This is straight from the Head Office and deserves your careful consideration - DT the ET
An Hour with an Angel, March 25, 2013
Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Geoffrey West of Greenprint for Life. It’s a pleasure to be with you. I’m Graham Dewyea.Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So, with that I’ll pass it on to you, Geoffrey.
Geoffrey West: Thank you, Graham. Greetings and blessings to you all. We have a lot of questions to cover this evening. So I’ll just say welcome to you, Michael.
Thank you for joining us once again.
Archangel Michael: And I say welcome to you, dear heart. I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love, and, particularly in this case, bringer of news. It is my joy to be with you, and to bring you my sword, my shield, my blue flame of truth, and to discuss with each of you not only the matters of global import, but the secrets and the matters of your heart.
For so often these are one and the same, and they simply reflect and reflect and reflect. And this is particularly true as you go through this period of transition, what you think of as Ascension, the shift.
So it is my pleasure, my joy, my honor to be here. My dear friends, where do you wish to begin?
GW: Well, there’s so many places that we could begin. I think perhaps maybe we’ll start with Obama’s recent trip to Israel. President Obama, as many people know, was recently in Israel. And it’s pretty clear that Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu are not friends, although Obama and Israeli President Shimon Peres appear to be very much on the same page.
An event which under normal circumstances might not seem suspicious that caught my eye was the fact that the presidential limo broke down in Israel. Now, given the intense desire of Netanyahu to interfere with Obama’s election last November by supporting Romney, and given the difficulties Netanyahu is now having in his own country, the fact that the car broke down on a visit to Israel seems at least unusual, if not suspicious.
Was there something behind this event, or was it just an unfortunate mix-up in fuel, as reported?
AAM: [chuckle] An unfortunate mix-up in fuel is absolutely correct, but the question is, who is in charge of the fuel? Now, I do not come this or any day to fuel drama.
GW: Correct.
AAM: But is it not significant, in so many ways, that Obama’s vehicle has broken down, stalled out, and been in a position of not moving? This has accomplished several things. Now, it was meant in some ways as an insult, as a very subtle insult, to the President of the United States, who was, yes, not supported in this situation.
But what really has transpired, it has been the anchoring of light, the anchoring of a human experience that so many all over the world experience at one time or another — your car just won’t go, for one reason or another.
And is it not a cause of great frustration to each of you when that happens? And you think that it is because you are in a position where you are not in wealth or power.
So what it shows you is that there is an equality of situation that is happening across the board, but it was also a chance to show the humanity of those involved and to anchor very deeply within Gaia an extraordinary quotient of light, a beacon of light.
So there were several things about this visit that were slightly unusual, shall we say, but it has not been allowed that it has acted as a setback. Because the agenda — my agenda — and the agenda that comes forth, yes, even in this circumstance, is peace.
GW: Hmm. Now, there appear to be a few Israeli publications, Haaretz being one of them, that seem to be becoming more bold in their articles about the Jewish people standing up and speaking out.
They seem to be indicating that many Israeli people, and many young people, are wanting peace, wanting to allow the Palestinians to have their own land in the name of peace.
Now, we witnessed a little bit of that in Obama’s keynote address where many of the young people seemed to be surprising journalists in their support for Obama’s remarks that he was making.
One article described Obama as a masseur, gently massaging info to the Israeli people while giving the people not only what they wanted to hear but also giving them the hard truth.
And I’m certain Obama knew exactly what he was doing, but even one woman was saying in the article that she felt that the Israeli people were cheering Obama, because their leaders could not speak the kind of truth that he was speaking, and that it was very refreshing.
How will this trip and the speeches and his overall presence shape the future of Israel in the shorter term and perhaps the longer term?
AAM: Well, in the longer term there will be peace, period. But let us talk about the shorter term. And you are correct in your political analysis, which is that the leadership of Israel — and we do not just simply speak to one or two individuals, we speak to the leader- are prepared to take on the issues of Palestine and the issues of what it will take to bring peace in this area to ripple out to peace in this entire region that you think of as the Middle East.
And so what Obama was doing was indeed being a masseur, but he was also providing a great deal of food for thought. But what he was also doing was giving those who are like-minded — and might I say light-minded — the opening to declare themselves, permission to declare themselves.
Many of the young people in Israel are lightworkers, lightholders. And they come as bearers of peace; they come as protectors of peace, because of their age, not because of their acculturation.
But because of their age and belief systems, they do not have the same what we would call stigmata of war, the memories that have been carried forth of the Holocaust and of the pogroms that have taken place for centuries in Europe and elsewhere. And there is a deep longing within the hearts of many of the young people to reach a place of peace.
Now, what is interesting is there is also a similar longing, a reflection in the hearts of many of the elders also for peace. They are tired of conflict. They are tired of war. It is not that they abandon — nor do we — abandon the idea of Israel as a sacred undertaking, which is understood to a greater or lesser extent both above and below. But the idea, the sacred idea and undertaking of Israel does not eradicate the sacred undertaking of the Palestinians for their own land, for their own freedom, for their own rights.
And so what is being arrived at — yes, through Obama’s words as a catalyst — is the permission for this conversation not only to go forward but to go forward in the ways that are tangible in terms of accords, treaties and movement that actually come to a place of agreement where all are considered equal.
So often — and you have chosen a very good subject, my friend, and one which you know that I have a great deal of involvement in — but in this Palestinian-Israeli conflict, disagreement, is the heart of what conflict is about.
It is the desire to control, to be in charge. And there is a belief, a fundamental belief in death, destruction, lack, limitation, that there is not enough to go around.
These people have lived together on this land for thousands and thousands of years. It is the belief systems, the religious, the cultural and the political belief systems that bring this to a place of conflict. But it is the release of this in compassion and understanding and the spirit of resolution and a deep desire and action for peace that will bring this to an end.
So what I say to you is that the speaking and the energy that Obama and company have brought to this meeting, to this visitation, is the opening of a door and a very loud indication to find a place of resolution.
GW: I’m reading between the lines here, and what you’re saying, Michael, is that the young people and even many of the elders within Israel are searching for peace.
The fact that Netanyahu has even maintained a position of power or leadership within the country might suggest that something that was not particularly life-honoring had taken place in the leadership.
Is Netanyahu in containment at the moment?
AAM: He is in some form of mild containment. He is not in full containment, let us put it that way. Now, we also say that he has a following in the middle range of those who wish to maintain the status quo. And part of that maintenance of the status quo is not just the belief in lack and limitation. It is also the desire to maintain power, and to maintain wealth, and to maintain positions of freedom.
And that is not the fundamental basis upon which Israel, or any other nation, for that matter, has been founded. So his position and his power you will see diminishing.
GW: Well, let’s move over to Italy, then. And Pope Francis met with leaders of the various world faiths in this last week. In his humble style that he is becoming noted for, he chose not to sit on the usual papal throne, but rather in a simple armchair, a beige armchair.
Some of the other leaders had expressed optimism in the change of style of Francis. Are the other religious leaders now aware of the information that Francis is aware of? The higher information. And will they collectively be starting to change the tune of religious faiths around the world? Will this become a song sung by Francis and the faiths?
AAM: It has begun. They are humming. They are finding that it is a catchy tune, that is attractive, that it has a beautiful melody and refrain that sings in their hearts. Francis has basically thrown away the throne. He is not over-lighted to proceed in such a manner.
And what he is first and foremost doing is that he is reminding those others of all faiths that their role is to serve and that leadership is service, that they are shepherds of all ilks, all stripes, all colors. But their role is to collect and to show the way, in humility and patience, in forgiveness and compassion.
So, what Francis has begun to do is to say we do not need to be in control. We cannot find the middle way, the pathway of peace and true brotherhood and sisterhood through trying to control people. And this has been a gift. Oh, and dear heart, he has only just begun.
You have been asking for signs. Well, you are seeing them, are you not, on many fronts. But pay attention to this one. And might I give you a hint? Follow the money.
GW: Hmm. Intriguing. Okay. Well, at this point, then, now you have said previously, or it has been said previously, that Francis is over-lighted with the soul of St. Francis, and that he will be stepping forward in his role and that he is aware of and in contact with our galactic family.
That wasn’t clear previously; maybe you can clarify that. Has that knowledge and awareness been imparted to the leaders of the other faiths at this time? Are they aware of that and openly embracing that?
AAM: It has not been fully disclosed. It has been fully implied. And so… [laugh] I’m sorry. I laugh because it is a beautiful time that we have waited for. Now, let me suggest to you — no, let me simply tell you flat out, my friend, because you are a newsman. There were several galactics present at this gathering. The presence of the galactics was fully implied. And in side conversations it was a full point of discussion.
But the first focus of Francis is not to push the agenda of the galactics, but simply rather to let everybody know that they have been part of this enclave and part of the knowledge of the papacy for a long time. But his first agenda is bringing communion, community and peace amongst the different faiths and sects, amongst the human beings.
So that is his primary agenda. But he is weaving many things into it. Is he aware of the galactics? He has been aware of them for a very long time. He has been aware of them most of his life, actually. And so it is not that it is not on his agenda; it is. It is just not the first thing on his agenda.
GW: Okay. Very good. Thank you, Michael.
Shifting to events that are taking place in Europe at this point in time, it seems that the events in Europe are reaching or about to hit a breaking point of some kind. Several leaders, including Nigel Farage and allegedly Russian Prime Minister Medvedev have suggested that people should be removing their money from their accounts as the cabal may attempt a last ditch grab for money.
Now, I know, and perhaps many know, that the current system is corrupt and that there will have to be a degree of change in the current system before people will be willing to embrace the new system.
I don’t wish this question to sound alarmist to people, but is what is happening now one of the final, if not the final, straw that will help expose the banking cabal and allow the new system to be implemented? Is this new system ready? Or is it already being implemented? Or is it still only limited to preparatory work?
AAM: No, it is already underway. It is already being implemented. And yes, we do not wish to sound alarmist either, and so we also wish people to know that their resources, what they think of as their money, for those who have saved and put their faith in banking systems, they will be protected to a certain extent. So do not think that you have need to run out and remove all your monies, or that it will be completely gone. But yes, this is the beginning of a transition.
The expression of the lack of faith in particularly the European banking system causes enormous disruption, more significant perhaps than anywhere else. And so yes, it does have a domino effect, but it is not one simply shutting down [the old system] and a new system emerging. It is coming into balance with the new emerging as the old simply fades away.
Is it a last ditch effort on the part of those who have clung to the old paradigm of the 3rd, what you call the cabal? Yes, it is. But it matters not, because it is not going to work for them. Seldom are things such as this situation so black and white. There is always room for free choice and free movement and adjustment.
But in this situation it is simply evolution and expansion. And the expansion of the new, of the new paradigm, of what you think of as Fifth-Dimensional financial systems does not allow for systems that are based on greed and theft and control — and unfairness, basic unfairness, usury.
So, it is rather clearly defined. You have an expression that you use on Earth, “Out with the old.” And this is one of those situations where it is, in fact, the truth.
GW: Okay. So, along the lines of the leadership, or at least some of the leadership of what’s taking place in the financial sector globally, it has been reported that the apartment of the IMF managing director Christine Lagarde was raided last week.
Was this an attempt to expose her as part of the banking cabal, or was it an attempt to stop her from fulfilling the reforms that she is allegedly trying to bring to the international banking system?
AAM: It was an attempt to gather information and perhaps even destroy documentation that she is trying to bring forth for the reform of the financial situation. It was an unsuccessful raid.
GW: Okay. So what I’m hearing in your answer, then, is that Christine Lagarde is working for, I guess, the forces of light to bring the greater change to the IMF. Am I correct?
AAM: Yes. This one has had a real turn-around. No, we do not ever categorize individuals or groups or people as light or dark. But this one has truly committed herself to reformation.
She sees and she has the experience very clearly of knowing what does not work. And therefore she has committed to her mission, her purpose to this reformation.
GW: Okay. And could the same be said about the new US Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew? Is he on board with all the changes and working for the reformation as well with Lagarde?
AAM: He is an agent and an angel of change. He could not be simply on board. He is a moving force.
GW: Okay. Okay. Very good to know. So I guess perhaps while we’re on this same vein of making reformation changes, there are reports that Russian President Putin has begun a project to root out corruption at all levels of government. And you had said previously that Putin is in containment, and perhaps that some leaders are getting ready to come out of containment.
Given the fact that Russia is one of the countries working to implement the new global economic model, and given that Russia appears to be proactively announcing Disclosure to the world, I want to believe that Putin is now firmly supporting the Earth Allies and the galactic families. Is he making the reformations that are in alignment with the changes at this time?
AAM: Putin absolutely has begun to emerge from containment. He has done well! Now, that is not to say that there are not some, shall we put it, scars that he carries of the old ways and what some would think of as his glory days. But he has chosen to work for the reformation on many, many levels.
You see, what is happening is a re-emergence in very different ways of nations that perhaps previously you had thought of as global leaders. And they still have that belief in themselves and their nation as global leaders.
But what has happened, and is occurring — and it does not matter whether you are talking about Russia or Palestine or Israel or the United States of America — is there is a realization that to be in that leadership position that everything has to change.
And to truly be in that position, just like Francis, of shepherding, of showing the way, of opening the doors, of letting the light shine in and my truth be present, they have to completely shift not only their internal landscape, but the reflection of that landscape, of who they are in their leadership role.
So, Putin is one that you will see has very significantly shifted from, can we say, one camp to the other.
GW: Interesting, indeed. Thank you, Michael. Okay. Great.
AAM: It is also important because often I have spoken to you, not as frequently as the Mother, or some of my brothers and sisters, but of the need for forgiveness and compassion. And you can look to Putin and those like him, and you can say, well, we don’t want him in any role. Look what he has done in the past. How will we ever trust him? How can he know the way forward?
Well, you begin to see some of the truth and effects of containment, but what you are also being invited to do is to practice in a very practical way forgiveness, re-evaluation, compassion, and to allow those who have had experience —— and this is important; this is true of Christine [Lagarde] as well — with the old and experience with the new, the vision and the understanding of where Nova Earth is going.
These individuals — yes, Barack Obama as well (1) — are bridge people. And that is the function that many of these people are playing. They are the transition team for Gaia, and for humanity. So, yes, always be vigilant, and hold out your sword and shields so that it is clear what you will tolerate and what you will not tolerate. But at the same time be the observer and practice forgiveness.
GW: Now, as you’re talking about that, Michael, another question has kind of popped into my head. This might be a good point to ask a question like this, since we’re talking about leadership, we’re talking about containment, we’re talking about the abilities to change.
In my newscast I try to offer hints for people to be open to forgiveness, that people are capable of change. Now, we’ve been traditionally talking about the issue of containment in terms of global leaders. I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts about how containment could apply to perhaps individuals who are doing the right thing but maybe not necessarily for the right reasons.
And perhaps the instance that is coming to my mind most immediately are the attempts of groups to try and arrest certain leaders of the world. And particularly now they wish to target Francis. What are your thoughts on this?
AAM: This goes to the issue of this belief in punishment, and this theme of punishment that is so strong, even now, upon your planet. And there is a belief and, might I say, that if you truly peel the onion on this issue, where this belief comes from is one who either has been injured or is truly still in the place of the injured child.
My warriors of peace, my angels of change are not interested in punishment. Let me explain just a little. You are talking about bringing those that you believe, and judge — which is never of love — but that you judge have committed errors or atrocities, and everything in between, to justice.
But when you are speaking about justice, you are speaking about justice in the institutions, which I dare say are severely inadequate, that exist right now upon your planet — yes, even the World Court because even it is punitive. It is not reconstruction. It is not based in a forgiveness mode.
So what these individuals, these injured people — and you truly see this also in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — it is this sense, “I have been injured; I have been raped; I have been abused; I have been tortured; I have had my basic survival mechanism stolen. Please, give me justice.”
Do you think, my beloved friends, when you go to your heart and you ignite and use my blue flame of truth, do you think justice, divine justice, is about human retribution? Do you wish to create more vessels and jails of human containment? It is bad enough.
So, no. We understand that what you are saying is that human beings need to be held accountable for their actions, for what they do and what they don’t do. But how do you begin anew? How do you wipe the slate clean and still practice these forms of what we would call outmoded justice?
You are right. There are those who are doing good work for questionable reasons. What we ask of you, my bright souls, take your energy, your brilliance, and your being and apply them to the creation and co-creation of systems of justice that look, feel, taste and align with divine justice, which is love. No one, no one, not on Terra Gaia or far beyond, is above or beyond reconstruction, rehabilitation.
You have decided, my friends, to invite your collective along on this wondrous journey of Ascension. You cannot have it both ways.
GW: No, I suppose we can’t. No, I certainly am one who is willing, I’ve reached a point where I’m willing to forgive some leaders if they are willing to surrender their positions and just simply move out and allow us to move forward. So, I certainly hope that will be an energy that will manifest more greatly.
AAM: It is an energy that is already sweeping your planet. If you think that change has begun and you are seeing the cracks, as it were, in the foundation, dear friend, get ready.
And I know that you are waiting with bated breath. You are saying to me, “Michael, I have been ready! Bring it on!” And we are. But we are not doing it to you; we are doing it with you.
GW: Absolutely. And that’s cause for celebration right there.
Okay, a number of questions left. One that popped into my head was the recent ceasefire that has been called in between Turkey and the Kurdish PKK Party. The leader of that party, who is in jail, Abdullah Öcalan, has called for peace, and this ends a twenty — or this could potentially end a 28-year – conflict between this group and the Turkish leadership.
How significant will this demonstration be in terms of impact on other global events?
AAM: It will have a ripple effect and be replicated elsewhere. We bless Abdullah, by the way, for he is a vessel of change. And he is a vessel of enlightenment. He has seen, very clearly … he has been visited, let us put it that way, that war and conflict is not the direction in which to win peace.
We do not say that there are not justifications and causes on both sides of this conflict. But you may consider it brought to a close. Will there be reconciliation?
Will there be discussion? Will there be blips on the screen? Yes. But what you are seeing is that people, humanity, starseeds, galactics, Earth-keepers, wayshowers are reaching the point where they are simply saying, “We are very tired of war.”
GW: So, the game, then, that seems to be taking place between North and South Korea, and all of these alleged threats, the public seems to be getting this message, while other sources are secretly talking about a unification of these two countries.
Of course, many of our regular listeners will know that there is absolutely no threat whatsoever of global conflict. But are there talks taking place about the reunification of these two countries?
AAM: Very, very, very behind the scenes. Now, when we speak of Korea, North and South and in between, this is one of the most challenging, problematic hot spots on the planet. Volatile, erratic, irrational, and perhaps, shall we say, not as tired as some of this idea of conflict.
We say the idea of conflict, not the actuality of conflict, because there is so much posturing that goes on, on both sides. So it is not that we say that one side is right and the other is wrong. That is polarity and duality, and we do not go in that direction.
But this is a very difficult situation because of some of the personalities involved. And it is not just a matter of a singular containment; it is extensive. But there are many discussions going on on what we would call the practical implementation level that can and very likely will result in either a reunification or a very peaceful coexistence.
The people of Korea do not determine themselves as North or South in their hearts. They have a very rich tradition, an ancient tradition, that has been manipulated, and, yes, controlled. And this is one of the biggest shifts you are seeing, as this change, monetary, socially, politically, takes place.
You have individuals, what you have thought of as diplomats, government officials, government bureaucrats, mid-level managers, all beginning to talk and take responsibility for shift.
Previously — and we’re not saying that that is not still the paradigm, but it is shifting — it has been leadership, top down. Where there is leadership that is not talking about shift or peace or equality and freedom, there is a groundswell from the middle up. That is what you are seeing. And your brothers and sisters of the stars, your galactic friends, will not permit any kind of proliferation.
GW: Great. Well, we certainly always love to hear that message.
Okay. Three questions left. The media is reporting today that the US Secretary of State John Kerry made a surprise visit to Afghanistan. But it has been alleged as well — but this does not appear to have been reported publicly — that he also made a visit to Iraq.
Can you confirm that this is true? And if it is true, does this visit have something to do with the economic changes that may be soon announced for Iraq? Is Iraq now out of bankruptcy?
AAM: Iraq is being brought to the forefront out of bankruptcy. But it is also a visit of peace. It is time, again, for peace to reign. And how does that happen? It happens with the end of what this channel likes to call economic terrorism.
GW: Okay. Great. There’s something I’ve been wondering about personally. We keep hearing about the actions of groups like Anonymous who are causing challenges for the individuals and institutions that may not be acting in the most life-honoring of ways.
We hear also of the Earth Allies who are allegedly working behind the scenes to implement many of the things that are now starting to come into greater public awareness. We also hear about social networks and how they are being monitored and being used for the cabal, as we will call them.
I’m curious why the Allies and groups like Anonymous have not created their own secure social network for people to join that will get people off of sites like Facebook and significantly cut the advertising power and profits of groups like this. Are there works behind the scenes to do something like this? What’s taking place in this area?
AAM: No, there is not a great deal of work or political will to move in this direction. We have need to be very clear that we do not speak of Anonymous and Earth Allies in the same breath, in the same context.
GW: Correct.
AAM: So, each has slightly different directions, agendas, participation. But that has not been, to date, anyway, the agenda to form their own social networking. Their focus, and their energies, have truly been on digging, exposure, and bringing to light wrongdoing, and to also bring to light potential for change. So they have not seen themselves really within that social network media forum.
But what is taking place is the influence of such groups as — even as your platform, dear friends — is that there is an energy. Now, we speak of each of your individual fields, of your sacred space, and how that energy influences so many, without saying a word. They receive the love, the trust, the compassion.
But when you come together, then the effect that you have in what you think of as controlled media such as Facebook, for example, effect that you are having there is significant.
So without even knowing that you are saboteurs, you are in fact changing the very energy of those mediums.
GW: Great. So, with the time that remains, I’ll give you a chance to have a little bit of free range with all the positivity that we can end the show with.
A couple of sources have hinted at a celestial event that will allegedly signal the permission of the Company of Heaven for the galactic families to begin taking more direct and affirmative actions to move events forward on Gaia.
Without giving dates, is there any information that can be shared to validate or support this celestial sign? Is this particular sign the one that some have been calling “the event”?
AAM: There is a series of events — and I know that I have said this to you before. Rather than looking to a single event, look to a series of events and what we, as the Company of Heaven, as the Council of Love are calling a turn of events. “Now, what does this mean, Michael, and why are you speaking in code?” I do not wish to.
Let me be quite clear. The permission for the greater engagement of the galactics with the humans is already on the table, as it were. There is already greater involvement. Some are more aware than others.
You are saying, “Yes, but when will it become very obvious, very apparent, very commonplace?” We are letting and allowing and assisting, as are your galactic brothers and sisters, a rise in your frequency and vibration so that you are meeting and interacting on a greater evenness, a greater keel of frequency, of vibration of divine qualities, of joy, of bliss.
But what we do not want to have happen is for the humans — and you’re still a little at that point, where you would say, “We will abdicate our responsibility for the recreation of Nova Earth to our galactic brothers and sisters because they know how to do it.”
That is not the plan. The plan is for humanity, the kingdoms, Gaia, in concert with many, to co-create this. So, there is still a slight hesitancy and belief that you can do it. And I speak of “you” collectively.
Obviously, you who I speak to this night are more than ready. But we are just waiting for that confidence factor, the assumption of knowing that you are fully capable and engaged. You’re almost there.
So will it be marked by certain events? Yes. But most significantly, you will see, and you are beginning to see, a true turn of events. Does this answer your question, my friend?
GW: I think it does, Michael. Certainly. I think we’re probably getting to less than a minute. Are there just some final words of love and positivity that you’d like to share with the listeners?
AM: Look around! Look up! And look down. Look straight ahead into the eyes and heart of every person you encounter and see the bright light and love that shines back at you. This change you call Ascension is already underway. You are no longer bent over. You are standing strong! And clear. You are almost there. And we are with you.
[music up]
We are not at some portal waiting for you. We are with you, every breath, every hour, every minute. Never hesitate. Call on us. Farewell.
GW: Thank you, Michael. And so we come to an end of An Hour with an Angel. Until the next moment of now, be in love, be at peace.
Footnotes(1) AAM is not saying that Barack Obama has been in containment. He is a leader destined to take the world into the New Age.
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