This story is only going to get bigger until it goes viral...I love it! The Hundredth Red Fire Monkey is spinning like a top. If you hunger for more details be sure to check out Dr. Greer's work, linked to below...DT
Posted By David Nova
On His Deus Nexus Blog
I expected some fireworks. I didn’t expect the television to blow up.
The X-Files returned to network television for a six episode miniseries. The show was created by Chris Carter, which originally aired for nine seasons from 1993 to 2002 on the Fox network. The series premiered simultaneously in Canada and the USA on Sunday, January 24, 2016.
During its run, the science fiction/horror show dealt with a multitude of conspiracies, including a U.S. government cover-up of extraterrestrial visitation and the phenomenon of alien abduction. For good or ill, no other program has been more influential in raising the public consciousness on the topic of UFOs and exopolitics.
The show stars David Duchovny as FBI special agent Fox Mulder, previously assigned to the X-Files, a firm believer in the paranormal and the existence of extraterrestrial life. Gillian Anderson plays Dana Scully, a medical doctor and FBI agent previously assigned to the X-Files to overlook the validity of its cases. Scully is initially a skeptic but eventually comes to believe.
The original series often took a long and meandering, sometimes confusing, journey in revealing its central extraterrestrial conspiracy. The show was unique for television, as it provided no easy answers and seldom gave any resolution to its stories. As a mirror to real life, it left the question of UFOs and extraterrestrials an open question.
The X-Files returned to network television for a six episode miniseries. The show was created by Chris Carter, which originally aired for nine seasons from 1993 to 2002 on the Fox network. The series premiered simultaneously in Canada and the USA on Sunday, January 24, 2016.
During its run, the science fiction/horror show dealt with a multitude of conspiracies, including a U.S. government cover-up of extraterrestrial visitation and the phenomenon of alien abduction. For good or ill, no other program has been more influential in raising the public consciousness on the topic of UFOs and exopolitics.
The show stars David Duchovny as FBI special agent Fox Mulder, previously assigned to the X-Files, a firm believer in the paranormal and the existence of extraterrestrial life. Gillian Anderson plays Dana Scully, a medical doctor and FBI agent previously assigned to the X-Files to overlook the validity of its cases. Scully is initially a skeptic but eventually comes to believe.
The original series often took a long and meandering, sometimes confusing, journey in revealing its central extraterrestrial conspiracy. The show was unique for television, as it provided no easy answers and seldom gave any resolution to its stories. As a mirror to real life, it left the question of UFOs and extraterrestrials an open question.
Episode One: My Struggle
All that changed dramatically on Sunday night with the premier of Episode 1, “My Struggle.” In one hour, network television did something utterly unbelievable. The X-Files gave us full disclosure, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.“Are we being lied to?” – Fox MulderThe show began with a lengthy prologue from Fox Mulder, summing up the plot of the original series, yet providing plenty of concise, real world information. The program then went into a reenactment of the infamous Roswell crash, using the event as a cornerstone for the plot.
Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are called out of X-Files retirement by an
internet conspiracy media celebrity, a sort of Alex Jones character (if
Alex Jones owned a helicopter) who believes that 9/11 is a government
conspiracy and coverup. To my knowledge, this has to be the first time a
network television show openly and seriously called 9/11 a false flag
event without any laughter.
The X-Files just went beyond the looking glass. In the space of an hour, the show covered almost every major point in Doctor Steven Greer mind-boggling 4 hour lecture on disclosure, “How the Secret Government Really Works.” WATCH IT HERE.
I almost wonder if Dr. Greer was asked to be a consultant for this episode.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Here is a list of some of the major conspiracies that were covered in this episode:
The episode featured information about past Presidents’ knowledge of
UFOs, images linking George W. Bush to the 9/11 false flag, and a clip
of President Obama on Jimmy Kimmel joking about the extraterrestrial secret.
By the end of the episode, the shadow government stops Tad O’Mally from releasing full disclosure, however this episode of The X-Flies succeeds in that respect. The question is WHY? WHY NOW?
I never thought that I would see this kind of full disclosure from Hollywood on a network television program, and without any trace of some duplicitous agenda. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by the elite in releasing this much information to the public in this form.
My conjecture is that some external force [ED - The Folks-In-The-Rafters] has put great pressure upon the elite to begin releasing some form of full disclosure, and this is how they have decided to do it – on a network television program notorious for concocted conspiracy theories, that is delayed in broadcast by a football game and post game show on a Sunday night when a major blizzard has brought the entire east coast of the United States to a standstill.
And yet, the event was not completely free from elite programming. The television commercials in particular caught my attention. There were the ads for FOX’s newest TV series, Lucifer, making the devil sexy. There were the ads for the new video game, XCOM2: “Their evolution, our extinction! XCOM2. Join us, or become them.” And then there was another ad for Ford that ran repeatedly: “She can rage and roar and crack and storm, but mother nature can’t stop US,” which I couldn’t help but feel sounded like desperate bravado from the elite, that they think they can still stop Gaia’s ascension.
Will this X-Files episode of full disclosure have any effect upon the sleeping public? We will just have to wait and see. I fear that most television zombies will simply need a truck to fall on their heads before they wake up from their coma of denial. They will need some kind of real world disclosure not cloaked in a television program, and even then they will struggle “to believe.” However, this is an incredibly promising positive step in the right direction.
2016 should be a very interesting year! [ED - Chinese Year Of The Red Fire Monkey!]
Whether the new X-Files continues to feed us disclosure, or if this is a hit-and-run, one time shot across the bow, and the rest of the episodes return to a harmless dramatic narrative, we’ll just have to wait and see.
So there is some wisdom in going slowly, developing a plan, testing the waters, being scientific, anticipating the repercussions. But if you go too slowly, and you are too careful, you may never act at all. You might delay and procrastinate until things get even worse. Scully would hide in her lab without Mulder’s impulsiveness to motivate her. With this in mind, consider that this X-Files episode may be a small careful step towards Disclosure with a capital “D.”
“Since 9/11, this country has taken a strange turn in a very bizzare direction,” – Tad O’MalleyTad O’Malley enlists Mulder and Scully to help blow the lid off the global conspiracy on his internet television program, which is precisely what this episode does. And to my utter amazement, this episode goes beyond its own extraterrestrial abduction mythology to present the real truth to the world, that most of the extraterrestrial abductions are not being performed by ETs, but are in fact being performed by military personnel in reverse engineered, alien reproduction vehicles using cloned alien biological entities. (This plot line was occasionally a feature of the original series, but usually presented as a double-cross, leading Mulder away from the truth. It is very explicit here.)
The X-Files just went beyond the looking glass. In the space of an hour, the show covered almost every major point in Doctor Steven Greer mind-boggling 4 hour lecture on disclosure, “How the Secret Government Really Works.” WATCH IT HERE.
I almost wonder if Dr. Greer was asked to be a consultant for this episode.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Here is a list of some of the major conspiracies that were covered in this episode:
Free energy, or zero point energy
Alien reproduction vehicles
Technology for ARV craft invisibility
Roswell as a smokescreen
Military abductions
Implanted hybrid pregnancies
Chemtrails, weather modification
Weather wars
GMO foods and cancer-causing chemical contaminants
The Hegelian Dialectic – Problem-Reaction-Solution
9/11 as a false flag operation
The perpetual staged war on terror
Total Surveillance and formation of police state
Totalitarian takeover of the United States by the elite
American citizens in FEMA prison camps
The Illuminati
And hints about a secret space program.
Alien reproduction vehicles
Technology for ARV craft invisibility
Roswell as a smokescreen
Military abductions
Implanted hybrid pregnancies
Chemtrails, weather modification
Weather wars
GMO foods and cancer-causing chemical contaminants
The Hegelian Dialectic – Problem-Reaction-Solution
9/11 as a false flag operation
The perpetual staged war on terror
Total Surveillance and formation of police state
Totalitarian takeover of the United States by the elite
American citizens in FEMA prison camps
The Illuminati
And hints about a secret space program.
By the end of the episode, the shadow government stops Tad O’Mally from releasing full disclosure, however this episode of The X-Flies succeeds in that respect. The question is WHY? WHY NOW?
I never thought that I would see this kind of full disclosure from Hollywood on a network television program, and without any trace of some duplicitous agenda. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by the elite in releasing this much information to the public in this form.
My conjecture is that some external force [ED - The Folks-In-The-Rafters] has put great pressure upon the elite to begin releasing some form of full disclosure, and this is how they have decided to do it – on a network television program notorious for concocted conspiracy theories, that is delayed in broadcast by a football game and post game show on a Sunday night when a major blizzard has brought the entire east coast of the United States to a standstill.
And yet, the event was not completely free from elite programming. The television commercials in particular caught my attention. There were the ads for FOX’s newest TV series, Lucifer, making the devil sexy. There were the ads for the new video game, XCOM2: “Their evolution, our extinction! XCOM2. Join us, or become them.” And then there was another ad for Ford that ran repeatedly: “She can rage and roar and crack and storm, but mother nature can’t stop US,” which I couldn’t help but feel sounded like desperate bravado from the elite, that they think they can still stop Gaia’s ascension.
Will this X-Files episode of full disclosure have any effect upon the sleeping public? We will just have to wait and see. I fear that most television zombies will simply need a truck to fall on their heads before they wake up from their coma of denial. They will need some kind of real world disclosure not cloaked in a television program, and even then they will struggle “to believe.” However, this is an incredibly promising positive step in the right direction.
2016 should be a very interesting year! [ED - Chinese Year Of The Red Fire Monkey!]
Whether the new X-Files continues to feed us disclosure, or if this is a hit-and-run, one time shot across the bow, and the rest of the episodes return to a harmless dramatic narrative, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Update: The Dilemma of Disclosure
Near the end of episode one, after Mulder and O’Malley lay out the full scope of the conspiracy for Scully and the television audience, the characters engage in their typical, by now classic, debate. Mulder is Mulder, going off half cocked without wisdom or a plan. Scully is Scully, reacting with extreme caution and being overprotective. But their exchange is more than just another moment of character development, it also seems to be an intentional dialogue about the wisdom or foolishness of full disclosure.“You can’t say these things … it’s fear mongering,” – ScullyScully is addressing the concern that cautiously awake readers ponder – Is this all just fear mongering? Is fear the subliminal purpose of this type of disclosure?
“Saying these things would be incredibly irresponsible,” – Scully
“It’s irresponsible not to say it,” – MulderThis is not a conversation that is often had in the alternative media – those of us who are generally of the Mulder persuasion, who want to push for full disclosure all at once, immediately. They don’t see the foolishness in acting rashly, or the psychological destruction full disclosure could cause, the chaos, the fear, the potential for backlash and deadly violence. Mulder usually gets himself in trouble in these instances, and its Scully to the rescue.
So there is some wisdom in going slowly, developing a plan, testing the waters, being scientific, anticipating the repercussions. But if you go too slowly, and you are too careful, you may never act at all. You might delay and procrastinate until things get even worse. Scully would hide in her lab without Mulder’s impulsiveness to motivate her. With this in mind, consider that this X-Files episode may be a small careful step towards Disclosure with a capital “D.”
Episode Two: Founder’s Mutation
As predicted The X-Files returned to their normal formula with the second episode. A relevant note is that Chris Carter, the creator of The X-Files wrote and directed the first episode. Some one else has written and directed the second, third and forth episodes. We can look forward to seeing what Mr. Carter has in store for us with the last two episodes, which he also wrote and directed. Stay tuned.About the Author
David Nova is the author of the metaphysical fiction series “Season of the Serpent.” He is a truth-seeker, a Wanderer, a blogger, and the moderator of Deus Nexus: Messages For An Entangled Universe. For additional information about the author or his novels, visit his website, or his Facebook page.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
New “X-Files” Will Take On 9/11 Conspiracy, NWO, & NSA Spying
Dr. Steven Greer: How the Secret Government Works
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
New “X-Files” Will Take On 9/11 Conspiracy, NWO, & NSA Spying
Dr. Steven Greer: How the Secret Government Works
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