Channelled By Fran Zapeda
November 26, 2012
From now until the next portal opening of 12-12-12, it is crucial that you take heed of your progress and to take heed of what you still need to clear. It is like spring cleaning; throw out everything that you have no need for, even those things you think you do, but on a closer second look, is that something you really need or are able to bring into the higher dimensions and densities? If the fabric is not made of Love, or Compassion, or what would support the good of all, throw it out. Put it in a Light-lined container and lovingly discard it, leaving space for more Love and Light to enter your lives.
You are getting quite adept at this. It just requires you to keep looking deeper and deeper at your life and at your heart to see what is still there that represents fear or competition, or separateness. You know by now that that is all illusion and it isn’t going to be sustained in the higher dimensions. Step on over to your new way of living, in a huge field of Love that has no bounds for Abundance, Love and Compassion for all. Take it in stride and immerse yourselves totally into it, dear ones.
You are making great strides in the transformation of your Light Bodies. The pace is increasing as we speak. Allow yourselves to put that as a priority in your lives. It will require more adjustment in your daily lives and schedules, but it will be well worth it. You are in the “big leagues” now, so to speak – “no-holds- barred”, as they say. The sky is the limit as to how high you can go from this moment forward, so give it your all, give it all your attention, and give it all your Love for yourself and others.
Pay attention to your dreams more than ever; take stock in your visions for New Earth and for your new lives. Flesh them out as much as possible and watch them unfold. That is the Reality, not what you hear and see around you that still corresponds to duality.
Dear beloveds, you are getting so close. You are making great strides. There is no time to be “on the fence”. Choose Abundance, choose Joy, choose Love, choose Compassion; choose looking at life through the lens of possibilities and miracles. Partake in your visions as if they are already happening. Choose that perspective and view from now on.
I don’t have to tell you that this is not easy, but my friends, you have really gotten through the toughest part. Your uniting together over and over in meditations and visualizations has pushed you to the top; continuing on in that vein and manner will solidify you in the higher realms.
You are treading the edge of greatness, and you always had it in you; we have always seen it in you. You have turned the corner in realizing this greatness, this Divine nature that is capable of so many more things than you could imagine. Take heart in your many abilities. Take a moment to congratulate yourselves and then get back on the train that is speeding along to your Ascension, with renewed vigor and determination to surpass all dreams.
You are forever and always in our sights and in our hearts and in our arms of protection, dear ones. We are making the last leg of your travels with you. Take Heart in that.
I Am Sananda, always at your service.
As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
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