Channeled By Ute Posegga-Rudel, May 24, 2013
It is quite a while since I spoke to this channel. I observed her following her own heart to communicate what her soul wanted to express and I Am pleased that she gave herself permission to do this!
Likewise I encourage each one of you to find your own way to express your heart and to allow your soul to come forward – if you haven’t done so yet – because each one of you is bearing a unique precious gift to share with others.
Each one of you is equal in this and is part of the totality of all souls of humankind Who exists as the One Great Soul and Consciousness of humanity.
Each one of you is an individual and specific vibration in the united song of humanity. And if only one of all these vibrations is missing, humanity’s Grand Song is not complete.
The wisdom of each soul is flowing from the Eternal Source in Which it exists, and each soul has its own color or unique combination of colors. But together all colors are transcended into the One Great White Light.
However none of you is separated from this One Great White Light! A soul that seeks to Unite with its Origin Is very much blessed, as this soul is starting to surrender to the Greater Existence in Which it is arising.
With It the tone of the soul starts to vibrate on a greater scale and a volume, that is not louder but is increasingly expanding multi-dimensionally until it Unites with Source.

Before this new creation a soul who entered the Ultimate lost its existence in the Vast Ocean of Divine Love-Bliss-Consciousness.
How can an individual soul be both? Understand that this is a matter of a kind of “channeling”. The soul “channels” the Infinite Source and opens itself to Its Vastness, but can switch in the blink of an eye back to the more limited state of its individuality at will.
So that this could happen, the Divine Creator Forces have changed the structure of the soul in a way that it is more translucent and less solid in its geometry as it has been before. Meaning that the soul of the human being has now more scope to change from a particle to a waveform, to use this analogy!
And this can be done by will, as soon as the Absolute has become conscious to the experience of the soul.
It has been your observation that as soon you integrated a new scientific insight into the nature of creation, that this always coincided with expanded consciousness. Expanded awareness and new insights in your scientific endeavors signified therefore also the evolutionary expansion of your spiritual growth.

Ultimately you will find, that many observations in the field of physics which are depictions of reality, point to the same Truth. And soon you will be able to interchange them, recognizing that they describe the same what your soul increasingly is able to feel, intuit and Know as Divine Reality.
However, this applies only to the world of phenomena. As soon as structure is released there is no science and no spirituality. Both are transcended in the Gigantic, Infinite and Undivided Source of Ultimate Reality, in which no structure exists, but from which all structures are arising.
This is important to understand, because without this understanding you cannot recognize what is beyond your soul and you cannot surrender to What is Greater than your soul. Although your soul is a beautiful Emanation of the Divine, it is still in some sense separated from its own Source. You can comprehend this, because you know that there are many souls, not just yours.
And this tells you that the soul is not the Ultimate, in and of itself. But Source is Only One, and not many. It cannot be divided, It cannot be diminished. It Is Pure Radiance, Infinite Consciousness in Which and from Which Everything arises.

It is dear to My Heart to show you your Infinite Perspective, to inspire your soul to growth and expansion.
Thank you for taking this into YOUR heart.
As always, I AM your loving
Message conveyed by Ute
My heart was singing with joy, dearest friends, while writing this down. What about your heart, did it start singing too?
Much love!
Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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