Friday, March 28, 2014

Lightbearers, This Is Your Tme To Anchor Your Frequencies.


Channelled By Sacred Scribe On 3-27-14

For those of you who have stepped up to be Lightbearers of various frequencies, your connection to the Christ Consciousness Unity Grid will be amplifying.

If during your meditation times, or when we are supposed to be asleep -for those of you who have got too busy or distracted to put time aside to connect really deeply ;) -as you do connect you will feel more full of energy and light than you may have ever experienced.

Be the best Lightbearer you can be and ground deeply to Mother Earth for support in the process. You will feel a bit like you have in your heart/mind a computer that is resequencing running through a big defrag program and putting all you are –past, present and future potentials onto the Grid! Remain connected to the Heavens and the Earth. Focus your Centre in your solar Plexus and ground through your feet chakras down deeply into the Earth. If you feel uncomfortable, ask for pause and then refocus on grounding, asking Earth for her renewed support in helping you hold these energies comfortably.

Many of us, even after all the work we have done- have a few small glitches left that are not required within the Unity grid. So as it goes live for periods it does so at first in a ‘diagnostic manner’ and links us all as to our readiness and availability. It will be performing ‘diagnostics, prioritizing those in the forefront of holding the energies –who have incarnated at this time because of an immense ability to hold light.

Diagnostic searching will find perhaps something we have not quite let go of, or need to release more deeply. So don’t’ be disheartened in any way if some old lessons appear to be served up soon, those of you who know your deep connection to serve the light at this time. You have not regressed after all this work, or failed to meet the mark in any way….It is just YOU up there wanting YOU down here to be the cleanest, clearest conduit for holding the energies of the new Earth serving US ALL down here to the magnificent degree we can.

So if a few final things to let go of come up soon, then that’s ok-it is nothing to sweat about. The lessons will be so easy peasy for you as you know to pause when you feel triggered, and give it up to God to transmute for you.

Carry on…:)
The Holy Ones

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