The main themes of this message are being repeated through many, many reliable conduits at this time. The scope and immediacy of the wording tells me that we're in Prime-Time...DT the ET
Channelled by Marlene Swetlishoff On 3-30-14
The times that are before you are filled with many cosmic occurrences that will bring an even greater increase in the cleansing energies and it is extremely important to stay attuned with the changes and stay grounded in your everyday lives. We call them cleansing energies but what this energy downloading upon your planet really is in actuality is the divine feminine unconditional love energy. When those upon your planet are touched by this divine energy, it creates openings in all those areas of one’s being that are still in need of healing and balancing.
All old wounds are being brought to the surface to be finally healed and released. Many of these wounds were felt as trauma during childhood and these were stored in the subconscious realms of the human psyche. As these are reawakened and brought to the surface into the conscious mind, it can create emotional difficulty, which depends to a large extent on each person’s ability to face these traumas with the wisdom that has been gleaned in one’s adult life through adapting to life’s experiences. All depends upon the ability of each person to be willing to look at these unresolved aspects from a time when they did not have much experience in dealing with the complexities of life upon their world.

These times are unique and special, however, for what many people are now in the midst of releasing and revisiting will not continue to cycle over and over again. There is coming a time when the force of love upon the planet will be so great, that all old stubborn issues and traumas from the past will just fade from people’s consciousness. This will help to facilitate a new way of being for all of humanity. There will no longer be an endless list of infractions that one individual has committed against another. There will only be acceptance and forgiveness, with people understanding that love erases all that went before.
There will be a fresh start for everyone who chooses to remain on the planet and it will be like a breath of fresh air in the hearts of all. The higher qualities of love will be manifest within all souls as they remember and reconnect to the divine spark within them. Much progress will come as humanity works together in cooperation and unified effort to create a new world, a better way of serving each other in order for the highest expression of divine potential to unfold for each individual. This was the original plan for the experience of life in a human body, to allow the divine essence of the One to have expression through each of its sparks, each spark unique, special and evolving in amazing and wondrous ways. Through this diversity of experience, the One grows and expands.

In due time the denser feelings and emotions will be no more and humanity will not be hindered in their pursuit of experiencing life in a human body while developing their skills, talents and abilities that they will wish to share with others and this will enrich the life experience of everyone. The attunement of each individual with the higher aspects of their true essence brings many gifts to be shared with the world. These activities will bring more balance in Earth movements and weather patterns and all will be in harmony and stability.
Until next week…I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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