Channelled By Holly Hawkins Marwood 12-24-13
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
“Greetings Dear Ones, We are the High Council of Orion.

Begin to trust that the unseen energies that are in and around you are just as real as anything you perceive as “real”, in your third dimensional world that you can experience with your five senses. Now is the time to really begin living into the Truth of what you’ve been learning and studying, not looking for salvation from without, not looking to be rescued, not looking to be saved by a new political leader, a new way of thinking, a change in the government, or even assistance from the beings in the star realms to come down and wave a magic wand.
Now is the time to begin living into your new reality and that doesn’t happen by being saved by external changes or external sources. This is the time of personal empowerment where you get to stretch your understanding and your knowingness to begin working with energies beyond the physical to see how beautiful and how empowered each one of you are as a Light Being unto yourself.

Begin asking for assistance from your gurus and from your God, not from a place of being victimized, but from a place of understanding it is now time to work with the unseen realms. It is time to throw off the coat of feeling small and insignificant and victimized by your humanity and break through that shell and into the beautiful expression of the Light Being that each and every one of you are where you have the potential to exist and thrive in the third dimension, but also in the realms of the energetic world around you, where you work in collaboration and work beyond what you have known so far.

Feel that empowerment. Feel that joy, excitement and knowing that you are, in fact, a creator God of your life and also of life on the planet at this time. Every Light Being is important now. Waking up to it and contributing is essential at this time. Always holding forth the vision of pure positive potential in every aspect, in every action, every interaction, every experience.
Enjoy the journey and we support you in expanding into your fullest potential.
Be blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion.
© 2013 Copyright Soul Genesis
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