Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Contemplating Planetary Prosperity


Posted By Steve Beckow On August 13, 2013

Prosperity 22In An Hour with an Angel on Aug. 12, 2013, St. Germaine said the first trickles of the rivers of gold that the abundance program is will soon start. He discussed one element of that program – the so-called “prosperity programs.”

The prosperity programs have been around for years and earned a bad name for themselves when certain commentators wrote columns years ago saying they were on the tarmac and now George Bush has held them up and now they’re on the move again.  People tired of being on the edge of their seats when nothing ever occurred.

And here we are still on the edge of our seats with all streams of the abundance program.
Even people who buy that NESARA is real still also deny that the prosperity packages are real. A man whose name is synonymous with NESARA, when asked this May if they were real, responded: “NO, ignore [them] completely. This was closed some years ago.” Well, not according to St. Germaine.

Drake was asked about them and replied:  “I do not know if they are even real… in addition, I see that my name has been added to this CRAP! Wanta funds, Prosperity Packages, and 1776 look to me to be scams.” (1)

So it’ll be an uphill battle to establish that some of the streams of wealth that are soon to come on line are real until they actually do materialize and even then the tendency will be to keep matters under wraps if even for security concerns.

I acknowledge that anyone who admits that they are part of the prosperity packages runs the risk of significant inconvenience and discomfort. But at the same time there’s another side to the matter which can, in certain circumstances, make that admission a contribution to the building of Nova Earth and I’d like to discuss that for a moment.

We ordinarily think of such matters as the prosperity programs and the current global currency reset as creating “sudden wealth.” We think of them as providing personal enrichment and for many who bought simply a modest amount of dinars or dongs for themselves and their families, this is true and it is just that. And should be. (Not saying otherwise.)

But there are others who invested very large amounts in dinars and dongs and did so for purposes of beginning to send prosperity out to others in ever-widening circles. These large investors are sometimes called “whales.” (2)

Turning from the currency reset to the prosperity packages, another stream of new wealth, St. Germaine revealed that these funds, in the beginning, would be sent out in modest amounts (still the overall flow would be larger than many countries’ GNPs) so that the population would not be completely thrown off balance.  But nonetheless the idea with these larger infusions of wealth is to see prosperity enter society, not just look after our individual needs.

The larger investors in currency exchanges and the participants in the prosperity programs are meant to be wayshowers and lightworkers. Their participation in these programs is not meant to be solely about personal enrichment but also about building Nova Earth.

These people are the first on Earth, I believe, to find themselves in the position of actually having the wherewithal to make a difference. If all of them succumb to the desire to avoid all discomfort and inconvenience by retaining all their wealth (some must be retained) or playing their cards close to their chest, we can lose at least some of the value of this exercise, which is
to pool the knowledge learned from these initial forays into the spread of prosperity and the building of the immense social capital that Nova Earth is.
What we are about to see and what some may participate in is an experiment.  It’s a trial run for the abundance program. It’s a controlled test, so to speak. Everything about the prosperity programs is geared to testing out how to build the new paradigm, realistically and humanely.

You heard Archangel Michael caution us not to channel earnings from these programs into old-economy investments because these investments would not prosper. (He did recommend new green investments in free energy, organic foods, etc.) You heard St. Germaine discuss the need to share with those around us.

Everything a recipient of the prosperity programs does with their gift will contribute to building the new patterns of economic activity on Nova Earth.  And how we respond will have an impact on how fast we can go, I believe, in getting abundance out to the population and whether we on Earth are ready for a Fifth-Dimensional relationship to money and to others.

So, even though I know full well that making the suggestion I’m about to make invites significant discomfort and inconvenience on those who take up the matter, still I wish to invite those who do participate in the prosperity programs and the “whales” (large investors) in the currency revaluation to share their experiences as well as their wealth so that we as a whole society can begin to consider the important questions that arise as we transition from lack to abundance.

They can do this using pseudonyms or taking other steps to preserve their anonymity but, after taking the measures to reduce or contain the risk of discomfort and inconvenience, I ask us to begin pooling our findings from this most useful experiment. It’s too rich a source of critical experience to conduct according to old-paradigm ways of hiding and denial.

This is a very controversial area. I know that many people will disagree with me and I can almost hear, in my mind, my phone start ringing and people asking me if I’ve gone crazy. They’ll see me as naive or careless, imprudent or impetuous. I’m fully prepared to meet resistance.

But I assert that, in my view, we’re here to build the new paradigm and I invite us to enact this next chapter in our work together, which has not yet opened but soon may, with as much transparency as well as prudence as possible.

The old paradigm saw wealth as a private matter. The new paradigm sees wealth as very much a social matter.

The old paradigm was about the personal amassment and retention of wealth. The new paradigm will be about sharing.

The old paradigm saw people’s poverty as their own fault. The new paradigm looks upon poverty as a matter that elicits our compassion.

This is a time to draw together, consult together, and work together.  This is a time for sharing what we find and considering together the obstacles we meet.

This new chapter may take as much courage as it took to fight the cabal. And it may see us divided among ourselves as to what is advisable and wise. But, in my opinion, this is yet another way in which we’re building the new paradigm of Nova Earth in the midst of things and should be an area in which we show as much creativity, courage and transparency as any other.

I’m not asking anyone to endanger themselves or bring upon themselves want or difficulties. But I am asking us to consider being wayshowers in all ways as we venture into this new chapter of abundance in the history of this planet.


(1) “Get Real and Think,” 2012: What’s the Real Truth? Dec. 29, 2012, at http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/drake-chimes-in-on-the-prosperity-things-going-around-the-internet-get-real-and-think-j/.
(2) I realize that the more common use of the term “whale” is for large-scale dinarholders like, say, Prince Charles.

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