Channeled By John Smallman On August 28, 2013

the Light-bearers and wayshowers, can best help by intending, every
time you meditate or go into your quiet inner space, to send loving
wisdom and emotional restraint to all those who are in any way involved
or engaged in the developments occurring there. It would also be most
effective to visualize an immense field or cloud of Light hovering over
the areas where conflict is ongoing, from which brilliant multicolored
rays of Love are pouring down and entering the hearts of all in the
That may not sound to many of you like a very efficacious way
to assist in bringing peace to those areas of conflict, but I assure
you that it is far more powerful than you can possibly imagine. I most
strongly urge you to do it every time thoughts and anxieties about those
conflicted ones come to mind. You know that military
enforcement cannot bring lasting peace, and that it does add greatly to
the suffering already being experienced. As you have been told so many
times by so many wise ones over so many eons, Love is the only answer to any situation where people are in disagreement. Force or violence always fail.

Will is, and always has been, for His children to live in harmonious,
joyful, and creative cooperation, and the time has now arrived for those
who so freely chose to construct and enter into the illusion to release
themselves from it by letting go of the tendrils, the netting, the web
of fear, anxiety, and distrust that tie them to it, so that they can
awaken as divinely planned. When you release those unloving character
traits which, as a result of eons spent in the illusion, have come to
seem totally normal – an essential safety precaution to ensure your
survival there – the vast inner space that opens up within you all will
fill rapidly with the Love from which you have been shielding yourselves
by maintaining those traits.

true nature is perfect peacefulness, the “peace that passeth all
understanding,” and you are returning to an eternal awareness, an
infinitely powerful knowing – far greater than experience – of
your own magnificence as perfect aspects of your divine Source from
which separation is inconceivable and impossible. Keep turning inwards
to the Light of Love burning within each one of you, intend to reflect
it to one another, and to all areas of the world that are consumed with
conflict, as you wait in excited anticipation for your moment of
With so very much love, Saul.
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