By Stephanie Austin
Important Dates:June 27: New Moon 1:08 AM PDT (6º Cancer)
June 28: Venus conjunct Juno (7º Gemini)
July 1: Mercury turns direct (24º Gemini); Rx June 7/shadow point July 15 (3º Cancer)
July 5: Ceres conjunct Vesta (22º Libra)
July 4: Sun opposes Pluto (12º Cancer-Capricorn)
July 8: Sun square Uranus (16º Cancer-Aries);
July 8-9: Grand trine at 17-18º Sun in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, Chiron in Pisces)
June 25, 2014
Dear Friends,
It’s time to take a long, deep inhale, to rest and recharge as much as possible. We’re finally on the waning side of the cardinal grand cross which has been in place since last December, challenging us to evolve in four areas of our life: self-identity (Aries), relationship (Libra), home (Cancer), and work (Capricorn). We have been forced to look at where we are being less than fully authentic, compassionate, and in our power. Bless the difficulties and disappointments, for they show where we still need to disengage from old beliefs, outgrown patterns, and dysfunctional roles.
Make a list of 25 things that nourish you, (a walk, a hot bath, meditation, singing etc.) and post it where you’ll see it often. Do a minimum of one a day, preferably several. If we think we're too busy, it's even more important that we do it. Someone once asked Mahatma Gandhi: "What do you do when you are too busy to meditate?" He replied: "I meditate twice as much." Meditation, and other forms of nourishment, end up saving us time, because we are more present, more in touch with our feelings and intuition, and less likely to make mistakes or miss opportunities.
The next new moon forms on Friday, June 27 at 1:08 AM PDT at 6º Cancer. Nights are blackest on a new moon; we can’t see the Moon at all, as it rises and sets with the Sun. We’re in the dark, in the fertile Void from which all comes. Much is happening internally, below the surface of our awareness.
It’s a time to pause, reflect, and receive the new light codes coming in from the Cosmos. In modern Western societies, turning inward and being in the dark is not often encouraged or rewarded directly, but when we do this, we are able to perceive new options and pathways. Several factors combine with this new moon to signal that we are ready for a greater understanding of the feminine and a deeper integration of our shadow.
Cancer is the sign most associated with the feminine and the development of the emotional body, both of which have been brutally denigrated and suppressed in patriarchal times. Males have been deemed more valuable than females, logic more important than feelings, power more desirable than partnership. Like the previous full moon, this new moon calls us to make a perceptual shift in how we view ourselves, each other, and the world.
Cancer is the first water sign and represents the realities of that element — that water and life are inseparable, on both a physical and metaphysical level. Water corresponds with feelings; both must flow. Stagnant water breeds disease, and repressed feelings can also make us ill. Feelings are intimately tied to our needs; they morph as our needs change, and inform us whether or not those needs are being met. We all have needs, not only for food and shelter, but also for creativity, community, and much more.
When we suppress our emotions, we block a flow of information vital to our well-being. Cut off from our source of knowing what we need and what is healthy for us, we become dependent on others for validation and direction. When we don’t know what we need, we can’t get what we want, and we get lost in addictions and distractions of all kinds. For an excellent resource on the importance of emotions and how to work with them, read Karla McLaren’s beautiful bookThe Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You.
Several conjunctions offer cosmic support for a profound shift in how we relate to feelings and the feminine. June 28, Venus, the mythic goddess of love and beauty, conjuncts Juno, the archetype of marriage and equal partnership (7° Gemini). On July 5, Ceres, named for the Great Goddess, conjuncts Vesta, the mythic priestess of the sacred flame (22° Libra). Mars, the archetype of the warrior and the sacred masculine, joins Ceres on July 12 (23° Libra), the North Node on July 13 (24° Libra), and Vesta on July 15 (25° Libra).
What makes this series of conjunctions most striking is that Ceres and Vesta only rendezvous every 18 years or so — and extremely seldom in Libra and with the North Node in Libra. The last time Ceres and Vesta conjoined in Libra was on September 16, 1705 (7°); the next time will be on November 14, 2202 (6°). This rare alignment of Ceres and Vesta in Libra, the sign of equality and balance, signals a collective readiness for a more holistic, co-creative relationship with the feminine, with our fellow humans, and with the Earth. Jupiter at 26° Cancer squares the lunar nodes in Libra–Aries, adding to the cosmic imperative for integrating and rebalancing the feminine and masculine.
While the catalytic power of the cardinal grand cross constellated by Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto diminishes after June 25, this new moon in Cancer generates a wider, less intense grand cross, maintaining our focus on what still needs to change. A galvanizing T-square continues through mid July, as the Sun opposes Pluto on July 4, squares Uranus on July 8, and squares Mars on July 18. Notice what shows up around those dates; those feelings, insights, and events will be clues as to what needs to be transformed before we can take the next big step on our path. Watch for important intuitions and sources of support as well. A grand trine in water, which forms July 8-9 with the Sun at 17º Cancer, Saturn at 17º Scorpio, and Chiron at 18º Pisces, helps us identify our priorities and find ways to make dreams a reality.
It’s time to weed and receive - to weed out whatever is draining or distracting us, and to allow ourselves to receive what we need to grow. What are you hungry for? More quiet time, more support, more creativity, more rest? What feeds your heart and soul? This new moon urges us to nurture ourselves and remember: “If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a temporary surrender of security.” (Gail Sheehy)
Stephanie Austin
PO Box 1745 Port Townsend, WA 98368
Stephanie Austin
PO Box 1745 Port Townsend, WA 98368
Stephanie Austin M.A. is a full time astrologer specializing in life purpose, career, and relationship readings since 1986. She also teaches astrology and writes the New and Full Moon column for the Mountain Astrologer magazine. Her background includes a bachelor's degree in Psychology, a master's in Consciousness Studies, and a lifelong involvement with meditation, Nature, and healing. For more information on her astrology readings, eBooks, tutorials, and forecasts, visit
June 26th at 8:30 AM PDT: Forgiveness Ceremony to Heal the Earth with Steve Bhaerman, Steve Farrell, and Celeste Yacoboni. Register here.
Reclaiming the Feminine Mystery of Creation by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee at this link.
The Power of Self-Care in a "Crazy Busy" Culture by Linda Marks at this link.
The Energy of Give and Take by Jennifer Hoffman on the importance of receiving here.
FEMME - Women healing the World (Official trailer) at this link.
©2014 Stephanie Austin | PO Box 1745 Port Townsend, WA 98368
These new and full moon updates are sent as a service to my astrology clients, students, and friends. To subscribe for 25 updates/one year via PayPal, click on, or send a check for $12 (or more) to Stephanie Austin, Box 1745, Port Townsend, WA 98368, along with your email address. Your support is greatly appreciated!
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