Other People’s Lessons
Published On July 26, 2013
God said:

Does that seem contrary to the idea that you are your brother’s keeper?
everyone is responsible for everyone else. Your thoughts are heard
around the world. That you are responsible for others does not mean that
you take others on as a project. Not at all.
best thing you can do for others is to take active responsibility for
yourself. You do not accommodate yourself to everyone else. You are not a
chameleon. You do not take on other’s lessons.
you take all the responsibility, you are making others irresponsible.
Others are responsible for themselves. You are not. If you are always
the one conceding responsibility, bending over backwards to another’s
will, how are you serving Me or yourself? You can always give away half a
sandwich, but not your very self. You are not to depreciate your own

someone may have poor manners does not mean that you have to make up
for their failings. Hands off! Your very caring for others can be your
downfall, and it may be the others’ downfall as well. You do not do
anyone a favor by trying harder and harder to please. This is indulgence
and not service. Where is it said that you are to take over for others?
You are not everyone’s mother.
improving yourself is a way to help effect change in others. That
doesn’t mean you are to forget yourself and focus on others. You may
cook the food that you serve to others. Still you are to eat as well. It
is not wonderful of you to negate yourself.

Let Us say that you are cooking for five people.
Please, don’t tell Me that you prepare five different meals to please all whom you serve. If someone is not happy with the meal you have prepared, that is their problem, not yours. If someone does not enjoy the meal you prepare, that is their choice, not yours. You have to count yourself important and not only others.
do not tell you to be a martyr in serving others. I do not ask you to
throw yourself in front of a train and thus prove your goodness. You
don’t have to prove your goodness. The ones I intend this Heavenletter
for definitely have nothing to prove. You exceeded goodness long ago.
of all, beloveds, you have nothing to prove. You don’t have to prove
yourself to Me. In serving others, are you trying to prove yourself to
Me, to others, and to yourself? Don’t do that. Stop now.
others by sacrificing yourself is tantamount to sacrificing Me. You may
be putting others before Me, beguiling yourself into believing in the
supreme goodness of your own Being.
you sacrifice yourself, if you become the horse who carries everyone on
your back, you are putting other gods before Me. Do not always put
others’ needs before your own. That is martyrdom. You are not,
definitely not, to give up your own well-being. How does telling
yourself that you are responsible for others’ moods or selfishness serve
them or Me? It is serving no one. Wake up, beloveds, those of you who
may give others the opportunity to deny you, again and again.

If you continually put others’ needs before your own, you are not valuing yourself.
When you do not value yourself, you are also not giving credit to the other person, nor are you valuing Me.
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