Via Marilyn Raffaele
We observe that as restrictions begin to lessen many expect their lives to pick up exactly where they left off before the period of isolation. Nothing can or will be exactly as it was for the energy of earth has and will continue to change. Allow the process dear ones.
Listen to and trust your intuition fully, allowing it to guide you
to new and previously unknown ways of living in a higher resonating
world. It has become a time of fear for those who remain spiritually
un-awakened because as their comfortable and familiar belief system
begins to crumble they experience it as the loss of their foundation,
one built on sand.
Divine Consciousness is a permanent state of fulfillment. Divine
consciousness never gives fulfillment to an individual, for Divine
Consciousness holds nothing about the belief in separation or
individuals as being separate from ITself. God is always fulfilling
ITSelf as and through individuals.
Individual expressions of Divine Consciousness experience
fulfillment in accord with how open their consciousness is to receive
it. A consciousness that is already filled with false beliefs of two
powers, duality, and separation has no room through which Divine
fulfillment can express.
Throughout all lifetimes the majority has comfortably accepted and lived from what they were led to believe was the “right way” or “truth” about everything most of which was based primarily in duality and separation. The third dimension is the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladder dear ones, which is why most people are unable to easily speak with their Guides, teachers, and loved ones on the other side.
Three dimensional energy does not align with the more refined Light
energies of the higher dimensions. Many continue to believe that the
higher dimensions do not exist because they can’t see or hear them. Some
who do believe in an afterlife continue to view it from narrow and
false concepts of a “heaven” or “hell” awaiting everyone which in turn
has provided a well used control tool for churches, parents,
governments, etc. Never doubt that those living in the higher dimensions
are alive and well, learning and evolving, and happy to be back home.
Those who incessantly mourn someone who has passed on by erecting altars, having seances, and consistently trying to make contact do no favor to themselves or the person they mourn because these actions only serve to keep both tied to what is finished and keeps the one who has passed from moving on.
There is, never has been, and never can be death. Could an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God die?
As individuals evolve and grow spiritually, it becomes easier and more natural to communicate with Guides or even loved ones if contact is necessary. This is because as a person’s energy becomes more refined, they automatically begin to align with the same energies in the higher dimensions.
Never forget that you are not a human being with a consciousness but rather you are consciousness presently utilizing a material body as is necessary for living in the denser energy of earth.
We observe hesitation on the part of many who are aware of their
true nature but are unable to fully trust it because they believe that
it never manifests as they expected, is unpredictable, and is thus not
practical for every day living. Realize and remember that Consciousness
is the substance of form, not an intellectual knowledge of truth. This
is why the first stages of the spiritual journey do not seem to bring
forth much fruitage.
Trust that your Higher self is running the show and bringing to you that which you need. Once a person consciously or unconsciously decides to spiritually evolve, their journey begins with no going back. From then on experiences of both bad and good are based in learning, clearing, and moving more deeply into spiritual awareness.
Try not to judge your life by outer appearances for experiences can get quite difficult on all levels as old stored energy from hundreds of past lives begins to surface in order to clear. Look for the lesson underlying all experiences for there always is one.
It is important to set aside a particular time to state the
intention to clear all oaths, promises, vows, or commitments made in
this life and all past lives for they can bind you to their particular
energy. Even lifetimes lived as a warrior can bind a person to the
energy of oaths and promises made to always serve a leader, country, or
cause to the death. Likewise, old vows of poverty can keep a person
continuously struggling with abundance. Most vows, oaths, and promises
of the past were appropriate at the time but as a person evolves they
act as anchors and block the new.
The integration and balancing of the masculine and feminine energy fully present but often unrecognized in every person is a necessary component of reclaiming one’s power as a Divine being. Those who ignore or resist opening themselves to the qualities of either gender will be presented with opportunities that force them to go deeper with regard to this.
Everyone came to believe through experience and teachings in this or
previous lifetimes that they were powerless. For many, powerlessness
remains intact as their state of consciousness and continuing to
manifest outwardly in every facet of their lives. The process of
evolving beyond a consciousness of powerlessness often includes
situations that seem to be problems but which in reality are experiences
created by the Higher Self necessary for attaining personal
When a person reaches a place of “NO MORE!” the upper realms rejoice for
it means the person has begun to break their bondage to some person,
place, or thing outside of themselves freeing them from energies that
they may have been carrying through many many lifetimes.
Appearances are never what they seem to be according to three
dimensional thinking. Three dimensional minds regardless of how educated
or bright can only access what is already known in three dimensional
collective consciousness simply because that is what they are in
alignment with. Fresh new ideas can only flow from the Source of
creativity–Divine Consciousness.
Great artists do not seek new ideas from what already exists in the
three dimensional collective but look within where creativity exists.
Often without conscious awareness of what they were doing, the great
artists and creators of every age pondered and silently listened,
opening a path through which new ideas for music, art, dance, medicine,
learning etc. could flow.
Once a new idea is brought forth from the Source of creativity within, it then becomes a part of the collective and available to others. This is why it often happens that two people will invent the same thing at the same time and is also why every truth you know and integrate serves to lift and add Light to collective consciousness.You are living in powerful times and all is proceeding according to plan.
We are the Arcturian Group 6/6/21
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