Saturday, January 23, 2016

GaiaPortal: Expansion Of Gaia Consciousness Begins Anew

Channelled By ÉirePort On 1-23-16

Expansion of Gaia Consciousness begins anew.

Acceleration factors are included at the requested time points.

Fluctuations are smoothed in the process.

Mining of the crystals begins in earnest.

Sacredness of collectives are recognized.


IMHO - As a Collective, Hue-manity has breached the frequential barrier, officially entering into the 5D Realm of New Earth.  

The Ground Crew finds itself elevated to Higher Consciousness and observes the necessary Chaos with Divine Indifference. Everyone else is proceeding to their individual choice-points using their soul's GPS. Anyone who cares to look will easily find their crystalline MerKaBas. 

The Hundredth Red Fire Monkey will kickit into high gear on February 9th so start workin' on your multi-dimensional moves! 
DT the ET

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