Monday, October 14, 2019

Disclosure Digest 10-14-19

Another Stormy Monday Folks


Let's kick this one off with some bulletin downloads from Ten Forward to your Inbox:

The Golden Bullets are being loaded to take out the Banksters...good stuff from DaveAnon:

Feelings Now Acceptable As Answers To Math Problems! Feels about right for me, Ayup:

Friends don’t let friends drink Starbucks; don't support the Evil Empire of Burnt Coffee - Blech:

Please put the word out about illegal and immoral mandatory self-poisoning; Caveat Emptor!:

Amazon AI-powered Cloud Cam actually powered by unseen humans who watch you have sex:

Nobody expects the digital Spanish Inquisition!; get your hair shirts on Amazon Prime, Suckers:

A project suitable for major funding methinks...the slow boat from Hanoi is about to dock,folks:

Morag does a righteous rant on the current multi-dimensional state of affairs; well worth a Look:

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