Friday, July 26, 2013

AA Michael: Love that which you are. There will be eternities for you to love that which you wish to become.

Channeled by Ron Head On July 25, 2013  


flower of lifeWe bring to your attention today two familiar concepts which you may find much easier to understand and feel the truth of now than ever before.  The first is that you are each and all part of one consciousness, one conscious field.

The second, and the one which we would urge you now to actually feel the truth of, is that you are far larger than the physical body which you have chosen to inhabit.  As a matter of fact, your body is in the field which is you, and not the other way around.

This concept is likely not new to most of you, but with the energizing of your fields, which is ongoing at his time, it is quite likely that, if you close your eyes and place your attention on this possibility, you will be easily able to discern, by your feeling of your own energy, the truth of it.  What you are able to feel at this time will, for most of you, still be only a slight beginning, as we tell you that your energy field stretches into the infinite oneness, but it will be a beginning.

Spend time with this.  Allow your imagination to play with this.  See where it leads you.  See how this second idea leads you right back into the first, that you are each a part of the one consciousness.  And, now that you are there, allow as much of the full meaning of that to enter your minds as you are able to handle at this time.  There will be much more, certainly, but again, it is a start.

In this space you are, you see, not separate from he, not separate from she, and not separate from any of us.  Might we suggest that, from this space, you allow unconditional love to permeate the entire being which you are, which we are?  Drink this into your soul, into your every cell.  Again, spend time with this.  Love that which you are.  There will be eternities for you to love that which you wish to become.  Today love that which you are in gratitude and appreciation.  That which you call Creator does.  Can you do less?

Good day to you, my dearest angels.  Go in peace and love.

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