Channeled By Aisha North On August 25, 2013

And as they seem to be unable to take it all in as they say, the pressure valves will burst and the steam will find its way out in one way or the other, hence the sudden eruptions spewing forth from so many now.
And what spews forth is not the light, rather, it is what the light in itself is pushing out of them. For when the light comes in, nothing can stand in its way, and as such, a whole lot of cleaning is indeed going on on all levels. Both on the internal and personal one, and indeed collectively and throughout the different dimensions that composes this whole energetic matrix that you are all an intrinsic part of.
So know that you are merely seeing and sensing the overload that some are experiencing due to the large amount of light that is literally pouring into their system and causing an evacuation of everything that cannot occupy the same space as this light. For it is indeed this light that sets the tone as it were, for there is nothing that is not of the same vibration that can be in the vicinity of this new and extremely powerful lightforce that is pouring into you all.

So stay centered, and know that all is well, but also stay alert for any signals of eruptions coming your way. Better to duck and take cover than to face any blasts face on, for they have nothing to do with you and your journey, but everything to do with what has been but can no longer linger. But you are here to stay dear ones, and you are here to prosper and grow as so much of this old goo is being jettisoned out into the ethers to be reused for much better purposes.
As we have told you before, all of this negative energy will not simply be taken out and locked away somewhere. No, it will be used as an active ingredient, and a very positive one indeed, for the evolution of your species. For anything that is old and seemingly dead because of its low and too dense vibration can and will be recycled as a building material for the light. It may sound odd, but in Creation, nothing is considered as waste, and everything lasts forever – albeit in an altered state.

But also remember, the denser materials in their current state is of no help to anyone, least of all to those that still cling to it like a liferaft on these high seas. They will find themselves sinking quickly as their buoy turns to a dead weight and pulls them under, as the light will make any form of trickery and illusion impossible to uphold.
So stay in your center, and know that you have what it takes to keep floating forever in that tranquil sea of light you have already made possible just by your very presence. For that, we cannot thank you enough, but for now, we will just say fare thee well for now, and know that you are being born aloft by a power so strong, nothing will be able to drag you under ever again.
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