taste, they have to get rid of the self-contraction (or get rid
of the ego). Just that is the second mistake, because it actually locks
the self-contraction into place.
“We assume that self-contraction hides or
obstructs Spirit itself, whereas in fact it is simply a radiant
manifestation of Spirit itself, like absolutely every other Form in the
universe. All Forms are not other than Emptiness, including the form of
the ego. Moreover, the only thing that wants to get rid of the ego is
the ego. Spirit loves everything that arises, just as it is. The Witness
loves everything that arises, just as it is. The Witness loves the ego,
because the Witness is the impartial mirror-mind that equally reflects
and perfectly embraces everything that arises.
“But the ego, convinced that it can
become even more entrenched, decides to play the game of getting rid of
itself – simply because, as long as it is playing that game, it
obviously continues to exist (who else is playing the game?). As Chuang
Tzu pointed out long ago, ‘Is not the desire to get rid of the ego
itself a manifestation of the ego?”
“The ego is not a thing but a subtle
effort, and you cannot use effort to get rid of effort – you end up with
two efforts instead of one. The ego itself is the perfect manifestation
of the Divine, and it is best handled by resting in Freedom, not by
trying to get rid of ego, which simply increases the effort of ego

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