Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Andromeda Council: Equitarian Ship – Current State Of Human Affairs

Channeled By Anna Merkaba On 6-3-14

andromeda-council-copyThe Andromeda Council welcomes you aboard the Equitarian ship.

Indeed, the life-giving energies of the life force currently in play on planet Earth have given rise to the subterranean cultures to ascend from the east to the west, from the north to the south. And so, as we begin the following discussion of the present affairs of the human culture and genome, let us begin to revive the informational decrees currently in procession into the human vehicle, known collectively as humanity.

In essence, all that exists in the human understanding of things is within the core of their [humanity's] sub-atomic particles and structure. (Ed.-Quantum DNA)

The energies that are presently being collected, and exchanged from within the core of each earthling dwelling therein, are to be reproduced and stored for future generations to study.  This is in order to determine the causes, learn from the history,  and to avoid that which has occurred in the present reality of earthlings.

The energy that is being generated from the conclaves of society, from the conclaves of the etheric realms and from the conclaves from Agartha, are traveling rapidly through the body of earth, and all the species dwelling therein. For each and every living, and non-living (but conscious) being residing on planet earth, each one is currently receiving the upgrades, and are currently finding themselves in the turmoil of the new energies blasting the planet with love, support, and understanding.

Nonetheless, for these new energies to be integrated fully and completely into the society in which many are finding themselves to be, the light workers, the ground crew must fully and completely release all that stands in their way of receiving the utmost brilliant informational decrees.

By this we mean releasing and letting go of the old patterns of thinking, the old paradigms, and working with your shadow self, embracing all that you are. For in essence, there is no duality, all exists simultaneously, and one duality cannot exist without the other, but ALL must be held in perspective and balance.

Let it be known that the animal kingdom is going through the exact same allocation of powers and allocations of consciousness. And hence, those of you dwelling on Gaia have indeed noticed the expansion of consciousness, and the sudden change in the behavioral modalities of the animal kingdom. For the animal kingdom is expanding their consciousness as we speak.

In order for humanity to integrate all that it is to be integrated into the newly-built society, each and every individual must understand that the experience of Gaia’s ascension involves every single conscious being dwelling therein. And so, to assist Gaia in fully raising her vibrations to a degree that most are waiting for, humanity must embrace and understand, that indeed, they are not the only ones who are capable of understanding, the Universal Laws of Creation, Manifestation, and Abundance.

For the integration of newly-distributed energies must occur on all planes: physical, emotional, spiritual, and material. And each and every cell of each organism dwelling on Gaia is to be prepared for even more of what is to come.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance for all of you to comprehend that ascension occurs in stages. There must be various stages, for the human vehicle is capable of handling only so much energy.  (1) Should the ascension energies be amplified infinitely, all the earthly vehicles would cease to exist!

As many of you are beginning to see us on a daily basis, as many of you are beginning to feel the up-liftment of energies and the changing of timelines, you are beginning to understand and expand your cores and visions even further still. You are beginning to embrace the new energies, and are opening the doorway for even more gradual informational decrees to flourish on planet Earth.

Each, and every single one of you, light workers, starseeds, and star people, collectively known as the ground crew, are stationed on Gaia at specific locations, locations which intertwine, via ley lines and other energy gateways.

Each one of you is connected to the other, in the web of light and love. Each one is stationed specifically at various points, in order to continue the effort of informational decrees that you have come here to institute. And hence, those of you who are feeling the irrevocable desire to change locations of your residences, to move into other territories, should follow the guidance, for all of this is being done in order to further anchor the new energies.

Please understand, our dearly beloved brothers and sisters of light, the transformation that Gaia is presently going through, and that each human soul is going through, cannot possibly be achieved overnight, in your understanding of time and space.

And so, the political arena of your world is changing rapidly. You are seeing more and more wars springing up, and revolutions taking place. All of this is simply egos at play, for the ego of each individual involved in the political arena of your Earth is trying desperately to hold on to power. And yet, it is not to be, for this reign will not last long.

For it is no longer possible to work through the ego self; for the ego self of every single human being dwelling on Gaia must come into alignment with the higher self of the each being.  From the moment of now, the higher self is taking control of the situation, and the conflict that is arising must be resolved, first and foremost, from the internal aspect of self.

Once the conflict has been resolved and the energies balanced internally, it shall then be possible to expand the consciousness further still, and out into the universe enlarge [at large?]. That is why, in each of the messages that we send to all of you through your various beloved channels, we ask that you clean your slate, that you release and let go of that which no longer serves you. (2)  For in order for you to integrate the new energies, you must have the room in your consciousness to expand, and the room in your consciousness to allow the expansion to continue.

The DNA structure of many of you has already been changed.  Yet the layers which you have accumulated over the years, of being encapsulated into the belief systems of the world that you have found yourselves to be in, are playing a major role in providing a playground for magnificent understanding, and reevaluation of your belief structures to take place, [thus] allowing you to clean your slate in order to connect to your higher selves.

And so, each layer that you release will bring you closer and closer the true higher consciousness of your being, the higher consciousness of that which you are.  And you shall then be able to open the door to the real mission at hand, [which will allow you] to understand the direct steps that you are to follow in order to take your righteous place in the universe.

Many more portals await you, dearly beloved ones.  Needless to say, we ask that you not wait for any portals to open in order to clean your slate; in fact, we ask that you do so before the portals open.  As when the portal does indeed open, there shall be room in your heart and in your body for more informational decrees to flow throughout your system, and readjusting and realigning you with your soul purpose, with that which you are, and bringing you closer to the understanding of life.

Be well, dearly beloved ones. Understand that you are all here to BE , and to experience Being in this moment of time, while being fully and completely connected to the divinity within your own selves.
Know that we are standing by you ready to assist you in all that you are, and ready to lend you a helping hand. Know that you are powerful indeed, that you walk the earthly planes of existence with the diminished understanding of your powers, and with each moment of your expansion of consciousness, you are being brought closer and closer to your true identity, and to your true powers of manifestation.

We leave you now with the final word.  Allow your mind, your heart, to open the gateway to the truth, and understanding of that which you are, of the Universal Laws of Creation, of the Universal Laws of Love.  Soon you will find yourself fully awakened, fully equipped to align humanity with the eternal truth of the Creator.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

Footnotes By Beckow
(1) Steve: Hence Archangel Michael calling the Ascension of gatekeepers “Ascension Lite.”  The fact that this is the first physical Ascension requires going more slowly than if Ascension occurred outside the body.
(2) Steve: See “Jesus via Pamela Kribbe: The Third Way,” at for the method of releasing.

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