By Patricia Cota-Robles,
The following is a very powerful Activity of Light that the Company of Heaven has given to us at this time.
It is specifically designed to help Humanity take full advantage of this awesome opportunity. It is stated in the first person, so we will each experience this powerful Ascension process individually, but KNOW that simultaneously we are invoking this Light on behalf of ALL of our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth.
This is a Gift from On High that will build in momentum as we invoke this Activity of Light NOW and THROUGHOUT THE REST OF THIS MIRACULOUS YEAR.
I AM Ascending Into My I AM Presence

I AM sitting comfortably in my chair with
my arms and legs uncrossed and my spine is as straight as possible. I
breathe in deeply and instantly I AM relaxed and peaceful. I empty my
mind of all of the thoughts of the day and I KNOW, “I AM That I AM.”
I gently go within to the Divinity of my
Heart and focus my attention on my Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame.
Within the full embrace of my Threefold Flame, I realize that I have
transcended the old Earth and crossed the threshold into the
5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the New Earth. I have
truly entered a New Day filled with the full-gathered momentum of Heaven
on Earth.
Victory is mine! Victory is mine! Victory is mine!
With this inner knowing, I realize that I
have the awesome responsibility of BECOMING the full manifestation of
my I AM Presence while I AM embodied on the New Earth. This literally
means Transfiguring my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies
into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of my I AM
This Divine Alchemy is occurring within
me now at an atomic, cellular level. Every electron, every atom, every
subatomic particle and wave of my bodies and all the spaces in between
the atoms and molecules of my bodies are being filled with multifaceted
5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light.
My I AM Presence is now able to take full
dominion of my Earthly Bodies. As this occurs, my thoughts, feelings,
words, actions, memories, and beliefs reflect the Transfiguring Divine
Love, Infinite Abundance, Eternal Peace, Bliss, Harmony, and Oneness of
my Father-Mother God. My physical reality is transformed, and I now
experience at every level the infinite physical perfection of the New

My feet are planted firmly on the New
Earth, and simultaneously I AM One with all of the Ascended Realms of
Infinite Perfection. I AM a God Being of resplendent Light, now
realizing the fullness of that Light on every level of my Being. As I AM
lifted up, all Life is lifted up with me. Therefore, I know that within
my I AM Presence, I AM now ALL of Humanity standing forth and realizing
that we are God Beings—Sons and Daughters of God—on every realm
associated with the New Earth.
Within my I AM Presence, I AM the
Ascension Flame and I AM the full Divine Momentum of the Twelve Solar
Aspects of Deity blazing in, through, and around every particle and wave
of Life. I AM liberating every physical and chemical interaction within
the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and the
physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth. The
Ascension Flame is raising all of the energy bonds between atoms and
within atoms into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of
God’s Infinite Perfection.
I KNOW and ACCEPT that contained within
this flowing electronic pattern of Light is everything necessary to
Transfigure the entire physical realm into the patterns of perfection
for the New Earth. This unfathomable Light contains everything necessary
to set straight the orbit, spin, and electronic charge of every cell,
atom, and electron of Life on the old Earth. I feel all energy bonds
within the atomic realm now Ascending in vibration toward the frequency
of infinite physical perfection. Every cell of Life is now blazing with
the full perfection of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light.
Within my I AM Presence, I AM the
Ascension Flame and the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of
the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity blazing through every interaction
within Humanity and all of the energy bonds therein—this includes the
relationships of all people, organizations, races, religions, and
nations—liberating these interactions into the harmony of a Higher Order
of Being, expanding the Sphere of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth.
Within the Peace of the Great Solar
Quiet, I AM aware of this Higher Reality. I AM now clearly receiving the
Divine Promptings, Ideas, and Concepts of my I AM Presence. Daily and
hourly, through the Gift of the Ascension Flame, I AM experiencing the
Higher Reality of the New Earth within my heart and mind.
I AM now a living, Light-filled Temple of
Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, God’s Infinite Abundance, Peace,
Harmony, Balance, Happiness, and Abounding Joy. I AM my 5th-Dimensional
Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of I AM Consciousness now made manifest
on the New Earth. And so it is.
I return my consciousness to the room. I
become aware of my body, and I allow these Divine Energies to be
assimilated into my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. I
breathe deeply and gently as I absorb the bliss of this moment. (pause)
I AM Grateful, I AM Grateful, I AM Eternally Grateful.
Beloved Father-Mother God—All That Is—I AM.
Patricia Cota-Robles, New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization www.eraofpeace,org
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