Bi-location is the art of amassing as many light beings as possible. United, these light beings join forces to attack trouble spots on Earth. The troops gather and join light bodies in broad circles to neutralize negative fields of energy emerging in the astral plane. It’s not a pretty job. It certainly has its casualties but it is absolutely essential. The real problem exists in that there are not enough who are dedicated to this art form of light. The Syrian conflict created an enormous refugee camp along the Lebanon border. There are starvation zones throughout Africa and victims of serious flooding right now in Bosnia. We have gathered for months in these areas as devastation occurs on many levels.
One of the primary reasons our numbers are so lean is that we use the buddy system. There are eruptions and leaks of toxic energy from the astral plane that take two and sometimes four light body unions to contain. We have groups who heal grid disruptions and vortex integrity problems but the real work is in cultural fluxes from home displacement and genocide. We often have Archangel support during heightened periods of chaos. Other evolved and ancient beings will assist in difficult situations as well, but the persistent nature of Earth’s negativity demands unconditional faith.
How, then, does a firm understanding of unconditional love function from a solo pulpit? This is the heart of the problem. In my nearly 27 years of spiritual service, I have witnessed the gradual fragmenting of the spiritual union through alienation. The metaphysical bookstores in this country have been eliminated in many states. I was recently in Austin, Texas, where all the metaphysical energy was ousted. Groups such as Unity, Science of Mind, Course in Miracles, Abraham, and a substantial array of others are the only groups left. While these groups are effective towards interpersonal dynamics and self-realization they fall woefully short in terms of realizing fifth-dimensional responsibility. This responsibility is something that occurs subconsciously throughout the lifetime. Current metaphysical practice does not teach us how to see the revelations of the lights on Fifth Avenue.
We have vivid dreamers and we have beings who remember nothing. The consciousness of our off-world activity is equally as important as brushing our teeth but conversations are not taking place in these groups around what members did dimensionally this week. These conversations are non-existent because the fragmenting of the spiritual union has been overwhelmed by the existentialist collective consciousness. The majority of 50-something and 60-something females work with their loneliness while sensing ascension and there is simply nothing more incongruent.
Almost every future time plane I have browsed shows large group ascensions from intentional communities. It takes an enormous amount of confidence to pursue an individual ascension which is why this blatant isolation must be healed. The partnerships desired, while not happening on the physical plane, have great success on Fifth Avenue. Sensitivity to chores and functions in this neighboring dimension is an absolute. In the fifth dimension, the strength of the soul and the vibration of spiritual intent are fully visible, allowing light entities to find you.
The cumulative average of all your physical endeavors is derived from a range of factors that include everything from diet to service to recycling attitudes; from environmental stewardship to relationships, attitudes and judgments. This is then reflected into your spiritual vibration which appears dimensionally and attracts vibratory light bodies of similar resonance. There is a simple ritual where focused intent combined with staring into a candle flame and visualizing a future time plane creates the alternative reality. Once partners in Fifth Avenue lights are established, then we can fill the bi-location ranks.
One month ago we averted five different marriage situations in the Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon. Saudi princes and businessmen have been exploiting the camps, buying 13-and 14-year old girls from families dealing with food shortages. These harems are only temporary as these girls are sexual partners until the Saudi men grow bored with them. Yale University released a survey of a thousand young girls in the Northeast who were cutting and burning themselves. The report said over half of the interviews involved a non-suicidal self injury. The girls would cut from the mid-calf to their hip and other places. When I connected to the goddesses in the Elohiem realm, they said it was an epidemic. We need a lot of help and the numbers of Fifth Avenue are slim.
The single most effective way to indicate your desire to work on a more interactive global level with world problems is to merely make an adjustment in your diet to a more alkaline-based discipline. This alone will elevate your cumulative vibration and make you more adaptable. Along these lines, utilizing farmers' markets, lowering your caloric intake, and making alkaline vegetables and water more a part of your existence, accomplishes many requirements along Fifth Avenue. When you also add strenuous exercise and fasting periods, the bi-location function is immediate.
Blessings Peter
©2010-2014 Peter Phalam, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
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