Lena Stevens
Dear Friends,
The full moon with a lunar eclipse is Wednesday, November 28 at 7:46 AM MST (Mountain Standard Time). This is a very potent moon and the eclipse is a marker for deep change. Celebrate. Do something higher centered and involving art or music or nature or love. Engage in physical life fully and appreciate every moment. This is a good moon to pray for what you want. There is a window of manifesting something of the heart, something new you never thought you could have.
This moon launches the final stretch of preparation for a new cycle to begin. Between now and the winter solstice on December 21 is a crucial time of letting go, revisiting priorities, separating yourself from what is not in your best interest, and reaching for a higher vibration in all things. Think of this time as the final exams before graduating from whatever group of lessons we agreed to as represented in the current cycle.
The new cycle will be like starting a new school; a lot of unknowns and some degree of excitement, anxiety and uncertainty as well as a commitment to do your best. Meet it with enthusiasm and openness instead of fear. And be as prepared as possible.
ASTROLOGICAL NOTES: Written by Patricia Liles
Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Sun in Sagittarius ~ Moon in Gemini 6º Wed. Nov 28 2012 7:46 AM MST (2:46 PM GMT)
We’re all being challenged. We’re all being supported. We’re all letting go of the old way. We’re all reaching toward the new. All systems reset during the weeks of eclipse energy between the New and the Full Moon alignments of the Sun, Moon, and Earth – our Creator, our Receiver, and our Home making us more malleable and open to the gifts made available to us now. How willing are you to relax your grip on the baggage you’re carrying and lift your open hands to the sky?
Surrender and Receiving could be the big themes of duality-loving Gemini’s Full Moon energy. Gemini/Sagittarius carry strong mental focus. Gemini loves communicating, connecting, informing, and Sagittarius wants expansion of our horizons and beliefs through exposure to foreign influences, religious ideas, and seeking of wisdom. Teaching and learning are emphasized here.
Mercury rules this Moon chart and has been retrograde for weeks drawing us inward and insisting we follow the mental roots deep into our core and draw up those experiences that expose the basis of the way we think. Mercury turning direct on Nov. 26 and moving forward will continue to facilitate those mental level transformations that support our global shift. Look down, is your ticket marked ‘deep intense personal transformation’? I thought so. Well, you’re in the right place at the right time.
Many of the planets are joining up into big patterns to strengthen their message and pressure for growth. Mars has met up with Pluto at 8º Capricorn; Mars says, ‘lets see what adding a little heat, anger, and action will add to moving this planet along into the next level of consciousness.’ Last week held some pretty spicy moments as Mars stripped the lids off more than one smoldering pot. Neptune is forming a T-Square with the Sun/Moon so it can be a little slippery which reality we want to be in.
We can still operate like our ‘old’ selves, but there’s an ever stronger, powerful pull toward what we are becoming. The web of interconnected life is becoming ever more obvious and tangible.
Venus is briefly together with Saturn in Scorpio, so issues of relationship negotiation, finances, and ingrained self-esteem patterns are big areas for lessons to manifest. However, Saturn is involved with something bigger – a Thor’s Hammer configuration that I’m becoming more sensitive to because they are appearing more and more frequently in the recent Moon charts. Considered a stressful, dynamic formation, it wields a tremendous amount of power and clout. It can either throw you completely off balance or put a powerful tool in your hands that you will have to direct with your Full attention.
Pallas Athena, our creative intelligence and connection to our sense of social justice and energetic healing arts, is joining Vesta, our keeper of inner spiritual knowledge. The two of them are creating this ‘hammer’ with Saturn to focus and direct their sublimated sexual energies for transformation and rebirth.
Venus, at the same time, at 8º Scorpio, is forming a Finger of God involving the over-heated, Mars/Pluto combo and the eclipsing Full Moon. A Finger of God or Yod acts like a catalyst and with the Moon in Gemini as focal point we may feel emotionally inspired, quickened and connected or nervous and a little too jittery to enjoy the moment and all the transformative energy available here.
But again, it will emphasize those venusian areas of ‘relationship negotiation, finances, and ingrained self-esteem patterns’. And with a Finger of God, what comes up may or may not be your issue, but you can act as a vehicle for triggering others around you catching their anger ball.
In the background, we still have strong harmonious support from all the water signs joined in a Grand Trine providing us with the emotional receptivity and soothing support we desperately need in these highly transformative times.
When you see so many formations in a chart, with both stressful and supportive overtones, it conveys the feeling that something bigger than the personal is unfolding directed by the order of the universe.
As we rise up to meet this new level of consciousness and evolve our ancestral patterning, we are offered tremendous support for our courage to burst through the secure and familiar and step into the jelly-like energy where so much creativity exists. (Comfortable, no-exhilarating, yes!) With the simultaneous closing of so many megacycles and calendars – Hindu, Hopi, Mayan, etc., this magnificent energy comes through each of us personally while the larger, collective dynamic evolution unmistakably takes place.
Ceres, largest of the asteroids and recently promoted to a dwarf planet, embodies the energy of the Great Mother. Her nourishing, life and death cycle influence has an interesting role in this Full Moon chart as she is the missing link that creates both the Grand Trine of emotional support with the water signs and simultaneously forms a powerful on-going, T-Square (that we will see again in April) with the volatile Mars/Pluto and Uranus square. As these two heavies are the real sources of planetary evolution operating now, and Ceres is activating them in T-Square, let’s ask ourselves, ‘how would Mother Nature direct our planetary evolution?’
Here’s how the Dali Lama replied when asked in a public appearance why he didn’t fight back against the Chinese.
“Well, war is obsolete, you know.” Then he paused and said, “Of course the mind can rationalize fighting back… but the heart, the heart would never understand. Then you would be divided in yourself, the heart and the mind, and the war would be inside you.”
The penumbral eclipse of the Moon is visible in Europe, eastern Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean and most of North America.
12/13 New Moon in Sagittarius 1:41 AM MST and big meteor shower, the Geminids
12/21 Winter Solstice, Sun enters Capricorn 4:11 AM MDT
12/28 Full Moon in Cancer 3:21 AM MST
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