Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Disclosure Digest 10-9-19

DD Sedona Edition

Sandra guides us on a Geteway Get-A-Way as we launch into the preparations for Samhain:

Are you missing Q? I sure am; here's a Q analysis from a stellar Anon - Keep calm and trust the Plan:

The Brits were even closer than the US to loosing all their freedoms to the Cabal; Go Bad Man Boris:

The Mindfulness exhibited by Trader Joe’s is heartening; may it spread widely and soon:

PCR observes the collapse of our old ‘caveman civilization’ paradigm; good riddance say I:

Exposing the true roots of TDS is admirably handled by young Tucker in this recent Fox clip:

Child trafficking updater; Child Protective Services is rife with whistle-blowers in need of airtime:

Lionel gets it that Bad Orange Man has thoroughly fumigated the Intel/Deep State in masterful style:

Get the ongoing Dimensional Shift lowdown from the Godfather of Sedona!; Dru Rocks the Casbah:

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